1. #1

    (Weak Auras 2) Modifying a custom aura

    So i have been trying to experiment with some auras i have found and i really wanted to adapt what Theck made in his prot pallly auras to my ret auras.
    One in particular was his sacred shield one that when 10 seconds remaining on shield buff to the player the weakaura would show up and bounce

    Custom trigger
    local name,_,_,_,_,_,expires,caster = UnitBuff("player", "Sacred Shield")
    if name and (expires - GetTime()) > 10 then
    if caster == 'player' then
    return false
    return true

    Custom Untrigger
    local name,_,_,_,_,_,expires,caster = UnitBuff("player", "Sacred Shield")
    if name and (expires - GetTime()) > 10 then
    if caster == 'player' then
    return true
    return false

    What i am looking to try and do is make this aura for a spell cooldown namely Seraphim so when the cooldown of Seraphim reaches 5 seconds remaining it would do the same thing and show up and bounce up and down.

    any help with this would be much appreciated

  2. #2

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