1. #1

    Arms Rotation Question

    Hey warrior community, quick question about the arms rotation. I apologize in advance if the answer to this question is posted somewhere obvious, I am having a hard time finding the answer.

    My question is, is it advantageous to pool rage during all times? I have been told that I should always have around 80 rage. So if this is true, does that mean that if I am say at (for the purpose of this question) 60 rage and both colossus smash and mortal strike are on CD and rend is applied, I should not WW? For obvious reasons, slam is not taken so I would not fill the void with slam.

    I understand that pooling rage is beneficial for execute spam during a colossus smash debuff but before the execute range I am just not clear on if I should be pooling or not. If anyone could clear this up for me (under what circumstances should I be pool rage if ever outside of the execute range) I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance for any clarity that the community can provide.

  2. #2
    Outside of CS and while you don't have any procs up, don't waste your rage. Use Mortal Strike and cooldown and use Whirlwind so you don't cap and waste rage. You want to make sure that during CS you'll fill in every global with MS and Whirlwind or Execute.

    In other case scenario, it doesn't mean that you should strictly use Whirlwind only not to cap or to save rage for CS. Think it like this, in 120 rage you have 6 Whirlwinds. if you pool your rage, you can spend 6 of this Whirlwinds during damage increasing proc such as RPPM trinket or Ring proc. If you don't pool your rage you'll most likely spend all this Whirlwinds without any DMG increasing proc, which would overall result in less damage.

    But again, you also wanna make sure that during CS you'll fill in globals with MS and WW's

  3. #3
    Thank you for the response I greatly appreciate it. So if I understand this correctly, does that mean that if both colossus smash and mortal strike are on CD and I am not under the effects of any procs and I am not within the range of rage capping anytime soon, I pretty much just wait? Unless of course I am about to cap then I would whirlwind but just enough to get back to like 70 rage that way when colossus smash is applied I have a good amount of rage to burn?

  4. #4

    This is the reason why a lot of people consider arms as boring spec, since you won't fill a lot of globals and you'll just do melee swings.

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