Hi everybody, finally got finished with the last wing of Blackrock Mountain today. I have to say it wasn't as hard as the previous wing, but still proved very challenging. So here we go...

SPOILERS: *Heroic Boss Strategies Below*


This boss didn't give me any real trouble. You can abuse the minions he summons via his hero power to help you; specifically the one that gives you +2 spell power and the one that makes spells cost (3) less.

I used a typical face HUNTER for this fight. Make sure the minion that grants +2 spell power is on the board and Explosive Trap becomes a beast. Kill anything really threatening, which isn't an issue when spells cost practically nothing and are more potent and then go face.

Easy as pie!!


This boss proved to be the most difficult for me to beat, and was the last boss I defeated. I finally gave in and tried net-decking for this boss; I saw mostly Warlock decks using Molten Giants, but that deck didn't work for me whatsoever.

Instead I made a PRIEST deck and maybe I got lucky, but I managed to beat him on my first try with it. This guy's hero power can make the board overwhelming really quickly: namely cards like Implosion and his deck-only Summon-Abberations I think it's called. Summon-Abberations is especially brutal if he plays it on turn-2, and he will....frequently, which gives him 3x 3/3s with charge, if this happens to you I suggest that you concede and try again because there isn't any coming back from that. So suffice it to say, you will need some RNG on your side for this fight.

Mass Dispel and the 4 minions with the silence battlecries will help deal with any minions you can't kill.
Kezan Mystics are superb for stealing his secrets (Duplicates and Counterspells)
-I counterspelled his Implosion, really saved me!!
Mind-Control techs will come in handy because he will have a lot of minions
Black-Knight for his 7/5 Sludge Belchers
Sludge Belchers
Faceless Manipulator for either his belchers or yours, they proved extremely usefull
Annoy-o-tron and Zombie Chow to deal with his early game...
...along with Velen's Chosen
Most importantly, Nerubian Eggs: his hero power will automatically trigger them, so definitly use them

I literally had to invent new swear words while fighting this guy until I made this deck...good luck with him!!


The main issue with dealing with this guy is his hero power that gives him a weapon that goes up in attack (+1) for every card you play.

I used a PALADIN deck.

Acidic Swamp ooze to destroy his weapon when it gets too big
Harrison Jones for the same reason as above, I didn't have 1 so it's doable without
Aldor Peacekeepers and Humilities to shut down his bigger minions

I stacked my deck with Taunt creatures (ones with divine shield if you got em) and spells that give taunt creatures Divine Shield. The strategy here is that he will pretty much do most of the damage to himself, running into your taunts. Coghammer is great, I only had 1 but it did the job just fine.


The final boss of Blackrock Mountain was pretty tough, his hero power is very potent (summon 2x 4/2 for 2 mana) and the fight has 3 phases.

1) He has 30hp and 30 armor, once you go through his armor phase 2 starts.
2) He summons undead Onyxia as the new hero for you to fight (30hp), while he flies in the air and his new hero power will do between 1-3 direct damage to your face.
3)Defeat Onyxia and it's basically phase 1 again, just finish him off. Oh yeah, he also wipes your board before taking Onyxia's place

Phase 1 is the most crucial and the most difficult. His hero power can quickly swarm the board with 4/2 minions and your health won't last very long.
I made another PALADIN deck.

In order to deal with his hero power and gain board control I used:
Explosive Sheep x2
Harvest Golem x2, is great because you get 2 turns to kill his hero power minions
Zombie Chow x2
Shielded Minibot x2
Consecration x2

and most importantly


Of all the strategies that I've seen, not 1 person used them and they are perfect for this fight!!!

To control his other large minions I used Aldor Peacekeepers and Humilities.

The basic strategy I used was to try and maintain board control as best I could while getting rid of his armor...Board control is your primary concern though. Once Onyxia takes his place he won't summon anymore 4/2s, so it isn't that difficult. Onyxia has a weapon so hopefully you saved a Acidic Swamp ooze or Harrison Jones to deal with it, if you did she's a cakewalk.

Remember: Once Onyxia is dead NEFARIAN WILL WIPE YOUR BOARD. I simply made sure I had a bunch of Deathrattle minions that summon other minions when they die, you know the ones (I don't feel like typing them out), or you can Kel'thuzad and get all your dead minions back.

Once Nefarian is back on the scene and hopefully you have a decent amount of minions, you should be able to kill him in a few turns while protecting yourself from his 4/2s.

So that's it for Blackrock Mountain!!!

I'd have to say that while it was a cool adventure, Kel'thuzad's hilarious comments made Naxxramas the superior adventure!!!

I'd love to hear your strategies for beating these bosses and any comments about Blackrock Mountain as a whole!!!