This is my first website, its a bunch of friends (Veterans) of the USMC including myself who are or have served in the Marine Corps/Navy. I am currently at 7 years, with 1 year left of my active duty obligation. We decided to create a website as an outlet for ourselves to write and blog/review an array of subjects with a different one each day.

its called

because as some of you know, in the military if you dont have a technical job (or even if youre a civilian) you might get that same phrase yelled at you from time to time when no one has a clue what youre talking about. =] its all in good fun.

my question to you readers, is (since this is my first website) and those of you with experience.

What can i do better on my website, where are my shortcomings? what do you hate about it? what do you love about it? can you help me improve it?

We have not started posting content yet. I know that the blog page is currently a place holder with a bunch of fake content in it.

The platform i am using is: Wordpress
The host i am using is: Hostgator

thank you.

also LF for 2v2 partners on sarg alliance. Geared DK XD