Thread: @mythic raiders

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  1. #21
    Well we are done with progression yet. Currently 7/10 but looking to kill maidens soon.

    In the meanwhile I'm gonna lvl a monk.

    Outside of that, not play wow and go do irl stuff =)

  2. #22
    Gearing up 5 Chars for Progression and testing PTR

  3. #23
    -Wipe on attendance and recruitment bosses

    -Learn to play as both dps and shadow priest (on darmac mythic - deep end)

    -Farm mats'n gold

    -Legacy raiding for mounts'n gold

    -Troll LFR

    -Complain about holy priest getting absolute crap for archimonde trinket

    -Complain about messed up set boni for holy priest that remove the awesome boni we have now

    -Complain about RNG on not getting my trinkets

  4. #24
    drinking warrior tears as for one moment in time they're not god tier dps

    unsubbed due to boredom and lack of devs who are compelling and act like they care

    pretending to be good at league of legends

    enjoying not playing this travesty of an expansion any more.

    goodbye WoD

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dazir View Post
    -Wipe on attendance and recruitment bosses

    -Learn to play as both dps and shadow priest (on darmac mythic - deep end)

    -Farm mats'n gold

    -Legacy raiding for mounts'n gold

    -Troll LFR

    -Complain about holy priest getting absolute crap for archimonde trinket

    -Complain about messed up set boni for holy priest that remove the awesome boni we have now

    -Complain about RNG on not getting my trinkets
    edit: WTF IS A BONI?

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebbars View Post
    edit: WTF IS A BONI?
    Plural of bonus

  6. #26
    the new raid ofc, it looks asthetically pleasing for a change

  7. #27
    Hello people this is my PoV from WoW you might agree you might disagree but this is what i currently think of the game.

    Atm my guild is 10/10 mythic finished around 180 world rank. so i feel like this would be a great place to tell you how i play the game.

    Right now the only fun factor left for me in this game is that i can raid. I'm a full time student, so i can pretty much raid everyday if needed but currently raiding 4 days a week

    So lets talk about WoD? What do I do?


    Tons of ressources here even a lot of gold (6.2 blizzard removing gold from caches) which manes 8k gold each 14 days will be removed. as i've treasure hunters which makes me multiply 1000 gold 3 times for 4000 gold. (brf + highmaul caches) thats 8000 gold each 14 days. + a lot of maths from garrison ressources to create self food. yes talking about trading post. + barn lvl 3. gives me what ever i need.

    So the question here is, why would i move away from my garrison which gives me everything? farming 210 traps each month takes me 1 hour to 1½ hour i think i dunno i just watch a movie. but ye that is 1 month worth of work orders for barn 3. so lets do math

    so far i do 1-1½ hour work. lets say 2 hour by being nice. 2 hours each month consumed on farming beasts traps.

    What else is there to do? Achievments? if you look me up i'm Anná you will see that i've done all achievments from vanilla to cataclysm lacking few in MoP and lacking A lot of WoD

    this is because of flying. When i want to go from point A to B. i hate that i've to go to point C for go to Point D. and then go to point B.

    Especially if your in spires of arakk and just need to get to a rare or the opposite of the hill/cliff. you need to walk around. this makes me frustrated and i just cba. Garrison provides everything and moving requires a lot of time and effort. so no flying equals no exploring and no achievments

    Boosting? Technically this is a service which goes visa versa. non 10/10 mythic raiders or non 10/10 heroic raiders gets their loot + achievs, and we get gold for upcoming raid for buy consumables. craftables ya know those expensif BoE's. yeah thats where all the boosted gold goes to.

    Apexis? seriously it's just for monument. i'm raiding in mythic so gear is from there, i spam missions to get apexis crystals. i got 100k apexis crystals from missions only perhaps 5k on main 5k on alt for legendary (daily quests) but thats it. rest are from missions.

    PvP? i'm PvE so never liked it. some does i just don't.

    So ye When i don't raid i actually don't play the game.

    there is nothing for me to do. I already got alot of mounts and pets. i don't see anything else to achiev in this game rather than raiding.

    so if that gets taken away from me. i guess i'll just quit the game.

    now about 6.2

    Class trinkets seems interesting and nice concept but blizzard are screwing themself over. I as a balance druid will not use my class trinket unless it has good stats on it.

    because it allows me to proc starfall on ST. now you might say that it will provide you burst on aoe fights, but then again. Starsurge doesn't do much dps on aoe fights. so this means that if i fail to proc 1 starfall(79% chance for proc starfall when casting starsurge ON MYTHIC) i'll already do minus dps overall i'm a raider, i dont play for 5-10secs or 1mins. i raid for atleast 3-4mins + some fights even 10. and we had 15min+ encounters in the past.

    so ye Druid Class trinket is only waste of dps if we do not get stats on them. so i'm not excited.

    and then apparently we can't go from moonkin form to flight form as a druid. hopefully this is a typo but it seems dumb to me. that we need to remove moonkin form for take flight form and use 2 global cooldowns rather than 1.

    Too long don't read. not excited. if raiding quality fails whelp i'll unsub and quit. And can we pls get flying now so i can enjoy my game again.
    Last edited by mmoc6818f34952; 2015-05-08 at 10:46 AM.

  8. #28
    Spend literally all of my time waiting for resets until next progress. It's an interesting game outside of progress Kappa 4Head xD

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrov View Post
    Spend literally all of my time waiting for resets until next progress. It's an interesting game outside of progress Kappa 4Head xD
    This and checking the BMAH for stuff to spend the gold I get from my BRF and HM missions on.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Overdispersion View Post
    Nothing really. Just trying to cope with farm content until next set of bosses. I'm excited for most of them. Not excited for my shitty class trinket and set boni as a disc priest though...
    I spend my time recruiting a disc priest so I can play Holy in 6.2

  11. #31
    Killed M Blackhand Wednesday

    - did Glory of Raider last night
    - Main swapping to my warlock for T18 because RIP melee (as always) so Legendary farming ring + Mythic gearing my lock
    - Will most likely level a mage/hunter very soon as a range alt for progression and gear that toon around 690 pre 6.2

    That's pretty much for T17 related content...

    Other stuff include: Gold CMs on multiple alts, Dungeon Hero, couple mount farm.

  12. #32
    Log in on Wednesday + Thursday(if no 1 day clear), "cya next week guys".

  13. #33
    Just joined a guild that basically just started mythic(well beast was down 3 weeks ago but at least 12 members changed since then) Currently just progressing, going well when roster isn't an issue. Should have kromog down this week assuming the aforementioned roster doesn't get in the way.

    For next tier I am excited about having a solid team for raiding, also I am interested in the Dk changes as it'll be nice to have a few more options on what spec to play

  14. #34
    Just reached Blackhand last night, so we will be working on that for awhile.

    Outside of raiding, I raid on my Shaman alt, and I also do a lot of old dungeon / raid grinding on my main for gold and pets. Then there's the occasional rep grinding when I get really bored. Waiting to start my new job so I've had a lot of free time to do everything I need to do in WoW.
    Ixila of Forgotten Aspects - US Hyjal 13/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel
    My YouTube kill vids!
    Ixila - Holy Paladin - Armory | Ixtide - Resto Shaman - Armory

  15. #35
    Looking at my raid comp and trying to figure how to kill M BH without doomchickens only 1 rogue and no disc priest. Any ideas lol?

  16. #36
    I log in and raid. Then I log off. Occasionally I log in to buy new raid mats.

  17. #37
    Preparing for next tier:

    - 600+ augment runes
    - 600+ 125 stat food (fishing sure is fun)
    - 2000+ potions
    - 2505 profession mats, 135 savage bloods, 200+ sorcerous elements for 3x crafted items ready to pop
    - Gearing 3rd and 4th alt for heroic splits
    - Catching up legendary ring quest through LFR on all of the alts, even those I don't raid on "just in case"
    - PTR raiding
    - Generally analyzing PTR changes regarding itemization/loot tables, class changes, profession changes and everything else that can give an informational edge going into HfC
    - Recruiting and leveling treasure hunters and harrison jones's on 5+ characters just for passive income, in anticipation of Felblight prices.
    - Pondering how I let this game become a job again

    Sigh. I mostly just dread PTR raiding, even though it really is a necessary evil.

  18. #38
    What I'm doing:
    - Weekly mythic clear
    - Gearing up alts for split raids in 6.2
    - PTR testing
    - Might get CM golds on alts

    What I'm looking forward to:
    - Starting progression in HFC (the bosses look really fun, and PTR testing backs that up)
    - Legendary Ring
    - New tier sets, even if mine is kinda dull

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Zebbars View Post
    drinking warrior tears as for one moment in time they're not god tier dps
    Still butthurt from cata ? That's quite a long time must have hurt badly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew View Post
    - 600+ augment runes
    That's a good idea.
    Last edited by cFortyfive; 2015-05-09 at 09:30 AM.

  20. #40
    Dreadlord FurtyIRL's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    The Lonely Mountain
    AFK in my garrison. Not sure if this is an improvement from AFK in Shrine.

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