1. #1

    How is WoW these days?


    I find myself with a PC for the first time since 2012, and last I played Mist of Pandaria had just came out. I was wondering how is WoW now? I have been playing FFXIV and it's not really grabbing me, it's a nice game, but something is lacking in it.

  2. #2
    Field Marshal Nazgul91's Avatar
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    I would just wait for the next expansion. Fortunately, the announcement for that is next week. I quit back in February and I'm just biding my time until the next xpac. WoD is somewhat lacking in content. Leveling is great, so is raiding. Other than that not much to hold your interest right now.

  3. #3
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    It's fine right now. Not groundbreaking but definitely better than 6.1. But not as good as MoP.

  4. #4
    Brewmaster TheCount's Avatar
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    Better off waiting for the next expansion. Announcement is next week, see if that grabs your attention and then start up when the expansion goes live.

  5. #5
    Very boring at end game if you already have the complete pvp gear set, have grinded the reps that don't give you anything anyway, and you only raid like 4 evenings every week. Not much to do, really.

    But ofcourse, if you're insane, you can probably do achievements, pet battles, rare hunting and the rest of crap crazy people do in wow and try to tell critics to do the same.

  6. #6
    It's very boring at the moment, 6.2 is decent but it's basically a more tedious version of the timeless isle. If you have time to get into proper raiding then it might be worth coming back to, but if not then don't bother just wait until next expansion and pray they don't bugger it up like they did with Warlords.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Nordya View Post

    I find myself with a PC for the first time since 2012, and last I played Mist of Pandaria had just came out. I was wondering how is WoW now? I have been playing FFXIV and it's not really grabbing me, it's a nice game, but something is lacking in it.
    If you plan on doing bleeding edge raiding, it's kind of weak (there's an incredibly limited number of things to do that yield relevant rewards beyond, say, ilvl 700).

    for the less raiding inclined, it's not terrible. there's a wealth of 695 gear available via tanaan dailies, with opportunity to upgrade up to ~705 via mythic dungeons, and the crafting gear. The problem with (all of the above) is that it certainly makes LFR and somewhat early HFC not worth doing.

  8. #8
    The Lightbringer Ragnarocket's Avatar
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    I actually re-subbed to FF14 while I wait on news of the new Xpack since I've found WoD incredibly dull. If you're still not max level in FF14 I would recommend still sticking with that at least for the time being since that story becomes INCREDIBLY good the later into the game you get. When the information on the new Xpack comes out I'd see if you're interested in that and then come back maybe 2 or 3 months before the expansion drops and you'll easily be caught up.
    “The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it.”

  9. #9
    Thank you for all your input, as I am not really a big time raider, I will watch the expansion news and hope it has nice content.

  10. #10
    Well, it depends on what you like in a game. I can't say that it will be like WotLK or TBC, or even Cata because at that time I was meeting a lot of people in the game and I enjoyed talking with 'em. Now this is harder, you have your garrison. Of course you can talk with people on the /2 but this is not the same, this feels more lonely.
    But the art is good, the race remodeling is good. Each zone has rares, points of observation, little lore related things, like in others expansions. Oddly, leveling is really fun. But only for the 1 or 2 first, after that, it get's kinda boring. I almost have my 4th alt. In Pandaria, I practically had all the classes at the level 90, it was better, in my opinion.
    I like the legendary quest, even if it's endless. I find it more entertaining than the MoP one.

    Honestly, if you buy the game RIGHT NOW, unless you have a guild for raiding purpose/pvp purpose, it will deceive you. Because there is good things, but not so much sadly.

  11. #11
    Field Marshal Nazgul91's Avatar
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    I actually just remembered that Blizz is doing a free 7 day return trial. Would be a perfect way for you to figure out your question first hand. I still feel that the game isn't worth playing right now but with a free week you might as well do it.

    Last edited by Nazgul91; 2015-07-30 at 08:23 PM.

  12. #12
    the current expansion sucks balls

    the next one will be announced in a few days

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