1. #1

    Mythic Kormrok and rogues

    Hey guys,

    was wondering what is your rune soaking tactic? 2 rogues soaking one half each.

    We had a few attempts today on that boss, and so far I played with Elusiveness + Burst of Speed, preferably soaking 2 runes with feint, then popping cloak and soaking as much as I can before it fades, then trying to feint soak last few if they remain.

    I ran into some problems, that taking 2 back to back runes with feint could kill me (200k each), so I was wondering if I wasn't doing anything wrong. Also, when you don't have cloak, do you slow down on the soaking speed, just to make your healers get you back up to full?

    Also fuck soul capacitor in this fight, on pull mainly. Beating heart will do fine.

  2. #2
    You should have a healer assigned for each of you for the duration of the runes, as well as pop Sacrifice / Vigilance etc. for the duration. You shouldn't need defensives of your own besides Elufeint, if the healers are focusing on you while you're soaking.

    Yeah, obviously slow it down a bit to let the healers catch up, but I personally never really needed to (I had a HPaladin assigned to me).

    I was using BHM for our first kill as well, but I recommend trying Combat + SC a couple of times, as if the SC procs at least on one of the hand phases, you will do more boss damage throughout the fight, as well as a lot more hand damage obviously.

  3. #3
    /cancelaura Spirit Shift
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection

    that macro should help you on pull, also dont mind the hand of protection thing, thats macroed to literally everything i do lol.

    also i do first hit then cloak which gives the healers time to heal me as i run to the final rune, alternatively you can abuse cheat death here and not die to your second rune cuz cheat death

  4. #4
    If you have hunters I would suggest getting 2 groups consisting of one rogue and 1 hunter to alternate doing the soaks - You won't have cloak for each set, so alternating makes sure that a cloak is always used.

    Yeah you can't soak 2 in a row with feint, just soak one with feint then cloak soak the rest - you should be able to get them all if you're running BoS

  5. #5
    First set I use feint and cloak, second set feint and a vigilance, third set feint and cloak. With those cd's and a bit of love from my disc priest I am usually fine.

  6. #6
    We just have our ranged do it, allows us to stay on the boss full time too. Helps that we have 5 hunters.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dextar View Post
    We just have our ranged do it, allows us to stay on the boss full time too. Helps that we have 5 hunters.
    We all cant be as lucky as you

    but yea we are 2 rogues soaking them, with healers assigned to both of us at that time. I usually have cloak for the first and third wave of runes, and then feint for the rest. If you get 4 runes, you should consider saving cloak the fourth one, since that is "the hard one"(we also assigned 2 hunters for that one i think).

    But yea, you should give healers time to heal you up, when you only have feint, but to be honest that shoulndt be a problem, if you have a healer on each rogue

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