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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Decoy View Post
    Wouldn't call 10% damage reduction with 33% max uptime "pretty weak personal". Glyphed Fade was really strong progression glyph choice this tier.
    Statement's a bit questionable imo. Yeah you can have a 33% uptime, but how does that translate into practice? You'll want it off cooldown for heavy hitting abilities, meaning you're already getting a much lower uptime than 33%. And sure, some bosses (Kromog, Flamebender) have these timed so you can go through the entirety of those abilities in one Fade, others like Gruul and Beaslord have a time gap between them, so you'll likely only end up Fading 1/3 or 2/5, or something of the sorts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootybear View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Valancer View Post
    I play as a holy priest and when I ran hfc lfr I noticed after the first boss my heal spell wasn't casting. So I looked at it and it shows that it has a 34.4 min cast time
    Do you have the class trinket? If so, the cast time is correct. /s

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by djriff View Post
    I wouldn't consider GS a personal, and the 10% from the fade glyph is a pretty weak personal.
    PW:S is a given, yet not really a personal. Fade would apply here I guess.
    I wouldn't consider Life Cocoon a personal either, but I did mention dampen harm/diffuse magic and fortifying brew, just not by name.
    In maidens AMS would work fine, I only tank on my DK so I wasn't sure if they still had IBF or not.
    As for warlocks, yeah its expected, but not baseline.
    They are all personals because they are cooldowns that can be used on oneself. Just because they can be used on others doesn't suddenly exclude them from being personal cooldowns.

    Non-baseline talented personals are still personals. Just because they have to be talented doesn't suddenly disqualify them from being personals either.

    So I elaborate on my previous statement - all classes have proper accessible personal cooldowns.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thirteen View Post
    Statement's a bit questionable imo. Yeah you can have a 33% uptime, but how does that translate into practice? You'll want it off cooldown for heavy hitting abilities, meaning you're already getting a much lower uptime than 33%. And sure, some bosses (Kromog, Flamebender) have these timed so you can go through the entirety of those abilities in one Fade, others like Gruul and Beaslord have a time gap between them, so you'll likely only end up Fading 1/3 or 2/5, or something of the sorts.
    It's only questionable if you are harping on the letter rather than the spirit of the statement. Of which the latter is simply "a fairly long duration with a rather short CD".

    Obviously nobody would blindly pop personals/externals on CD without some reason.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

    Prediction for the future

  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by PosPosPos View Post
    They are all personals because they are cooldowns that can be used on oneself. Just because they can be used on others doesn't suddenly exclude them from being personal cooldowns.

    Non-baseline talented personals are still personals. Just because they have to be talented doesn't suddenly disqualify them from being personals either.

    So I elaborate on my previous statement - all classes have proper accessible personal cooldowns.
    I agree with you, I was just looking at personals in terms of you can only cast it on yourself, and no else. So stuff like Sham Rage, IBF, AMS, Dampen Harm etc.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by djriff View Post
    I agree with you, I was just looking at personals in terms of you can only cast it on yourself, and no else. So stuff like Sham Rage, IBF, AMS, Dampen Harm etc.
    I think a lot of people are very...reserved about using cooldowns that can target other allies. If the fight demands that these externals be saved for other allies(usually tanks/soakers), then so be it, but otherwise there's really nothing stopping you or anyone from popping cds like Guardian Spirit, Iron Bark and Pain Suppression on yourselves, i.e. don't look in black and white terms.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

    Prediction for the future

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by PosPosPos View Post
    I think a lot of people are very...reserved about using cooldowns that can target other allies. If the fight demands that these externals be saved for other allies(usually tanks/soakers), then so be it, but otherwise there's really nothing stopping you or anyone from popping cds like Guardian Spirit, Iron Bark and Pain Suppression on yourselves, i.e. don't look in black and white terms.
    I'll admit i'm one of those people usually. There was a couple bosses where i didn't have to use pain sup at all so i just started tossing it on fire standers.

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by djriff View Post
    I'll admit i'm one of those people usually. There was a couple bosses where i didn't have to use pain sup at all so i just started tossing it on fire standers.
    I don't necessarily pop it on myself either, in fact most of the time I pop it on the tanks. I just simply do not forget that, if the situation calls for it, I can simply PS myself.

    In this particular context of Iron Maidens, if I get targeted by CS and I miss the timing for CoW, I just PS myself. Then again, we run 3 paladins for that fight so tank externals are not in shortage.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

    Prediction for the future

  7. #167
    I hate dem times when you keep saving PS every fight cause u wait for the tank to call it but he doesn´t....then finally decide to just pop it on yourself or a dps and he asks for it...

    There fault i guess xD

  8. #168
    Going to start progression on Blast Furnace mythic and learned today I'll be MCing the security guards in p2, anyone has pointers on that and/or macros they use to simplify that? I did the engineers in p1 in heroic until we realized it was a waste of time, but I am just starting to dig for info on security guards.
    Karuzo | Drainlife, US-Arthas
    Mistweaver Monk - armory - twitter - - twitch

  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by Spotnick View Post
    Going to start progression on Blast Furnace mythic and learned today I'll be MCing the security guards in p2, anyone has pointers on that and/or macros they use to simplify that? I did the engineers in p1 in heroic until we realized it was a waste of time, but I am just starting to dig for info on security guards.
    It doesn't really need a macro. Click on the security guard and cast Dominate Mind. You "could" create a mouse over of it if you really wanted to.

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Spotnick View Post
    Going to start progression on Blast Furnace mythic and learned today I'll be MCing the security guards in p2, anyone has pointers on that and/or macros they use to simplify that? I did the engineers in p1 in heroic until we realized it was a waste of time, but I am just starting to dig for info on security guards.
    Did it entirely manual myself. No need for macros here. What we did was, our tank marked the Guard I should use for Mind Controlling and called out the best moment to do so (usually right after they cast a shield). Also, when you use that Fixate X/Skull Weakaura, it better be your part to mark the Slag Elementals right after you "set them free".
    What I did though was using Dispel Magic on the Elementalists via a focus macro. Assigning that job to a healer saves your DPS a GCD in burst phases.

  11. #171
    Added some suggested talents for holy in the first post. If anyone disagrees, feel free to post. Will add the disc ones from djriff's videos since I don't know any better, anyone's welcome to weigh in on those too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootybear View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Valancer View Post
    I play as a holy priest and when I ran hfc lfr I noticed after the first boss my heal spell wasn't casting. So I looked at it and it shows that it has a 34.4 min cast time
    Do you have the class trinket? If so, the cast time is correct. /s

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by djriff View Post
    It doesn't really need a macro. Click on the security guard and cast Dominate Mind. You "could" create a mouse over of it if you really wanted to.
    Nah it was indeed pretty straightforward.

    There are only 2 buttons anyways, taunt and remove shield, I just did key bindings to set marks on the elemental so people could focus it.

    Blast Furnace seems pretty interesting from a disc point of view, I'm worrying about having mana issues in p3, but we'll see when we get there.

    I was not expecting to never be targeted by bombs or rapture in phase 1. I don't remember reading about that anywhere, figured it would be interesting to have that bit of information in the OP. Are we still targeted by melt in phase 3?
    Karuzo | Drainlife, US-Arthas
    Mistweaver Monk - armory - twitter - - twitch

  13. #173
    Progressing on Blast Furnace with no H pali is so aids; I have to go CoW because the tanks are getting destroyed. And yeah I also realized that priests can't be targeted by rupture or bombs, it's pretty sweet.

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by Haywire5714 View Post
    Progressing on Blast Furnace with no H pali is so aids; I have to go CoW because the tanks are getting destroyed. And yeah I also realized that priests can't be targeted by rupture or bombs, it's pretty sweet.
    That sounds terrible, I would just want to die. You can be targeted by Volatile Fire, however, so make sure that whoever is doing the guard MCing in P2 keeps that in mind as well as everyone else so they don't blow them up when they are unable to move.

  15. #175
    Thought I'd pop in some stuff for Holy priest, despite being on a break, as a way to satiate my WoW cravings. Please add them to your post if you feel they're appropriate.


    Desperate Prayer - Useful for if you take a weapon accidentally to the face, or have blazing radiance during firestorm, especially on mythic.
    Angelic Feather - It's just useful for getting in with Molten Torrent and out, and general mobility. Just do it.
    Mindbender/Solace - This really depends on your playstyle. Personally I like to play with serendipity and the 4 set, so I go mindbender, though I know some priests do use solace still for whatever reason that is.
    Psychic Scream - Because the others have no use here and sometimes when it's a frustrating wipe when people fail, it's good to let it all out.
    T75 - All three of these talents are viable on this fight, depending on your healer setup and difficulty level. I prefer Power Infusion before 4 set, and Divine Insight with 4 set. As for Twist of Fate - if people are dropping low during molten torrent in melee, which means either your disc is bad, or you don't have one. Either way, you can get some nice mileage out of this from the frequency of molten torrent.
    T90 - Let's face it - they don't do that much these days. I prefer cascade for this to reach out of range targets.

    - I would say the key is knowing when to burn mana, and when to throttle. I also recommend staying in Yellow Chakra (Serenity) the entire fight, or at least most of it. The only time Blue feels superior is when things are going to hell and you're spamming for your life. For most of the fight before Molten Corgis (Sorry, wolves), or Molten Torrents, there isn't much damage, and you should be refreshing renew with heal and using PoM on CD just spot healing and conserving mana. You want to burn your mana on wolves and firestorm. The other damage should be somewhat mana neutral if you manage properly.
    - When Molten Torrents begin, you want to basically keep renew on the Melee and Tanks and refresh it with Binding Heal (without 4 set/DIcombo) or with Heal and HW:S. Either way, this will not go to too much waste. Notice when people get Molten Torrent and try to pre-renew them, while precasting PoH on the Melee group if you have the serendipity. Precasted PoH + CoH and Prerolled renews on molten torrent impact is a pretty potent recovery. If for whatever reason you're using Clarity of Purpose - you can use HW:S On one of the melee just before, to get increased AoE Critical strike chance for the Clarity of Purpose (that you're precasting... please... precast it).
    - Blazing Radiance is dangerous if people don't have personals, especially if they get it during firestorm. Do not hesitate for a second to use Guardian Spirit on someone with the debuff if they have to stay out during the storm. Try to keep renew on them, and use your serendipity stacks on heal to keep them up and renew refreshed.
    - Firestorm is the only time I'd recommend going blue (and that's only if you're not using divine hymn that firestorm) - Spam Renew, CoH on CD, PoM on CD, PoH on 2 stacks, profit.
    - Using a channelled mana potion is very possible on this fight if you use it just after people are topped off after the 1st or 2nd firestorm.
    - You might want to keep renew on yourself and refresh with binding because with stuff you're looking out for, let's face it, you're going to take a hit to the face with a weapon or two here and there.

    Cliffnotes Version for Holy:
    Yellow chakra. Refresh renew on tanks, spot heal. Keep renew up for molten torrent targets: precast PoH and then CoH. Hymn during one of the firestorms, and the other go blue AoE spam.

  16. #176
    Added Mythic Blast Furnace and Blackhand healing strats to my post. We got Mythic Furnace down last night, so woo to inc bhand wipes. Also I'm MS shadow now so I most likely won't be healing for HFC, but i'll do my best to create a similar topic for disc/holy priests out there.

  17. #177
    I've lately seen some Disc #1-10 parses, esp. Blast Furnace and Blackhand, using hard-cast PoM.

    The initiator of going through logs was this specific Furnace prase:
    He is significantly ahead of every parse following with a few differences:
    - casting about x1.5 as much PoH (mostly 2x after AA activation)
    - Using hard-cast PoM throughout the fight with an average of .5*availability (

    - thus restulting (with use of solace) in a way lesser usage of PW:S
    - usage of mastery enchant + crit trinket.

    Point 1 is nothing big to discuss about, since it's clear that the theoretical HPET of PoH outweights PW:S, if your mana allows it + no overheal.
    Point 3 is just the result of PW:S as "filler spell". Less usage due to Solace/PoH/PoM
    Point 3 is just as point 1.

    But I found it quite interesting, that a parse so significantly ahead of even the second Disc parse, maintaining an average of >90k HPS over >10 minutes, leaving out at least two sources of mana gain, is using hard cast PoM.

    So the question is, should we consider bringing PoM back into the game (even though its rather low theoretical output), or was this parse just luck and could it have done even better, leaving out the PoM casts.

    You might as well wanna have a look at the #1 Parse for Blackhand.

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Sixthumbs View Post
    I've lately seen some Disc #1-10 parses, esp. Blast Furnace and Blackhand, using hard-cast PoM.

    So the question is, should we consider bringing PoM back into the game (even though its rather low theoretical output), or was this parse just luck and could it have done even better, leaving out the PoM casts.
    PoM should be cast just before activating AA if you know it can be fully consumed. There's really no reason not to seeing as you gain an extra GCD with AA active. That being said, parses on Blast Furnace and Blackhand are subject to how much damage your raid takes. More raid damage = more opportunities to fully benefit from the 4-piece and from defensive Penance, which is quite a huge boost to your overall healing.

    Also, Blackhand parses are very variable, depending on the strategy your raid uses. As Disc, you will never really parse well if your guild requires you to take CoW for P2 or if they have a P2 strat that significantly reduces the damage taken from Explosive Round. For instance, the top Disc parse for Blackhand has their raid take 27mil damage from Explosive Round compared to my raid's 8.3mil. It's really just not possible to get good rankings under those conditions no matter how well you play.
    Last edited by ceddya; 2015-05-22 at 12:42 PM.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by ceddya View Post
    PoM should be cast just before activating AA if you know it can be fully consumed. There's really no reason not to seeing as you gain an extra GCD with AA active.
    I don't quite understand, does PoM benefit from the archangel buff if you cast it before activating archangel?

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Haywire5714 View Post
    I don't quite understand, does PoM benefit from the archangel buff if you cast it before activating archangel?
    Yup, it does. So you essentially gain a 'free' GCD in AA by doing that. The same can be done for Cascade too.

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