Basically what the title says. Which slots are going to be your crafted gear slots, considering you do have full access to heroic gear but non at all to mythic gear (which is kind of true for first weeks progress)
It's unclear what the random trash loot is going to be but so far for Disc I'll probably do:

Spirit/Mastery Necklace:
Since a there's a lack on Itimization of Mastery on that slot (next better Drop would be 715 Spirit/Multistrike from Mannoroth or 720 Spirit/Crit from Kormrok Mythic during earlier progression)

Haste/Mastery Boots:
No mastery boots at all in HFC so far. The next better would be 715 crit/versatility from Zakuun or 720 Haste/Multistrike from Iron Reaver Mythic during earlier progression, which will likely be given to DPS classes anyway)

For the third item, I'm not sure. There are several options. Legs and Shoulders are ruled out since we've got mastery on our set. On the Head slot the 720 crit/mastery from Archimonde with a huge amount of mastery is a valid off-set option with itemlevel being on par with earlier mythic progression. This on the other hand would force us into using the both crit/haste set pieces. I could go on like this...

Also, I'm not sure if a mastery/spirit neck is the best thing to craft since the multistrike/spirit BoE (lol) neck from Mannoroth has almost 200 spirit and only 79 multistrike.

However, forget about what I might craft. Any plans on crafted gear you guys have for 6.2?