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  1. #41
    Shadowburn sniping in battlegrounds. Who doesn't love a ranged execute

  2. #42
    Revenge kills on people who have ganked/camped me before.

    I usually mind my own business and won't attack if I see some random Hordie McHorde out questing, but if said Hordie is someone who has ganked/camped me before, it's fucking on.

    Also: killing players in 1v1 situations as a warrior.
    Last edited by Ciddy; 2015-09-29 at 10:31 PM.

  3. #43
    Arms warrior executes, instant #1 KBS & dmg done.

  4. #44
    Killing a fc and getting the flag back is a good one, me thinks.

  5. #45
    Retaking your flag as a stealthed rogue as 2 hordies decided to swap who was holding it. Was so freaking magical.

  6. #46
    Banned Gandrake's Avatar
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    actually being able to hit something with execute before every other class in the game that was given it does
    killing a hunter before they can use deterrence
    showing up out of nowhere and putting heavy pressure on a healer

  7. #47
    Sitting at the flight point near Khadgar's Tower in Zangarra waiting for horde to wander by as they work on their legendary ring quest. Siegebreakering them off the cliff is great. That server is 90% horde so there is a nice steady stream of victims. Cheap thrills.

    Dualboxing 2v2 arenas (using poor-man's alt-tab method) for conquest points. Win/loss rate is about the same as playing with random people, and I'm the only idiot on the team so that's a plus. Seriously though, this has been some of the most fun I've had in WoW pvp, and not having to depend on someone else (or Ashran) for conquest points is amazing. Pulling off wins against fairly decent teams is a great feeling. I sure would love to hear the other team's voice chat though. I'm sure it's confusing for them because I basically just play one character at a time. The best is when they get the first kill and then I come out on my other character and kill them both as they celebrate their perceived victory. Legit 1v2 wins are always neat too.

    Winning the Highmaul Coliseum gladiator tournament. Extremely satisfying!

  8. #48
    Nuking people to death on my ele shaman, in Ascendance form macroed with elemental mastery. Shamans suck this xpack but it is still possible to burst. It's also a good feeling when you pop BL at the right time in bg's and the other team just melts. Man I miss the burst ele shamans used to have.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deleth View Post
    Ah come on Granyala, there's several possible reasons for it. A few that would get us banned here like pointing out a deficite in his mental capacity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oktoberfest View Post
    Man I swear, every time someone uses the term 'Critical Thinking' I want to pop em in the mouth.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Zombergy View Post
    Most satisfying thing about WoW PvP?

    When I've botted enough honor points to buy some quick item levels for raid requirements and I can stop participating in video gaming's single worst player vs player experience.

    WoW PvP is shit, utter fucking shit.

    Long live honor farming bots.

    My opinion is that good PvP can be found in shooters and MOBAs, not in WoW.
    And this right here is the reason they are removing PvP gear in legion. Dragon slayes like you were skipping dungeons and ruining PvP just for the sake of gear.

    Ot, my favorite spells are death grip and chaos bolt. Landing a death grip when someone is fleeing or standing in a cheese spot.
    Stacking embers and just letting bolts fly with buffs.

    Situationally, it is satisfying to identify the top player on the other team in a random BG and then get into a somewhat mutually agreed upon 1v1 duel off to the side (and win of course).

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Ciddy View Post
    Revenge kills on people who have ganked/camped me before.

    Also: killing players in 1v1 situations as a warrior.
    same ;D

    you know, when things get personal.....toe on toe.......not the random shit in instances.

  11. #51
    There's so many to choose from..

    -Killing Blows

    -Winning an open-world 1v1 PvP battle

    -Ninja Capping a tightly contested Arathi Basin or Battle for Gilneas that leads to a win

    -Leading points scored in Temple of Kotmogu

    -Distracting a huge group from a node or objective in a BG because half the group desperately wants to give you your first death, making them chase you half way across the map ultimately causing their loss

    -Getting blown off the bridge in Eye of the Storm only to Goblin Glider back safely

    -Fake-casting an interrupt

    -Fake jumping off high ground making your pursuer fall off while you're still up there

    -5 Capping

    -Killing someone in the open world who proceeds to stay dead, not release, and just has you targeted. This is when you drop all of your cosmetic toys on top of his/her body and take pix

  12. #52
    for me its winning.

  13. #53
    Killing any rogue, anywhere. Doesn't matter arena, bgs or world pvp. I fucking HATE THEM! I hate them so much that I am lvling up a rogue just to spread the cancer that is rogue!

  14. #54
    Oneshotting clothies with 100% crit ambush (not available anymore, sadly).
    No more time wasted in WoW.. still reading this awesome forum, though

  15. #55
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faenskap View Post
    Satisfying these days would be to not face germans, and to win a bg. Also hard hitting chaos bolts
    do you mean russians? germans are a easy target imo lol

    Formerly known as Arafal

  16. #56
    Keyboard Turner FreeSurgery's Avatar
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    Watching someone get smashed and then they just lay there for a moment and process the shame.
    Sapping a person while they're using movement cooldowns.
    Sapping a person while they're the last of a group moving somewhere. Like, help?
    Sapping a person while they're sapped.
    When those perfect 1v1's happen and you get every proc, every crit, every cd.
    Making low level toons nervous by following them around.
    Ninja capping a flag while someone is standing 7 yards away.

  17. #57
    Epic! Ermelloth's Avatar
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    Random BG strategy for having ultimate fun as Retri Paladin:

    How to score a lot of kills during mass fight:

    1. Be sure you have Engineering (Nitro Boosts + Glider), new Darkmoon toy "Seesaw" or a lot of Noggenfogger elixirs (both make you smaller);
    2. Go to the place where the mass fights of the BG usually pop up (EoTS middle, Deepwind middle flag, Arathi LM / BS, Kotmogu mid, Gilneas WW);
    3. Do NOT rush forward; hide behind some LoS object so enemies won't see you at all; then wait for major CDs and half-2/3 of enemy players' HP being taken off;
    4. Come out (taking Berserker buff on your way if possible), with burst macro and hammer everyone with little HP left, focus stunning healers (if any) or CC spammers (locks) which might stop you;

    If executed well, Ret can score 4-5 kills this way and save the day, thus avoiding being targeted (knowing how squishy we are when focused by mob). If more enemy healers come, use Nitro Boosts + Bubble and get away to safety.

    Other tactical & survivalist tips:

    6. In TP / WSG, stay at base rather than going middle / to enemy flag room. Get on 2nd level of the base and use Stealthman 54 (cheap WoD Engineering item) while standing right at the edge of the roof the way you can fully observe your flag spot from above. Do not move - this artificial stealth works like NElves' Shadowmeld.

    In 4 out of 5 bgs only one enemy player - usually rogue or druid - will come to your flag room to try and steal the first quick flag. Just as he takes it, you jump out of stealth right on his head with FoJ and Seal of Justice slow.

    IF 2-3+ players come for the flag instead, just stay in stealth - both ways you aren't risking to die and lose all the buffs for nothing.

    7. In Temple of Kotmogu never take orbs yourself unless there is absolutely no choice: instead, heavily focus enemy orb carriers. The way orb debuff and our spec work, our burst is deadly even on properly healed carriers when the debuff stacks up. Along with our snare / root immunity and the ability to do damage in bubble and from BoP, we make one of the best, if not THE best, spec in the game for countering orb carriers in ToK.

    I have some screens with scoring up to 35-40 kills to 0 deaths in that BG.

    8. Always remember how squishy we are in ANY situation other than 1vs1. Do not play like Warrior or DK would; stay behind, play defensively, use Final Verdict and all the ranged attacks and kite enemies.

    9. Avoid participating in mass fights in which you are heavily outnumbered by enemy healers. If there is a situation, say, in Arathi near a flag, when 5 of your team fight other 5 from enemy team, you got 1 healer and they got 3 - get out of there in time.

    Ret is tragically WEAK vs. more than one healer in a very sad way - we have absolutely no tools to counter 2+ healers healing each other or make any serious impact on them, so unless it's a matter of sacrificing yourself to hold that flag a few seconds longer (example: if there is a 1450-1470 score and flag loss could be a total loss as well), abandon it.

    10. Learn where Berserker buffs appear in each BG and always keep getting there as often as possible.
    Last edited by Ermelloth; 2015-10-05 at 10:00 PM.

  18. #58
    As a shadow priest in battlegrounds:
    1. Cascade (especially the graphic effect)
    2. Silence into horror into fear into sweet embrace of shadow word: DEATH!
    3. Seeing someone die from my dots (killing blow and all) even though they ran away

  19. #59
    High Overlord RippedGeek's Avatar
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    random full on war's in WPvP.. i live for those.

  20. #60
    Having people not rez and follow you in ghost form and boast about your battle prowess in the chat in Alterac valley.

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