1. #1

    [Resto] Trinket dilemma, which should I use

    So, I got three trinkets but I'm not sure which one to use right now.

    Ironspike Chew Toy Heroic
    Elementalist's Shielding Talisman Heroic
    Mark of Rapid Replication Mythic

    I would guess the the choice is between Ironspike Chew Toy and Mark of Rapid Replication, but I don't know which is the best to go for.

  2. #2
    I'd say Chew Toy, just because generally intellect>haste (also best proc name in the whole game )

  3. #3
    Chew Toy + Candle if you can buy one; if not Chew Toy + I guess Mark.

  4. #4
    I know that Candle is the best throughput option, but the worst regen option if you have one. If you find yourself with left over mana at the end of fights, work towards getting a candle to use with Chew Toy. If you find that you need the regen of 2 spirit trinkets, I'd use Chew Toy and Mark. I'm currently running with Emblem and the trinket from Blackhand, 2 spirit trinkets, because through most Mythic progression I find myself scraping the bottom by the end of fights even running with 2 spirit trinkets so I'm not comfortable dropping one for Candle. It's completely up to your play style.

  5. #5
    If I had any luck with drops I'd do the same as Brilynn: Chew Toy + switch Candle/Regen Trinket. Right now I'm stuck with Candle + Emblem which is not all that bad tbh. Would prefer Chew Toy or MoRR though, but rng is rng ;>

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