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  1. #61
    Yes, exactly as we've been used to since Wrath of the Lich King. Hell, even since Classic WoW where you could just lie about your experience.

  2. #62
    Yep, just saw one wanting AotC from December or no invite.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Indra View Post
    Yep, just saw one wanting AotC from December or no invite.
    Don't really understand why people get so mad :3. Just reduces chances shit will fail. I really wouldn't want to wipe with people that think AotC is a high requirement.

  4. #64
    Groups asking for the AOTC are scum, and will probably be full of people whom bought the ach. Hope they all wipe.

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by nexellent View Post
    true, but just because you were a good player in the past doesnt mean you're still a good player now.
    Being a good player in the past is much more of an indicator that you are one now than AOTC, in my humble opinion.

    I joined WoD late after quitting the game in late Cataclysm after a Heroic Spine kill in the top 100 US, am still gearing up but have 95th percentile parses on a lot of fights, and don't have AOTC or even 6/7 HC. If the Mythic guild that recruited me used the PUG mentality they would have never given me the time of day, and written me off as a scrub.

  6. #66
    AotC H-Imp is reasonable for N-BRF & mandatory for H-BRF.

  7. #67
    I saw people asking for PG Gold for brf normal.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimmox View Post
    I'm thankful that there's plenty of normal groups that don't require AOTC but so far I've seen most heroic groups do require it and very high item level which is disappointing. Oh well. Anyone else see bigots in their LFG tool?
    LOL. Not wanting shitters in THEIR OWN GROUPS means they're bigots. Holy shit you have your head up your ass.

  9. #69
    Yep...skipping 3 weeks of Highmaul has already basically pushed me out of contention for every BRF pug I've seen over the past 2 evenings. Sub expires soon anyhow, oh well.

  10. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by Ichifails View Post
    Don't really understand why people get so mad :3. Just reduces chances shit will fail. I really wouldn't want to wipe with people that think AotC is a high requirement.
    i don't think its a high requirement, but i also think that it does not say much about someone about how he play's. Even in pug with AOTC requirement you find alot of ppl that don't have a clue about what to do, unless they get spoonfed everything and probably got boosted to the achie. Now i'm not the best player in the world (far from), but after almost 10 years of raid experience, first 3 expansions reasonably hardcore (server top 3 mostly), the later ones a bit more casual with friends only 2-3 raid nights a week i can definately tell that in quite some spots achievements say nothing about the ability of a player to deal with mechanics. Just because you don't know if someone has the achie through a "legit" kill, or trough a boost / paid carry.

    For my main this is no problem, has Curve, has a few mythic kills, nothing to serious but if i want to pug i will get in, then i have my alt char, atm 669 ilvl, but since we only did a normal alt/casual everyone can come no restrictions run one night a week in Highmaul with the guild (except for the last one before BRF where we did 6/7 heroic), on that alt i had to pug the heroics, and he has no curve (have to say, i didn't really try for it also on the alt that hard, and most pugs stop at 6/7). Now i know this alt is good enough for BRF, but since i can't actually link curve from it, its a hell to get into almost any pug for BRF due to ppl restricting alot of players that have the capability and the gear to do content, but just don't invite because you don't have a achie, where i know that some ppl get into those pugs while they got their achi by being told to stand / die in a corner after paying x amount of gold. I wonder which kind of player would cause more wipes and actually increase chances to fail....
    Last edited by chronia; 2015-02-05 at 09:23 AM.

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