Thread: [Healing] Gruul

  1. #1

    [Healing] Gruul

    I found Disc to be preferable, to buffer the big incoming hits from Inferno Slice.

    This fight is basically Butcher 2.0 for Disc Priests. Just blanket the absorb group with PW:S.

    I was going OOM too quickly from spamming bubble. So I guess just watch that and don't spam more than the mana pool can support?

    Level 100 talent: WoM all the way, no time to stop and cast CoW.

  2. #2
    I agree disc is much better. I killed him with cow talent and only casted it twice. So yes Wom is the way to go. I went oom at about 5% without using a channeling potion.

  3. #3
    Check out this forum. We're consolidating everyone's experiences and strats for BRF here.

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