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  1. #41
    Absolutely. I've always been a fan of elves in the fantasy settings I play in. Blood Elves can't be Druids, so mine is a Night Elf - which, in turn, has influenced the rest of my characters. If they opened up Blood Elves to be Druids and Shaman - I'd faction change my entire character roster to Horde.

  2. #42
    I am an altoholic, and while some races are quite dominant for me because of looks and lore (Horde: BE, Trolls; Alliance: Humans, NE, Draenei), I wanted to have at least one character of each race available in the game.

    But I would, for example, never play a Tauren Priest or Paladin, because these two classes are extremely "high culture" to me (in comparison to the more tribal Shamans and Druids), thus my 2 Horde Paladins on different servers are both BE (male and female).

    On the other hand, some races are that ugly for me, that I would never consider any character, no matter which class. I just hate the look of Worgen females, for example. And while I do have 2 sexy Orc females (DK and Rogue), I just could not create a male Orc (male Trolls are another thing).

    New character models have ruined some races for me. My gnome warlock was turned to human (and somehow reminds me of the Witcher now *g*), because none of the new models could capture the look of my gnome before the update, same problem with my Dwarven Hunter girl (another Human Male now, with a different character concept), and my Tauren Druid, who turned to a Troll girl. I still have my Tauren Warrior (she still looks somehow like the original character) and my little cute Gnome Priestess, as well as my Forsaken Priestess, but I am not happy with her look anymore. Her body looks wrong compared to earlier screenshots.

  3. #43
    Oh yes, absolutely. I have 5 level 100 characters (Shaman, Monk, Paladin, Hunter & Priest), and they're all female Draenei.
    Would really love to have a Resto Druid, but I just can't stand Nelfs, and female Worgen are just ugly imo with horrible casting animations.
    And somehow it feels wrong to play a male Worgen as a female, even though I really like em.

    Same with Warlock, would totally level a Warlock if Draenei Warlock was an option.

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