1. #1

    Need a new game..

    Hello peeps, been playing wow since early bc and I think I am just burnt out.. I'd like to play a similar game with good pvp and/or raids. Looking for suggestions

    Some games I tried..
    swtor: can't stand the models and the mobility. I have a level 55 marauder

    Wildstar: love the models, love the feel of the game, but no people is boring, and I don't like being so limited on abilities

    Haven't really tried much else

  2. #2
    This isn't the right place for this. Pretty sure there is a thread for game suggestions in the video game forum.

  3. #3
    If you like space, try EvE online you can tank/heal/dps or whatever you want, raiding is against other humans no so much AI.
    Lots of pvp

  4. #4
    Eve Online is pretty different than WoW, people call Eve a spreadsheet game.

    Wildstar is like WoW and it's going free to play in the fall. Until then there is Rift, EQ2, Star Wars the Old Republic, all free.

    "This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can."

    -- Capt. Copeland

  5. #5
    I quit playing games when I became a man.

  6. #6
    thanks for the responses hurtcap and muddysmind

  7. #7

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