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    On Warchief Vol'jin

    I'm fresh here as a member but been into MMO champion for ages as a guest, so I thought I'd make an account because why not?
    I see there's been a lot of discussion going on about Vol'jin and I thought I'd make a thread about him.

    Warning: It is very long, so sorry about that! Please bear with me!

    Since there are many questioning the competence of our current warchief, Vol’jin, I thought I’d write a few facts about him to end some doubts.

    Please Note that:

    - English is not my first language, there will be mistakes – I trust you are better than to use it against any of my arguments, because it is incredibly immature. If you have a point to make, please make one actually in agreement with the content of this thread.

    - Be polite. If you disagree, it IS okay, but DO NOT use your preferences as an excuse to be rude to others. Either you are a Vol’jin fan or not, NOTHING gives you the right to think of yourself as superior or that others are wrong because of your opinion. (Justifying bad behaviors with stuff such as “But this is MMO Champion” is not valid. The actions of a few do not determine the quality of a community.)

    - Some actions are not explained in Lore and work merely based on game mechanics to benefit the insertion of Player characters, Either you like it or not, this is an actual point that can be used to justify a character’s action, or even lack of it.

    - If you have any questions or need to have a specific answer about a particular topic within this thread, I will do my best to clarify. And others willing to help are incredibly welcome as well! But again, be polite and respectful.

    Vol’jin was born in Darkspear Isle, son of the Darkspear trolls leader, Sen’jin. The Tribe had been exiled from the Gurubashi empire, for Sen’jin had a dream of peace for his people. He was a wise, contained chieftain, that despite the hardships, fought to always keep his people together, and such principles were passed on to his son.

    He grew up with his best friend, Zalazane. The two were like brothers, they would do almost everything together. Despite others thinking of Zalazane as Vol’jin’s “sidekick”, Vol’jin has ever seen his friend as an equal, dismissing such statements.

    Vol’jin wished to become a Shadow Hunter, while Zalazane studied under Sen’jin to become a Witch Doctor. When Sen’jin had a vision of his demise, he quickly sent Vol’jin to first home, a place inhabbited by mysterious Loa, in which trolls would be judged and empowered, or driven insane if deemed unworthy.
    Feeling like he could not do it alone, he brought Zalazane along. The two would look after each other. Together they faced powerful beasts, had terrible visions of their future, in which both learned of how their friendship would come to an end in a most hideous way. Both survived their trial, but they had become different people, and the worst was yet to come. Darkspear Isle was under attack!

    “But Vol’jin lost his isle to Murlocs!”

    Let’s talk about this. Vol’jin was a teenager, struggling to remember information he gathered in first home, recently empowered with abilities he was not familiar with, freshly thrown into his village cast down into chaos, where strange new beings he recognized from visions he had seemed to struggle along his own kind.
    It had been months since his and Zalazane’s departure to first home. There is NOTHING he could have possibly done to stop this Naga and Murloc uprising.
    The strange new beings were the Orcs led by Thrall, on their way to Kalindor. While he escaped the attack, Sen’jin did not, but the dying troll leader wished that the Orc would help save his people. And so, having found their new troll allies, all escaped together to Kalimdor, the Darkspear now led by Sen’jin’s young son.

    “How is it possible that Vol’jin took so long to release the Echo isles from Zalazane?”

    Honestly this one hurts to see everytime, because an important factor seems to always be cast aside. It seems like people are not aware, at all, of Zalazane’s true power.
    People tend to make it look like a measly novice expelled an entire tribe away from their land. Zalazane was no Lich King but he was non the less an incredible threat. Trolls bear knowledge unknown to most races of the planet, they are masters of dark magics, empowered by powerful Gods. Many Trolls have even been able to transcend death itself.

    There are great examples:

    Zanzil could revive the dead with ease. Indeed the “New” Zul’gurub would have been nothing without him.

    Jin’do. Aah, the Godbreaker! A Troll so powerful he could bend the Blood God Hakkar to his will.

    Gara’jal, the Spiritbinder, This Zandalari lived on as a spirit after his defeat in Mogu’shan Vaults, only to empower every Troll leader in the throne of thunder through posession.

    Hex Lord Malacrass. This powerful Amani Troll, allied with Zul’jin, imprisoned the spirits of powerful Loa into four carefully picked Amani warriors, giving them incredible power.

    There is absolutely no reason to believe Zalazane was not an incredible force to be reckoned with. Had his story been more developed we would have known more about the overwhelming nature of his powers. Mind control, necromancy, the ability to make himself immune to attacks are merely a few of his powers.

    The fact it took a Loa to defeat him does not prove Vol’jin’s weakness. It proves Zalazane’s actual strength.

    And let us not forget Bwonsamdi only helped Vol’jin and his tribe because they were worthy. To convince a powerful death god to aid you in battle is not a small feat.
    The rest of the Horde was also involved in the retaking of the isles. Well, against this sort of menace to a race BELONGING to the Horde, my only question is Why WOULDN’T the Horde help.

    Around this time so did the mysterious troll shape shifters reveal themselves further into the world. Zen’tabra saw a leader worth following in Vol’jin. It had come at last the time to retake their home.

    It took a while, it was no simple foe, Vol’jin needed time, to assemble troups, to make a strategy that would bring victory.
    If you take a time to think about Zalazane’s actual level of threat, you will easily realize this was never meant to be a one run win.

    “What has Vol’jin done since he joined the Horde?”

    As many are aware, Vol’jin used to be close to Thrall in Orgrimmar. It is impossible to think he has done nothing for the Horde. Cunning as he was, he’d be present whenever Thrall needed advice, regularly displaying his tactical prowess.
    While it is not present in the game, there must be countless Horde operations in which he was involved. One example that does exist is the retaking of Undercity after the events at the Wrath gate, as you can even read in the WoW website:

    “Vol'jin became one of the warchief's most trusted advisors. Vol'jin collaborated with Thrall to resolve crisis after crisis: he stabilized the Undercity after a coup orchestrated by Grand Apothecary Putress and the dreadlord Varimathras, and ousted the witch doctor Zalazane from the Echo Isles, the home of the Darkspear trolls.”

    Vol’jin’s devotion to the Horde cannot even be questioned, many horde victories were achieved thanks to his wisdom, and heroic actions are not always measured by the amount of skulls you crack in a battlefield.

    After the cataclysm he helped dismantle the Zandalari operations in Zul’Aman and Zul’gurub, having gone personally to solve the problem.

    Seeing that the Darkspear had been left out of the Pandaren campaign, Vol’jin thought it would be wise to sail to the new continent to see what Garrosh’s recent erratic actions were taking him, for his increasing violence could cause issues between the Pandaren and the Horde. It is very likely the locals would not appreciate his actions.

    Everything he has done, he did thinking about the Horde’s best interests. For more than once he received the oportunity to join forces with the Zandalari, and every time he turned them down. Notice that in “Shadows of the Horde” He thinks about how attractive such an offer would be considering the attempt to have him killed, but he never thinks about accepting it. There is a difference.

    He is guilty of threatening Garrosh, altough, it was the orc who first was disrespectful to him, saying he took no part in the Northrend campaign, when many good Troll soldiers were involved in the struggle, when many fought within the Kor’kron ranks, and completely dismissed the threat represented by Zalazane, showing how low the ever loyal Darkspear tribe was in his consideration.
    While this does not fully justify Vol’jin’s action, it is the only time you can consider Vol’jin acted close to how Garrosh would, and he does admit he was far too rash, for he let his temper get the best of him. It was a bad moment, and he does recognize it was not the most correct action.

    “But he contacted the Alliance more than once.”

    He did contact the alliance during the rise of the Zandalari. It was never out of immediate need, it was about warning people about a common threat. It is merely a honorable action. With the awareness and counter attack from both factions, the threat was even more easily contained. This is not even in question, for the good and the bad, both factions always end up joining forces against a common enemy.

    He contacted the Alliance again during Escalation. While some believe it was only a cry for help, it was not an actual “Vol’jin kissed King Varian’s boots until he agreed.” Garrosh’s threat had become real and personal to the Alliance too, and both sides believed this cooperation would be particularly uncomfortable based on recent events. Garrosh architectured the fall of Theramore, planned to conquer Kalimdor for the Horde, nearly caused the death of prince Anduin, held Theramore survivors captive, forcing them to fight under the threat their children would be slaughtered if they did not.

    I can agree Garrosh did have moments of glory, and personally I did appreciate some of his actions as Warchief, but anything of the above trancends comprehension. Any reasonable person can see it. Trying to justify any of this because you like the character is not even reasonable. For as much as I appreciate Vol’jin I would definitely be highly disappointed and unable to defend such actions should he do something similar.

    “What did Vol’jin do during the Siege?”

    First of all he managed to bring the races together, working in sync, more than Garrosh had managed so far. To be a great leader is not merely measured by the conquests achieved, but also by the respect you have towards those who follow you and viceversa. Vol’jin’s horde promotes equality of the races. None is better or more important than the other. The Horde is a family.

    As you can imagine there is a ton of backstage actions. Operations have been carefully planned, not only by Vol’jin but by other leaders as well.
    The rebellion’s full force was not available by the time Sen’jin village and Razor Hill were taken. It was the first success.

    Later on, despite people believing Vol’jin failed to hold the front at the gates of Orgrimmar, despite the heavy casualties, it was ultimately a success, as it succeed in holding the “True” Horde enough time so that the ship forces could make landfall and successfully take the shore.
    Inside the Underhold it is questioned why Vol’jin did not follow the forces further in. The answer is he went back to the surface to ensure the chaotic battle still going on in the city would be contained. Just because it is not seen, does not erase its’ existence and effort. It would be highly unwise to think the only way Vol’jin’s actions would have been great was if he had stormed the city on his own slaying one hundred orcs with every single swing of his glaive.

    “And what has he done in WoD?”

    While not active in the events in Draenor, it is ridiculous to think Vol’jin is comfotable sitting in Grommash Hold having a cuppa tea.
    His actions right now are not based on action in a battlefront, but there is a heavy battle still going on in Orgrimmar. The Siege has brought ruin, and the city is devastated. There is rebuilding to be made, probably a huge lack of funds to do so thanks to all the gold drained to support much of Garrosh’s war machines. There is still a long way to go for Warchief Vol’jin and the other leaders left to pick up the pieces.
    This, to not mention Vol’jin was until a certain point, much like King Varian, most certainly unaware of everything going on in Draenor, for there was little to no contact.

    Some extras!

    The Vol'jin's pride manabomb

    I think this is an argument that will hardly go anywhere. There is no mention of the use of such weapon, for all we believe it could simply be an object used to decoration, a bit like there's skulls and spikes all over the game, when in doubt, put a skull! When in doubt, put a mini manabomb filler model! Though it is a pretty unique model it might not even be one, who knows, seeing as Thalen Songweaver was contacted in Warcrimes, assuming it is a real mana bomb it could have even been snatched from some Iron Horde engineers in their attempt to replicate them! Everything is mere speculation at this point! So going on with a full "Vol'jin is just like Garrosh, he has mana bombs!" seems like a poor argument.

    Ashran: A story of paranoia

    Well, by this time it is highly unlikely many of the PvP related events are even Lore relevant anymore. The Horde and Alliance have agreed to sease the aggressions. To bring another just immediately after is ridiculous. It is most about keeping a factor in game that justifies the faction conflicts in new areas in a game where it is gradually becoming less and less relevant.

    Shipyard missions

    Horde attacks Draenei, Alliance attacks Frostwolves. This is again another excuse for game mechanics and just, I don't know, having something more to do around it. Tanaan jungle seems to disprove everything considering in the Iron front, both Alliance, Horde and their allies are merely focused on fighting the Fel Iron Horde together. I honestly do not see how these missions make any sense to begin with.

    Okay I think this is pretty much the greatest questions answered for now! Thanks for reading!

    May our new Warchief start a new era of prosperity for our beloved Horde. May his power and wisdom guide us to a great future!

    For the Horde!

  2. #2
    I think you could've add that taking down Zalazane could be tied also to the fact that Vol'Jin was placing good of the Horde above his tribe's needs. Therefore he sent his finest warriors to aid in the Horde's campaigns, therefore we see plenty of trolls in Hellfire Peninsula after crossing the Portal, fighting besides orcs and tauren, they made a foothold in Zangarmarsh keeping eye on ogres and nagas, and later in Northren where they were proudly part of the elite Kor'kron forces, making appearance in Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Icrown with Icecrown Citedel itself. Darkspears were not numerous to begin with, Zalazane did a huge blow to the tribe, taking a lot with him, so therefore what remained was mostly used to a matters that had bigger priority.

    Only when Lich King as fallen Vol'Jin had a perfect oportiunity to take back echo Isles, now when most of finest Darkspear veterans are back.
    I miss Mists of Pandaria

  3. #3
    Oh my, you are very right! Indeed it is also an important factor! Thanks so much for adding it! It is incredibly relevant!

  4. #4
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Is this sponsored article or something ?

  5. #5
    Not at all.

    Now if you have anything relevant to add or question, please do, and I will be open to a serious healthy discussion.

  6. #6
    Also the argue between Vol'Jin in Garrosh escalated mainly becuase Garrosh was very biased toward trolls(and belves and undeads, but with latter two I could see an issues why would they seem unreliable) from the start. Vol'Jin's threat was the reasult of Garrosh's "You're lucky I won't gut you right here whelp" which was the trigger for the troll to make far more impressive and memorable threat. But he said exact thing that Saurfang said in Borean Tundra, all Garrosh had to do was prove him wrong.

    Vol'Jin imo had right to be pissed off at the orc, becuase:
    - he was one of the founders of the Horde besides Thrall and Cairne, and was part of it for many years
    - his people were always loyaly participating in each Horde campaign, putting the good of the Horde aboe their own
    - his people despite not being numerous had a great share in said Horde's victories, thanks to them orcs many times didn't died to starvation. In return we have lovely daily quests in Orgrimmar "Stealing from our own" and "Even Theives got hungry", small dailys, but they're showing how much dreadful was atmospere within the walls of Orgrimmar
    - he was set to be advisor of Garrosh, and he was Thrall's right hand when it comes to planning each important Horde campaign.

    Garrosh behaviour at the begining was basicly "Nanananan Thrall pick ME instead of You, hahahahha, pity huuuh?" which completely crosses out the claim that "Garrosh never wanted to be the Warchief" if he took such a big delight in rubbing it to other leaders faces.
    Vol'Jin was always treated with respect by other leaders who were like brothers to him, Garrosh never shown any respect to him nor any of his kind, even in Pandaria he mocks him with "kissing the frogs" and calls them "savages" oh what a delightful irony where you go to Draenor and see most orcs living in primitive huts unable to develop proper culture.
    Also when Vol'Jin saw visions of the future he saw old bull killed and there was description of awful feelings, as if he lost a brother. So I imagine Vol'Jin would still feel bitter over Cairne's death.

    And lastly he is a troll and trolls aren't known from patience specially when someone is threatening them. I'm still surprised he didn't snapped back at Garrosh sooner.

    But as you pointed out, he reconsidered his actions he saw what was bad in it. that alone makes a massive difference between him and Garrosh. Garrosh never reconsidered his own action, the though of possibility of doing something wrong never crossed his mind. Even when facing whole trial, and hearing of crimes commited he shown no remorse nor regret.

    Oh and don't mind Arrashi, this person just trolls the forums.
    I miss Mists of Pandaria

  7. #7
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    Is this sponsored article or something ?
    Sounds so
    You ignoring his 'story' development, not to mention he did beg alliance mercs - or 'heroes' - for help
    The horde was is to fight doing right thing even if odds are against u and u'll mostly die, not go 'beg' alliance for help, I hate garrosh, but if game gave me option, i'd stand and die with Garrosh then ever helping - or getting help - from alliance
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  8. #8
    Titan Wildberry's Avatar
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    Oh boy this is going to be pretty fun.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramz View Post
    Oh and don't mind Arrashi, this person just trolls the forums.
    Arrashi's posts brighten my day. Take that back!

  9. #9
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Ok serious question then:
    Is walking into painfully obvious trap sign of vol'jins genius ? Is he so badass that he does not care ? Is he so badass than when assasins try to kill him he takes nap on the floor and let other handle his safety ?

  10. #10
    I want to recall the alliance version was changed to make it look like it was a desperate call, because someone was offended.

    About your last statement. I think we learned something from Sha of Pride. I think I do not need to say more.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Three questions, I am proud of you! If you'd be so kind to ask them again without it being an obvious mocking session and I will be more than pleased to answer!

    - - - Updated - - -

    You have no idea.


    Lack of relevance and a proper argument brighten your days? Quite odd.

    - - - Updated - - -

    - his people despite not being numerous had a great share in said Horde's victories, thanks to them orcs many times didn't died to starvation. In return we have lovely daily quests in Orgrimmar "Stealing from our own" and "Even Theives got hungry", small dailys, but they're showing how much dreadful was atmospere within the walls of Orgrimmar
    You make an incredible point by bringing those Daily quests! I had not thought of it but it is so accurate.

    And exactly, I am quite impressed by how mild he was when Garrosh first threw the "You did nothing on Northrend" bomb at him. The way he acted to one who was to advise him did not give him a good start at all as a Warchief, that much is certain.

  11. #11
    Titan Wildberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Talon-Queen View Post
    Lack of relevance and a proper argument brighten your days? Quite odd.
    There is a quote option, I'd suggest you use it.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    Sounds so
    You ignoring his 'story' development, not to mention he did beg alliance mercs - or 'heroes' - for help
    The horde was is to fight doing right thing even if odds are against u and u'll mostly die, not go 'beg' alliance for help, I hate garrosh, but if game gave me option, i'd stand and die with Garrosh then ever helping - or getting help - from alliance
    So Hamuul, Thrall, Baine, Saurfang and many others are all horrible horde characters. Don't get me wrong, only good troll is a dead one but getting help from the other faction has been a staple since Warcraft 3.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruargh
    I'm baffled that something this simple can be so hard for some people... I guess we can't blame blizzard for dumbing down the game any longer, because apparently it very much needed :

  13. #13
    I am aware, one of the disadvantages of not being familiar with this format. Your concern warms my heart non the less. I thank you.

  14. #14
    Titan Zulkhan's Avatar
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    Posting here just to see where this shit is going.

    Very nice post anyway but yeah, you should use that quote option, the example of Darth-Pinkaminus-Piekus shouldn't be followed. Well, at least you have the valuable excuse to be pretty "new", he on the other hand....
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyblader View Post
    It's a general rule though that if you play horde you are a bad person irl. It's just a scientific fact.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heladys View Post
    The game didn't give me any good reason to hate the horde. Forums did that.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Blade View Post
    Voljin didn't actually do anything in Northrend.
    Not personaly there does not equal not having done anything.
    Plus the Darkspear were involved in many events, him being their leader and a high member of the Horde means he has participated in the campaign, in planning and selecting the right people for the job. Every leader did have a role to play, even if not personally acting on the spot.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zulkhan View Post
    Posting here just to see where this shit is going.

    Very nice post anyway but yeah, you should use that quote option, the example of Darth-Pinkaminus-Piekus shouldn't be followed. Well, at least you have the valuable excuse to be pretty "new", he on the other hand....

    And I am now, I was just so eager to answer all my mind was focused at the moment was to actually answer, despite the button being right next, haha, I had a little moment, but thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by alt-ithist View Post
    So Hamuul, Thrall, Baine, Saurfang and many others are all horrible horde characters. Don't get me wrong, only good troll is a dead one but getting help from the other faction has been a staple since Warcraft 3.

    (But don't hurt the Trolls please. )

  16. #16
    The Unstoppable Force Arrashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Talon-Queen View Post
    Not personaly there does not equal not having done anything.
    Plus the Darkspear were involved in many events, him being their leader and a high member of the Horde means he has participated in the campaign, in planning and selecting the right people for the job. Every leader did have a role to play, even if not personally acting on the spot.
    Following that logic, gallywix is one of the most involved leaders since, ever since cata, you can see goblins everywhere. So gallywix was participating in taking down twillight hammer in TW highlands.

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Rathbourne's Avatar
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    Haters will hate.Voljin is a great leader and tactician or he wouldnt be in the position he is now.Voljin might not be a great fighter but hey,neither was Terenas Menethil II .That didnt stop him from being the Tywin Lannister(much much much kinder version) of the Old Alliance did it?

  18. #18
    I for once am grateful you wrote all of this this kind of compilation was needed becuase his character is quite misunderstood. And honestly if there are Garrosh apologiests are going so hard on white-washing him to even make claims "he did nothing wrong/ he was innocent" then I don't see an issue in here, where you gathered most important events. But it was all due to expected that all the haters will immediately fly in here like moths to fire, and would try to derail it, so don't get discouraged. Eventually more reasonable people will come in and participate in proper discussion instead of relying solely on bias.

    Personally, I also have issues with Vol'Jin I don't consider him yet to be properly fleshed out, and there are plenty of things that also bugs me, but honestly out of all Horde leaders he is imo the most worthy of leading the Horde, but what matters the most is that he still has a chance to get great development. It's only up to devs to bring the best out of him, or just leave him as unimpressive leader. Only time will tell.

    And seeing as new expansion will come - hopefully, and finally we will get taste of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rathbourne View Post
    Haters will hate.Voljin is a great leader and tactician or he wouldnt be in the position he is now.Voljin might not be a great fighter but hey,neither was Terenas Menethil II .That didnt stop him from being the Tywin Lannister(much much much kinder version) of the Old Alliance did it?
    Actually he is a great fighter, each Shadow-hunter is excellent in melee, ranged and voodoo magics. Vol'Jin also passed the training in Shado-pan monastery for monk. Which is something that only happened in book and it's not mentioned in game. Though I'd love to see that shown in game. I'd love to finally see what he is capable off, becuase so far it was just in talks/in books.
    Last edited by Ramz; 2015-08-02 at 06:03 PM.
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  19. #19
    Titan Zulkhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Talon-Queen View Post
    I had a little moment, but thanks!
    Meh shit happens, not a big deal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyblader View Post
    It's a general rule though that if you play horde you are a bad person irl. It's just a scientific fact.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heladys View Post
    The game didn't give me any good reason to hate the horde. Forums did that.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Talon-Queen View Post
    Let’s talk about this. Vol’jin was a teenager, struggling to remember information he gathered in first home, recently empowered with abilities he was not familiar with, freshly thrown into his village cast down into chaos, where strange new beings he recognized from visions he had seemed to struggle along his own kind.
    It had been months since his and Zalazane’s departure to first home. There is NOTHING he could have possibly done to stop this Naga and Murloc uprising.
    The strange new beings were the Orcs led by Thrall, on their way to Kalindor. While he escaped the attack, Sen’jin did not, but the dying troll leader wished that the Orc would help save his people. And so, having found their new troll allies, all escaped together to Kalimdor, the Darkspear now led by Sen’jin’s young son.
    Vol'jin came to Kalimdor several months later, so he did not fight alongside the horde during the third war, later on the horde more or less disbanded afterwards,with only the orcs remaining, but was reformed once Admiral Daelin Proudmoore attacked and Vol'jins role in that was quite minor.

    Honestly this one hurts to see everytime, because an important factor seems to always be cast aside. It seems like people are not aware, at all, of Zalazane’s true power.
    People tend to make it look like a measly novice expelled an entire tribe away from their land. Zalazane was no Lich King but he was non the less an incredible threat. Trolls bear knowledge unknown to most races of the planet, they are masters of dark magics, empowered by powerful Gods. Many Trolls have even been able to transcend death itself.

    There is absolutely no reason to believe Zalazane was not an incredible force to be reckoned with. Had his story been more developed we would have known more about the overwhelming nature of his powers. Mind control, necromancy, the ability to make himself immune to attacks are merely a few of his powers.
    Yet compared to other threats other races faced Zalazane was not really in the top tier, he is nothing compared to the scarlet crusade or scourge armies for example, true he was strong, but not that strong.

    The fact it took a Loa to defeat him does not prove Vol’jin’s weakness. It proves Zalazane’s actual strength.
    It proved he was hard to kill not that he was very powerful, lets compare him to Dar'khan for example a mage that tossed the future dragon aspect of magic around like a ragdoll, beat Krasus and Sylvanas into submission, slaughtered many of the most powerful magi of Quel'thalas prior to the arrival of the scourge army on Quel'danas.

    And let us not forget Bwonsamdi only helped Vol’jin and his tribe because they were worthy. To convince a powerful death god to aid you in battle is not a small feat.
    That is not quite true, Bwonswamdi helped because he wants to devour souls so to speak, it doesn't matter if it is Vol'jin or someone else do his bidding as long as someone does it, the moment another troll has more chances to get him more souls he would drop vol'jin like a hot potato, never forget the loa don't really care for the trolls.

    He is guilty of threatening Garrosh, altough, it was the orc who first was disrespectful to him, saying he took no part in the Northrend campaign, when many good Troll soldiers were involved in the struggle, when many fought within the Kor’kron ranks, and completely dismissed the threat represented by Zalazane, showing how low the ever loyal Darkspear tribe was in his consideration.
    He was correct though Vol'jin was not personally involved into the Northrend campaignm which is one of the reasons Garrosh had such a low opinion of him.

    “What did Vol’jin do during the Siege?”

    First of all he managed to bring the races together, working in sync, more than Garrosh had managed so far. To be a great leader is not merely measured by the conquests achieved, but also by the respect you have towards those who follow you and viceversa. Vol’jin’s horde promotes equality of the races. None is better or more important than the other. The Horde is a family.
    Vol'jin did not really bring the other races together, it was Garrosh, who brought them to his side, he didn't have to convince anyone to fight for him, they all wanted a piece of Hellscream, Vol'jin just became the figurehead of the movement.

    Later on, despite people believing Vol’jin failed to hold the front at the gates of Orgrimmar, despite the heavy casualties, it was ultimately a success, as it succeed in holding the “True” Horde enough time so that the ship forces could make landfall and successfully take the shore.
    Vol'jin did not upheld his goal though he intended to take the harbour, so the troops could land there, but failed to do so.

    Some extras!

    The Vol'jin's pride manabomb

    I think this is an argument that will hardly go anywhere. There is no mention of the use of such weapon, for all we believe it could simply be an object used to decoration, a bit like there's skulls and spikes all over the game, when in doubt, put a skull! When in doubt, put a mini manabomb filler model! Though it is a pretty unique model it might not even be one, who knows, seeing as Thalen Songweaver was contacted in Warcrimes, assuming it is a real mana bomb it could have even been snatched from some Iron Horde engineers in their attempt to replicate them! Everything is mere speculation at this point! So going on with a full "Vol'jin is just like Garrosh, he has mana bombs!" seems like a poor argument.
    It is a manabomb and if Vol'jin would really prohibit the use of such weapons in the future there is only one word to describe him and that would be idiot. These bombs are incredibly potent and can turn an entire war around, not having a few in reserve would be utterly stupidity.

    May our new Warchief start a new era of prosperity for our beloved Horde. May his power and wisdom guide us to a great future!

    For the Horde!
    So let us conclude Vol'jin while a skilled individual hasn't really achieved great things, he is still a rather blank slate blizz can still go with him in every direction they please, wod was a wasted opportunity for him to do something relevant, most likely since they don't know what to do with him, similar to Garrosh initially. Whether he remains Warchief or not is irrelevant, blizz has more or less porven it doesn't matter which race a warchief belongs to, status quo will be maintained in the same fashion as before until they think another war between the two factions would be "cool".

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