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    [H] <Purge> Stormreaver (6/7M) (7/10M) 2 Night Friday/Saturday LF Mage/Rogue/Boomkin

    Current Progression
    6/7M Highmaul
    7/10M BRF
    10/10H BRF

    Tier 16 14/14H 25m US 201
    Tier 16 14/14H 10m US 107
    Tier 15 13/13H 10m US 266


    High in demand:
    DPS: Mage/Elemental Shaman
    Healers: Resto Shaman

    Purge is always looking to expanding our roster with strong, motivated, and experienced raiders. High performing trials will earn a core spot. We are a competitive bunch and trials should be expected to keep up on meters and execute fight mechanics without issue.

    Even if your class is not listed for recruitment, we encourage you to apply if you think you have what it takes to raid with us. All apps will be reviewed and scrutinized.

    Purge officially formed in T15, but our raiders have been playing with each other for years. We like to enjoy ourselves when we raid, but the main focus is on progression within a comparatively short window. The majority of our players are experienced raiders that also play with other top end guilds. Our raid schedule is much leaner than other progression guilds, so we expect all of our raiders to perform at their best at all times.

    If you are unable or unwilling to take criticism for a mistake, this is not the guild for you. While no one plays perfectly 100% of the time, mispulls, stupid deaths, and poor overall performance will be called out and you will be expected to improve. If you are easily offended, or are unable or unwilling to take criticism for a mistake, this is not the guild for you.

    Friday 8:30 PM - 1:00 AM CST
    Saturday 8:30 PM - 1:00 AM CST

    CONTACT for further details

    - - - Updated - - -

    Updated Mage/Boomkin/Rogue

  2. #2
    We need more apps! We have no rogues...none, zero. Help us remedy that!

  3. #3
    Up top cuz more friends ya...

  4. #4
    Rogues, Windwalkers, Mages, Chickens!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Every time I type the word "chickens" I get hungry. I'm coming for you, Fruit.

  7. #7
    Still looking for more apps

  8. #8
    Hey guys. 690 mage that is losing my Tuesday night availability which is causing me to look into other options. You guys are ahead of my current progression but I figure it's worth a shot . I'll link logs below. I'm not the best but I do well, learn fights quickly, and don't die to stupid things or hold other people back. I think anything below 80% ranking is a bad pull for me (unless it's Hans and Frans /cry). I also am the RL and officer, which spreads my focus farther, but I don't think it hinders me in anyway. There are many people who can vouch for my dedication/skill/attendance etc. In addition to that, I am always looking at reddit, altered-time, and/or other sites to improve my or my raids performance. I own up to mistakes I make and welcome any sort of advice. Sorry I'm rambling.

    It's not letting me post a link to logs (new mmo account) so here is the directory after the domain name (warcraftlogs) : /rankings/character/3588270/7/#

    Drew#1699 if you have any questions or anything. Going to bed now and work Mon-Fri until 7 CST so won't be on WoW until then but can check this page at work. Thanks for even reading and regarding this post. No hard feelings if I am too far behind you guys. Either way I wish you guys the best.

    P.S I can probably bring Letho (the rogue in the logs) with me. I don't know his schedule but we have been e-friends for a while now and he is a very solid and reliable raider.

  9. #9
    I know this is the standard answer, but best thing to do is throw up an app highlighting experience/logs!!

    Still looking for mages/rogues/WW/shaman/chickens!

  10. #10
    Didn't see the website until you said that. Might not be able to apply until I get home from work but will take care of it around 5-5:30 PST. Thanks and look foward to chatting with you guys!

  11. #11
    It's Loot Friday! So much better than Loot Tuesdays!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Join us! We need things that go pew pew and things that stab and things that pull all the trash mobs with unnecessary starfalls!

  12. #12
    Application posted. Sorry for the delay

  13. #13

  14. #14
    bumpy cumpy

  15. #15
    Boomkins please.

  16. #16
    Still need more!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chickens wanted. Tasty, tasty chickens.

  17. #17
    chicken. yes pls

  18. #18

  19. #19
    I'm partial to rotisserie myself.

    Fruit if you'd like to swing by my garrison later, I'd love for you my bonfire...yes.

  20. #20
    Hehe Prosey you're so silly :P

    - - - Updated - - -

    All I want is another boomkin that out can out dps me.

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