I know this has been discusted in the past, and there had been many arguments on the subject, but since then things have changed.

For starters, this legion themed expansion of expansion has made me (and i think many more players) believe that the next expansion is going to be heavily influenced by the Burning Legion.

Personnaly, i think it might even take place in part in the Twisting Nether itself, so that we can crush the Demon threat once and for all, as there are many Demons alive and cunning beyond the Great Beyond.

Now, taking into acount the way that gameplay allways overcomes lore options, my theory might be miles off, but still... the possibilty exists and i would like to speculate on the matter.

But, just for the sake of this matter, lets take the lore and the game as if they mattered the same and completed one another.

First thing - (the newest) - we kill archimond, and that must piss Sargeras off.

Second point - in this xpac legendary questline we have been killed by Khadgar twice.

Third point - we discover that the Demons and where they originate from are 'one across all dimentions'.

Forth point - we 'Adventurors' tend to do alot of crappy work for others, and killing stuff is something we are very good at.

Now, Sargeras might not be a boss in the near futore, but we have to take it into account that he is the cause of the most immidiete threat, and even Blizzard should be able to see that he needs to be defeated soon.

But, in lore, Even the tinyest fragment of Sargeras' being has been able to defend itself and corrupt the offspring of (arguably) the strongest mage in the world.

So how are 10 to 30 mighty adventurors, as strong as we might be at any given moment be able to kill such a Titan?

I know, we killed many bosses over the years, and it is right. But still, none of them (at the given state we faught them) were strong enough to reach this one demons' hoofs.

And so, it seems to me, that in futore not to far from now, we might Embark (ingame) on an absolutely "impossible" journy towards godhood.

I am not talking about an Elune style god that watches from the side and empowers whomever sbe pleases, but a more solid god Malorne style... or at least Demi-gods or something.

Makes more sense to me that 20 god powered mystery guys will kill this titan, whose subjects allready killed off so many of azeroth's Demi gods and guardians, than a bunch of normal people doing that.

TLDR - will we become infused with powers of gods?
even thought only time will tell, we can discuss.
