1. #1

    Please help my raid's Balance druid - PLEASE!

    I honestly don't know what to say to her. I don't know Balance druid at all. But she needs some serious help. (Note: some gear has spirit on it, she just transitioned from healer, that's some DPS loss but not a 7% parse)

    Wednesday normal logs + 2 heroic kills: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/QLqnGTDZJP2CHX7d
    Tonight's heroic logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/bQd76ctv1HTgG24J
    Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...light/advanced

  2. #2
    as I mentioned in your other thread teach her the proper opener
    -4sec inc
    -2.7 sec prepot + precast wrath
    -1 sec CA starsurge
    0 sec moonfire
    1 sec starfire starfire starsurge starfire starfire starsurge.
    until 1 sec ish left where you'd want to moonfire.

    she has a lot of spirit gear and especially trinkets.

  3. #3
    When looking at her Flamebender log, it seems she has no visuals for proccs and/or cooldowns whatsoever. Also she needs to have her eclipse bar present at any time, because to me it seems, that she casts way to many starfires and way to few wraths. So apart from the non existing opening rotation (you should burst in the 150k region for the first 10 secs) she needs:

    - have her starsurge proccs visible
    - have her lunar/solar empowerement buffs visible (the proccs you get from starsurge) and cast accordingly
    - dont overcapp starsurge stacks
    - cast according to your solar/lunar alignement (casting a 2.5 sec starfire in solar phase is like the worst thing possible)
    - keep both dots up.always.ever.
    - track the 3 mins CDs and use them on CD (if no multidot scenario comes up in llike 10 secs or so)

    btw: your whole raid dps seems awfully low ?

  4. #4
    moonfire and sunfire casts are absurdly high. 23 and 26 with only 15 peaks. which should be around 15-20 casts at most.
    while monnfire should be cast every other cycle, she could start off by casting it every eclipse but not more often. She's missing 1 starsurge casts but yet only 15 empowerments, on phone atm so can't really tell the cause of this, but expecting that she casts starsurges with overlaps.
    To top it off there is a starfall cast in the middle of this while this was probably some flawed logic to bypass what I mentioned with empowerments.

    Would expect quite a few mistakes of casting starfire in solar and wrath in lunar.
    while SotF is inferior it should be better considering she doesn't have a proper opener. and will have a bad one until she gets trinkets.
    Last edited by theburned; 2015-04-27 at 09:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by aridion View Post
    btw: your whole raid dps seems awfully low ?
    Will reply to rest after work but for this - we have almost 0 set bonuses. Our ilvl is artificially high due to boe and cache and crafted items so our parses will always seem low until that's fixed. Also, don't have people purposely padding just to pad. (Not saying it's purely because of that, but it's something that I'm happy our raiders don't do).

  6. #6
    Ah that explains some of the low dmg...as I was mentioning I was looking at the Flamebender log (as it is a single target fight without major movement...apart from the 10sec dog phases), so it is a good indicator of how good one plays his/her rotation. That being said, there is no real way to pad the dps in that fight anyway.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by aridion View Post
    Ah that explains some of the low dmg...as I was mentioning I was looking at the Flamebender log (as it is a single target fight without major movement...apart from the 10sec dog phases), so it is a good indicator of how good one plays his/her rotation. That being said, there is no real way to pad the dps in that fight anyway.
    hmm was using gruul for this reason too, it's mostly equal to butcher, and feels less movement than flamebender imo especially on normal and hc.


    using wrong spells in wrong eclipses seem to be to the extreme, this cut out shows 45 seconds (2 cycles) where she does not cast starfire once.

    and lots of 20 second cut outs where you can just check that she isn't casting a single starfire, including some moments where she is just plain afk, between 30 and 45 seconds 14 of these seconds being during BL.

    She's actually using a prepot.

    And looking at her logs, it seems like she is trying, so as for approach, I would go with being supportive.

    TMW/weak auras, and some help to get used to it would be very good though, also does she have big wigs (dbm)?

    Personally my performance when raiding without TMW/WA, dbm and skada is quite a lot worse. Simply because the 2 TMW and dbm reminds me of so much, while skada is like a log, just a lot less detailed.
    Last edited by theburned; 2015-04-27 at 01:42 PM.

  8. #8
    I would say that as a NEW (OBSERVE) boomkin, you are required to have a proper UI setup, atleast visuals that tracks what you need to, such as eclipse/empowerments/dots/trinkets/general buffs (BL etc). Otherwise the rotation itself is very straight forward and quite hard to mess up.

    Opener is "OK" as someone wrote above.
    After that it's just take a quick look at your eclipse and cast either Starfire (lunar) or Wrath (solar).

    You apply Sunfire every ecplise (not neccesarily the instant you hit peak) and Moonfire every second ecplise (due to Moonfire's duration is much longer then Sunfire).

    Starfall > Starsurge if you are in Lunar and you can hit 2 mobs.
    Starfall > Starsurge if you in any ecplise if you have 3 or more targets.

    Otherwise you cast Starsurge as early in a ecplise as you can if you either have 3 charges and/or 1-2 targets.

    This is a very very very rough idea to a new boomkin without reading to much into it. New trinkets and setbonuses will do a GREAT deal aswell.

    I'd recommend Cyous WA strings for her, it's very easy to see and to use. Just install WA and Import the string and it's done. See http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...ppee-amp-Cyous.
    Last edited by Keeft; 2015-04-27 at 05:12 PM.

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