1. #1

    Altoholic Tooltip Cross Realm

    I play many characters across multiple realms, and I'm wondering if anyone has been able to setup altoholic so that it shows the item count for ALL characters on ANY realm. I can't find any options for this. Within the addon you can view inventory/search characters on any realm, however when you mouseover an item, for example Hearthstone, the tooltip only shows item count from the characters on the current realm. Makes zero sense since the data is clearly already being stored in the addon, just not displayed on the tooltip :<

    I also use bagnon and TSM, both of which have item trackers, and both of which appear to also only be for the current realm. Maybe I'm missing something? It's annoying not being able to see my other characters.

    Also I would like to see currencies such as Oil across alts on other realms, but altoholic again only shows current realm.

    Any help appreciated,

    edit: interestingly my friends' altoholic does show tooltip data from cross realm characters. I stole their files (both Interface and WTF) and replaced mine, and still my addon doesn't function properly. What am I missing?

    edit: fix incase anyone had same problem as me!
    can lock this or w/e, thanks
    Last edited by Emote; 2015-07-14 at 03:37 PM.

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