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    [H - Thrall] <Who Pulled That> 7/7H 8/10 BRF LFM for Heroic and Mythic

    We are looking for more progression raiders to fill some empty spots.
    For more information or questions, please contact Mooner (imooneri#1707), Gohgrim (mitooshin#1259) or any other officer in game!

    Raids: Tuesday and Thursday
    9:30 ~ 12:30 CT

    Our current raiding needs: (As of 2/24/2015)

    Balance Druid - High
    Shadow Priest - Low
    DPS Shaman - Low
    DPS Warlock - Low
    DPS Warrior - Low
    Rogue - Low
    Mage - Low
    DPS Death Knight - Low
    Feral Druid - Medium
    Hunter - Low
    Windwalker Monk - Low

    Disc / Holy Priest - Low
    Resto Shaman - Low
    Resto Druid - High
    Mistweaver Monk - Medium
    Holy Paladin - Low

    Exceptional players of any class are always welcome!

    Warlords of Draenor
    2/10 Blackrock Foundry (H)
    8/10 Blackrock Foundry (N)
    7/7 Highmaul (H)
    7/7 Highmaul (N)

    What we are:
    -We are not a 7-day-a-week, 5-hour-a-day raiding guild. We are also not a "casual leveling" guild. Our raiding style can be best described as "efficient". We certainly don't consider our raid atmosphere to be "hostile", and have what we consider to be a lot of fun. I'd describe the kind of fun we have, but things can sound weird and out of context; however, if you like steak, cheese & zombies, we might be for you.

    For those that would like to raid with us, these are our basic expectations from you:
    -Know how to play your class/role and to know appropriate gear/enchant/gem choices (or at least ask and listen to those who do).
    -Read up on boss strategies, both what we publish and what others have published.
    -Be able to pass the "idiot checks" that Blizzard throws your way. Raiders should be able to not stand in the bad fire, and be able to click on the target or use the ability that prevents the raid from wiping.
    -Get along with the rest of the guild. It doesn't matter if you are the best player on the planet, if the officers and rest of the guild can't stand to group with you then you're not going to be a good fit with us.
    Last edited by imooneri; 2015-02-25 at 01:39 AM.

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