1. #1

    Stats on crafted gear

    Can anyone point me to a blue post or a comprehensive explanation of the secondary stats on crafted gear? I'm looking for how the secondary stats are generated and what all of the possibilities are for a single piece of gear. As an example, I craft Truesteel Breastplate of the Fireflash, it comes with 99 Crit and 136 Haste, are those numbers going to be exactly the same every time Breastplate of the Fireflash is crafted by any blacksmith or are those numbers going to change?


  2. #2
    They can change, but you'll get about the same amount of total secondary stats with each craft/reroll. So there's no perfect +160 to both secondaries. If you really prefer one stat over another it could be worth rerolling to get your two desired stats, and favoring your best stat.

  3. #3
    There is no confirmation post from Blizzard.

    there are 2 randoms on crafted gear. Firstly getting your Of the XXX and then the stat roll itself.
    From wowhead - truesteel breastplate of the fireflash
    +93-139 Crit 
    +93-139 Haste
    So you should get a max total secondary stats of ~232 (I've seen this +/- a few points, probably decimal rounding) from the Stage 1 chest.
    You can reroll the same suffix and just get different ratios.
    When you upgrade though, it keeps the ratios and you just get a boost to the secondaries.
    Rerolls become a lot cheaper come the patch so wait for that if you want to get something else.

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