One item caught my attention on those item lists on alpha, and this is:

Compendium of Ancient Weapons
The effect of this is pretty simple - it buffs the artifact power grind rate. You'll get more of it from all sources.

There are exactly eleven volumes of this obtainable which points out into this being actual alt character catchup item. Your main character will have 0 volumes active, your first alt 1 volume active.... and your 12th alt will have 11 volumes active. Each subsequent char will have higher rate of artifact points acquisition.

That would be nice if it indeed worked this way.

There's still spec catchup tho. As much as I like alt catchup, I don't reroll classes very often mid-expansion. But I do like playing multispec of the same role, and artifact weapon system is a big hurdle in doing so. Currently I can play MS Affli / OS Destro warlock, respeccing according to boss encounter (Affli is shit on fights with lots of adds for example), my 736 Edict of Argus works just as well on both specs, I don't need to grind any additional currency in order to be able to play it on same level. The only thing that's suboptimal is my enchants because I'm gemmed and enchanted towards Affli.