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    Legendary Ring Concerns, Patch 6.2 - Kormrok Preview, Blue Tweets, DLC #488

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    Patch 6.2 - Legendary Ring Concerns
    Watcher responded to some concerns about the new legendary rings coming in Patch 6.2.
    Originally Posted by Watcher (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Let me try to address a few of the concerns raised in the thread and explain our thinking.

    First off, why this wacky raidwide effect? Why not a traditional legendary that is purely individual? The idea's origins lie in what this particular legendary is: a ring. It's not a weapon designed to strike foes, or a shield to protect you from harm. And what is the nature of a ring? Whether we're talking about seven rings for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, about Captain Planet, or about common social covenants in our own societies, rings tend to be paired with counterparts, and to have their meaning derived from the connections entailed therein. A lot of fluff, perhaps, but that's what got us thinking along the lines of a group effect rather than a personal one. This certainly isn't a template for all future legendaries, but we find it very fitting for this particular one.

    Now, some of the concerns that have been voiced:

    1) "It will be used mechanically on cooldown"

    Sometimes, sure - it depends on the fight. The healing/tank versions certainly won't be used that way, and the DPS ring also has elements (notably the AoE explosion at the end) that add additional depth to the decision of when to activate it. Let's consider the fights in Foundry, since those are probably more familiar examples than Hellfire, and imagine how the ring might have been put to best use while progressing on a few of those encounters:

    • Blast Furnace: Largely wasted if you use it on the pull; you might save the first activation for the second pair of Operators, and then during the second phase you'd aim for windows of Elementalist vulnerability, since that's what matters most.
    • Operator Thogar: Here we run into some unique considerations associated with the explosion. You could activate the ring in advance of a Man-at-Arms wave, getting a damage burn on Thogar while you build up the potential AoE that will go off just in time to alpha-strike the dangerous enemies right as they jump off a train car.
    • Flamebender: If you aren't running into her berserk, the Cinder Wolves are your main concern. You'd probably benefit from waiting until she's at 45 or so Energy, and timing the explosion to get a large head start on the Wolves. Especially on Mythic.
    • Blackhand: Aside from the obvious uses to speed up phase 1 and phase 3, I could see having your initiating player as the person who's about to get knocked up onto a balcony with a fresh wave spawn due, timing the explosion to pretty much erase the whole wave of enemies right as they exit the door on the ledge.

    Now, on something like Gruul, you probably would just use it on cooldown every time. But I'd say Gruul is more the exception than the norm.

    2) "It feels bad to have someone else control my legendary"

    This is a fair point, and I sympathize. Setting aside the fact that when doing any solo content you have complete control over the activation, there is still more control with this legendary than with nearly any of our prior examples. Procs could occur at completely inopportune times, often wasting them entirely, and whether you got lucky and had Xuen's cloak trigger just as a large pack of enemies got clumped together, or whether it fired 10 seconds earlier or later, could drastically alter your total damage on a given encounter.

    At its core, the legendary ring is a raid item - the vast majority of the content and the collection steps take you through raid content - and players who are part of a raid group are by definition cooperating and coordinating to tackle challenges. The rings add another layer to that teamwork. Even outside structured guild raiding, it's neither typical nor tolerated in pickup groups for, say, a mage to use Time Warp to maximize personal damage at the expense of the raid, and I'd be surprised if it's common to see it done with the ring. Now, yes, in Raid Finder, though you also won't generally be seeing raids with tons of ring-wearers, you'll probably see some selfish behavior. But even then, the effect isn't wasted (merely suboptimal), and that action isn't likely to affect the group's success or failure on the encounter as a whole given Raid Finder's tuning.

    3) "The effect isn't fair/balanced and is worse for than "

    True. We could have made a perfectly evenhanded ring effect - something like "Equip: Increases damage and healing done by 10%." That also would have been very lackluster. Nearly any effect with any depth to it will benefit some more than others so long as our classes/specs have varied strengths and weaknesses. (And we don't feel that class homogenization is the answer, either.) Over the course of a fight, that may amount to a difference of a couple percent damage, if that. Hopefully we continue to make interesting and unusual items, and some of those will favor specs that feel the ring was suboptimal for them.

    How do you address concerns that the design of the ring discourages raids from bringing people who don't have their ring to raids?
    There's nothing in particular about the ring's design that discourages raids from bringing people who don't yet have it, as compared to any other type of legendary or any player-power increase. Players without the ring will do some percentage less damage (or healing, or have one fewer tank cooldown) over the course of the fight as a whole, but that's just the nature of any big-power item. It's not really different from the cloaks in Mists, or theoretical alternate versions of the ring that had no group synergy component. I'm sure that later in the expansion there will be guilds and pickup groups that strongly or exclusively prefer people with legendary rings, but that's a social dynamic that's nearly unavoidable with any form of player power progression, whether it's a specific legendary or just item level in general.

    Also, as a separate clarification, I wasn't saying it that it won't be used on the pull. It absolutely will be used on the pull in the vast majority of cases. However, the cooldown is short enough that many other opportunities will arise to be more tactical with its use as the fight goes on, rather than just using it automatically every 2 minutes thereafter.

    Finally, nothing in Hellfire Citadel is being tuned around having the ring. That's a big part of why it is not currently available to use in PTR testing. In Siege of Orgrimmar, many players had their cloaks before they first set foot in the zone on the day of the patch, which somewhat diluted the impact of completing the cloak since those players didn't really get a before-and-after comparison of specific fights once they'd earned it. Cutting edge progress in Hellfire Citadel, on the other hand, will occur without legendary rings in the raid. And then as raid members complete their rings, the power of the legendary will help you overcome Gul'dan's forces.

    Patch 6.2 - Kormrok Preview
    Today we are taking a look at Kormrok, another Hellfire Citadel boss.

    Level Type Spec Name Model Viewer
    690Trinket Imbued Stone Sigil
    690NeckAll Strength Shadowgorged Iron Choker
    690TrinketAll Strength Rumbling Pebble
    690FingerAll Agility Pit-Extracted Stone Signet
    690NeckAll Intellect Glowing Firestone
    695ClothAll Intellect Cowl of the Arcanic Conclave
    695ClothAll Intellect Pious Cowl
    695ClothAll Intellect Deathrattle Mask
    690ClothAll Intellect Sludge-Soaked Waistband
    690ClothAll Intellect Craggy Gloves of Grasping
    690BackAll Intellect Polymorphic Cloak of Absorption
    695Leather Oathclaw Helm
    695Leather Mask of the Hurricane's Eye
    690Leather Tunic of Reformative Runes
    695LeatherAll Agility Felblade Hood
    695Mail Crown of the Living Mountain
    690Mail Rugged Stoneshaped Pauldrons
    695MailAll Agility Hood of the Savage Hunt
    695Plate Helm of the Ceaseless Vigil
    690Plate Fel-Inscribed Shoulderplates
    695PlateAll Strength Demongaze Helm
    695PlateAll Strength Faceguard of Iron Wrath
    690One-handed AxeAll Agility Runeaxe of the Breaker
    690PolearmAll Agility Rune Infused Spear
    690DaggerAll Intellect Runic Magnaron Tooth

    Name Points Category
    Mythic: Kormrok Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.
    10Draenor Raid
    Waves Came Crashing Down All Around Defeat Kormrok in Hellfire Citadel without taking damage from any of the waves on Normal difficulty or higher.
    10Draenor Raid

    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    As ancient as Draenor itself, Kormrok once ruled Gorgrond, the creatures of the land slinking away from the giant magnaron's destructive fury. But then the Iron Horde came, trapping the behemoth and attempting to break his will. They were entirely unsuccessful... that is, until the rise of Gul'dan, and the fel power that Kormrok could not resist.

    • Overview - Kormrok periodically jumps to the nearest fel pool of energy, empowering one of his abilities for a short duration depending on which pool he entered.
      • Tanks -
        • Move Kormrok near the pool to which you want him to Leap.
        • Spread out during Pound.
      • Healers -
        • Pound inflicts heavy damage to the entire raid, compounded if players do not spread out.
        • Move away from any tanks affected by Fiery Burst.
        • Trigger Fiery Runes before they explode.
      • Damage Dealers -
        • Kill Crushing Hands as quickly as possible.
        • Run away from any tanks affected by Fiery Burst.
        • Trigger Fiery Runes before they explode.
        • Spread out during Pound.
    • Leap - Kormrok leaps through the air and then splashes down in the nearest pool. Kormrok will not Leap to a pool that he has Leapt into recently.
      • Shadow Energy - Kormrok absorbs Shadow Energy, empowering the next 4 uses of his Fel Outpouring ability.
      • Shadow Energy - Kormrok absorbs Shadow Energy, allowing him to use his Fel Outpouring ability 3 times.
      • Explosive Energy - Kormrok absorbs Explosive Energy, empowering the next 4 uses of his Explosive Runes ability.
      • Explosive Energy - Kormrok absorbs Explosive Energy, allowing him to use his Explosive Runes ability 3 times.
      • Foul Energy - Kormrok absorbs Foul Energy, empowering the next 4 uses of his Grasping Hands ability.
      • Foul Energy - Kormrok absorbs Foul Energy, allowing him to use his Grasping Hands ability 3 times.
      • Splash - Liquid in the pool splashes out onto the ground, leaving behind residue that will damage players who stand in the residue. Players can absorb the initial splashes, keeping the ground beneath them clear from residue.
    • Pound - Kormrok slams the ground repeatedly, creating shockwaves under all players that inflict 39,050 Physical damage to all enemies within 4 yards every second.
    • Fel Outpouring - Kormrok slams the ground, causing the Shadowy Pool to spew forth globules. Victims caught in the path of the globules suffer 85,700 Shadow damage.
    • Explosive Runes - The caster creates Explosive Runes on the ground. If these runes aren't triggered within 15 sec they will explode, inflicting 214,500 Fire damage to all enemies. Triggering the rune results in a smaller explosion for 179,000 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the rune.
    • Grasping Hands - Kormrok summons several stone hands under the feet of his enemies, inflicting 35,700 Physical damage to all enemies with 4 yards of the victim. These hands hold the victim in place until they are killed. While held, the victim suffers 53,600 Physical damage every 3 sec.
    • Mutating Hatred - Kormrok will use different abilities against his current tank target based on the last pool he leapt into. Getting hit with any of these abilities afflicts the victim with Fel Touch.
      • Swat - Kormrok knocks the target backwards, inflicting 178,500 Shadow damage. When the victim lands, they suffer damage inversely proportional to the distance they traveled. The victim is afflicted with Fel Touch.
      • Explosive Burst - Kormrok ignites the ground beneath the target's feet and stuns them. After 10 sec. the ground explodes, inflicting 178,500 Fire damage to all players within 40 yards. The victim is afflicted with Fel Touch.
      • Foul Crush - Kormrok summons a Foul Hand underneath the target. The victim is immediately grabbed and crushed for 42,600 Physical damage every 1 sec. until the hand is destroyed. The victim is afflicted with Fel Touch.
      • Fel Touch - The victim is afflicted with Fel energies, increasing the magical damage they take by 50%.
    • Enrage - Kormrok enrages, gaining 30% haste. Kormrok will use his abilities faster while enraged.

    Blue Tweets
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    You know, last time i told a dev i like something, it was flying. Take a guess what happened short after.
    Is your point: I'd like flying back in WoD? (Muffinus)
    Yes, i really would.
    We love feedback, don't be afraid to give it! No one is 'not listening' to you. Sorry if that hasn't been conveyed. (Muffinus)
    Dont worry. I just would love to see a statement as like "Yes, we bring flying back in 6.2" or "No, we dont bring flying back".
    Specifically, would like to hear what you miss about it! How would you ideally implement it? (Muffinus)
    I miss the ability to start and stop when i like. Flight pathes take you out of the game.
    For me, flying often felt the same. Fly up -> point self in direction -> afk. Agree/disagree? (Muffinus)

    While I don't interact on Twitter any more i read tweets & forums & appreciate feedback. Thx. (holinka)

    are the tombstones near the grave yard, and the cart on ruins intended to no longer provide LOS? They worked last patch
    They were broken by 6.1. We tried to hotfix them in a number of ways but they were all problematic. Fixed in 6.2. (holinka)

    Big debate going on; are the players in lore stuck on Draenor or was that changed?
    Not by now - after escaping Tanaan and establishing garrisons, it's possible to open other ways home. (DaveKosak)

    Look what I got for my birthday! Thanks, VO team! (Celestalon)

    Dark Legacy Comics #488
    DLC #488 has been released.

    Last edited by chaud; 2015-05-11 at 03:05 AM.

  2. #2
    That DLC makes no damn sense, which is a first for me.

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    Let me try to address a few of the concerns raised in the thread and explain our thinking...

    ...rings tend to be paired with counterparts, and to have their meaning derived from the connections entailed therein.
    ....wat? o_O

    Blizzard, that's quite possibly the stupidest reason you've ever opened up a discussion with. >_<

    EDIT: Also, lets note that - even if this was true - you tend not to pair up your ring with OTHER PEOPLES RINGS THEY'RE WEARING! >_<

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Aori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darmalus View Post
    That DLC makes no damn sense, which is a first for me.
    I thought it was pretty funny. They're just bashing the token

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mvallas View Post
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment

    Let me try to address a few of the concerns raised in the thread and explain our thinking...

    ...rings tend to be paired with counterparts, and to have their meaning derived from the connections entailed therein.
    ....wat? o_O

    Blizzard, that's quite possibly the stupidest reason you've ever opened up a discussion with. >_<

    EDIT: Also, lets note that - even if this was true - you tend not to pair up your ring with OTHER PEOPLES RINGS THEY'RE WEARING! >_<
    Didn't work out to well for that Sauron guy. So wait.. Hmm if I take my ring and throw it into the pit of mount doom... I'll kill all the others that have one in the my raid that are linked to it... MUHAHAHAHA?

  6. #6
    Let's take 5 seconds to grasp the stupidity behind the Legendary ring and then another 5 - 7 seconds to ponder the idiocy of Blizzards response...

    It adds NOTHING to raiding by forcing that ring to be raidwide, if you wanted to have it be used in certain situations- hey players can decide that themselves- much like we already delay/save dps CDs for specific things... All you're achieving by making it a raidwide use is butchering the story and the individual players earned "legendary" item. Remove the god damned raid wide stupid thing and let players decide if they want to use it coordinated as a group or only 5 at a time, or only 3 or only 8- or all if needed... this thing is putting me off raiding all together! | Recruiting exceptional players!

  7. #7
    Legendary! Frolk's Avatar
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    When did Blizz hireJaden Smith, seems he quit writing non-sense on Twitter to writing nonsense Blueposts instead?

  8. #8
    What the fuck was that cartoon

  9. #9
    The Lightbringer theostrichsays's Avatar
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    In my douche canoe crossing the Delaware.
    As a healer, I would prefer them just copy/pasta the Dragon Soul Mace off of Deathwing, and say gg rather then the upcoming ring.
    My opinion, nothing more. No matter how I see it, I just can't bring myself to like it, but maybe using it in raid, I will enjoy it more then I think.

  10. #10
    The Lightbringer Aori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Not really. Just a joke about how there are never items in our hands or on the ground in WoW. (Except, of course, our weapons)
    ...they literally bashed the token though...

    I prefer my take on the comic XD

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    So dramatic. All because your special snowflake status feels a bit diminished?
    Got nothing to do with "special snowflake", doesn't bother me at all that everyone has it- Except as it is now only 1 in 20 people will "have it" because it just turns into another Bloodlust...

    I mean how would you feel if Blizzard removed all DPS CD from the game and gave everyone a CD called "MORE DAMAGE" but shared CD with everyone? That's what Blizzard are trying to do with the ring... I play Ret and the dps ring is probably best suited for us in the entire game as of current notes, still doesn't change the fact that some people have 3 min CDs and some have 5-6min CDs.

    As it is now the ring is going to end up being a lot of overkilling adds when 14 dpsers nuke. Same for Healers- use the ring + a Tranq and then theres nothing to heal for the next 15 seconds?

    However if the ring was personal you could decide as a player or raid when and how many rings you'd want/need to get through the next challenge. Then for ST nuke encounters people with 3 min CDs could decide if they wanted to delay ring or not to line up with their personal CDs. Buuuuut no! Blizzard has to make it special because it's a legendary... and not the good kind of special.

    Oh and speaking as Ret- we can line up our CD with the ring 100%, will Rets be balanced around that? What then happens if you don't have the ring or if you do pvp? Are other classes gonna end up being buffed because their spec/class doesn't particularly do well with the ring?
    Aside from the "free damage" the raid gains I only see problems with the ring... | Recruiting exceptional players!

  12. #12
    Lets get philosophical for a bit with the DLC. They are clearly saying that the token is going to kill WoW, but PvP will become balanced because of it, and Krom was surprised because he thought it was new content.


  13. #13
    Im curious, how much feedback do they want in regards to flying? I feel like Blizzard is trolling the hell out of these people XD
    "We'd like to hear more..."
    "We'd like feedback..."
    "Tell us what you think..."

  14. #14
    The Patient Higgit's Avatar
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    Worst legendary ever...

    Bring back flying...!

    Boycott the MoneyGrabMount!


    Last edited by Higgit; 2015-05-11 at 06:42 AM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Enan1981 View Post
    Im curious, how much feedback do they want in regards to flying? I feel like Blizzard is trolling the hell out of these people XD
    "We'd like to hear more..."
    "We'd like feedback..."
    "Tell us what you think..."
    "We'd like to hear your feedback" usually turns into "We appreciate your feedback but here's a list of excuses on why we think your "feedback" is stupid".

    It's classic PR bullshit. No one gives a shit about our feedback, but it makes them feel better for asking when they ultimately refuse to listen.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Enan1981 View Post
    Im curious, how much feedback do they want in regards to flying? I feel like Blizzard is trolling the hell out of these people XD
    "We'd like to hear more..."
    "We'd like feedback..."
    "Tell us what you think..."
    My response: If you don't know why now, please resign from your job.
    There are pages upon pages upon pages. You have a plethora of information to prune.

    If you need MORE information -- go flip burgers at McDonalds as your intellectual capacity seems less than functional.

    But personally, I think they are just baiting people to play longer for more subs. Honestly has *never* been any of their virtues. I think they lack the intellectual honesty to handle an sincere open flying discussion.

    Personally, I say if you want to remove flying -- then make the transport system like GW2 instead. "Instant" flying where you see your guy take off... fade to black... fade back.. land. Done.

  17. #17
    Stood in the Fire Nairesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceberg265 View Post
    What the fuck was that cartoon
    @Iceberg: there are actual MMORPGs where you can drop stuff on the ground. WoW introduced a "clean floor" behavior, which was fairly strange for many old school RPG and MMORPG ppl. The same goes for holding things; many other games feature that you can hold more than just weapons or shields in your hands. Also that you can "hover" an item when it's on your mouse (like drag and drop). Ultima ONline has tat for example (both: floor and drag and drop).
    So to store the token and due to the rules of WoW he had to make "room" for the token to actually use it.

  18. #18
    cheap design of bosses i really dont want to play the same shit things every time

  19. #19
    is it me or does nearly every single piece of gear that boss drops have versatility on it?

  20. #20
    Herald of the Titans Darksoldierr's Avatar
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    Can someone explain to me, what the heck going on in the DLC comic?

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