1. #1

    [Resto] Please review my friends logs - Advice needed


    These are her logs. She's always for getting better and taking advice from good players. Please be as detailed as possible. Please also be aware that some fights are overhealed etc.

    Even while on prog this guy is getting really consistently high ranks. What is she doing differently?
    Last edited by BestMonkNA; 2015-10-19 at 08:48 PM.

  2. #2
    I don't think you are trying a fair comparison. You didn't post any progression logs from her. You did show heavily overhealed farm fights - a shaman will not excel on those. Some of the shown ones had ~60% overhealing. Amazing ranks are achieved with one or several healers less - sometimes solohealing - that is made progressively easier by outgearing the encounter. Try that and come back.
    Another thing the unstable felshadow emulsion trinket she is running creates a leech buff on healed players but the leech is not attributed to the player that did create the buff - so while it might be very strong on several fights and may contribute sizable healing it will not increase the rank and the perceived performance of said player. Be aware that all totem healing does not even create that buff - so it is stronger in this regard on a monk, druid or hpriest.
    And the trinket might not even be best on some fights due to their nature and the brevity of some farm fights. Try a throughput trinket instead. Maybe the shadowmoon insignia or whatever you may have available. This may or may not increase your nethealing but it will increase the healing that appears contributed to the player.

    In general if you want to maximise your output (and thus your rank) - given that the encounter's needs are met somehow - you need to use your cds as often as possible - namely ascendance, tide, your ring and slt to enable a longer period of the raid living while being low and thus increasing your mastery's contribution to healing. Coming back to the point of the beginning. If the raid can be low for some time - fewer healers - a shaman will excel.
    Sometimes you use your cds in situations that don't scream for them just because you have them ready and they will be up again for the required situation - saving your and and your cohealers mana. You need to have an idea how long any fight is going to take your raid.
    And always be casting something. Every little healing adds up.
    You also need to maximise your healing done with your mana. Use efficient healing - have your raid stay in your rain for considerable times (maybe run conductivity in such a case). Have little to no mana left on any given fight - having used a mana potion or if that is better an intellect potion for some healing burst phase. Any mana left at the end of a fight is wasted and you could have changed your gear to reflect your lesser need of spirit pieces or enchants increasing your innate throughput.

    Is she in control of the ring? Haven't checked but given the high ilvl by now it does contribute alot of healing. So if it isn't synced to phases where she heals alot you will see her shift down on the healing meters compared to some one else.

    While echo of the elements inreases the fluidity of the spec it is not always the only choice. Consider emphasizing one of the strengths of a shaman - burst healing - maybe try elemental mastery to enhance it and supercharge your ring, your crit-on-use trinket, your ascendance or your tide or a combination of those. Alot of encounters have phases that require this burst healing.

    Please use +75 mastery in your sockets. It is unlikely that that gear will be replaced very soon. Little things like this add up.
    Last edited by Deiae; 2015-10-20 at 12:35 AM. Reason: clarity, spelling, more points.

  3. #3
    What do you mean "even while on progress"? Shamans shine during progress!

    As we get into farm, it gets harder and harder for a shaman to "rank" since (1) your absorb co-healers get stronger, (2) the amount of damage in the encounter remains the same (or even decreases with nerfs and better tactics/practice), and (3) more healers use the leech trinket, which is overpowered but its healing isn't attributed to the healers.

    Relatively, shaman is "stronger" at ilvl 710 when the disc priest and paladin are ilvl 710 as well, vs nowdays when all are 725+.

  4. #4
    These are her only logs on frostmourne, I'm requesting you to go through whats she's doing and seeing if its correct or incorrect.

    I was linking someone as reference that was getting high percentiles even without under-healing fights (progress). He's obviously one of the better shamans around. I'm looking for tips on ability usage, is something being used to little/Too much?
    Last edited by BestMonkNA; 2015-10-20 at 04:05 AM.

  5. #5
    First thing that comes to mind is that you are severely overhealing content, I mean some spells having upwards of 90% overhealing just goes to prove that. Mechanically it looks fine in the way she uses Riptide/HST/EB, they are being used efficiently. Chain Heal has sufficient hits/bounces pr. cast average.

    I think optimizing spell usage is a thing as well, I can see on Kormrok you threw a healing rain that did 64k healing, which is a wasted cast imo. Healing Rain quickly loses momentum when overhealing content, it doesn't really have a chance of putting through it's power. Personally I would never consider Conductivity for more than Council or Tyrant though, Rushing Streams is just that much stronger.

    Just like Koor says, shamans are supposed to shine on progress due to how our mastery works. A progress boss is usually where people do the big mistakes, meaning that we get an insane boost to our healing as they drop low. We just die down on farm if the healer setup is not rustled a little bit, since peopple will get better gear, be higher hp% due to gear, learning strats properly and absorbs getting out of hand.

    On the cooldowns, they are low solely because you have too many healers fighting over what little damage is going into the group. I also disagree that shamans are all cooldowns, I feel we have very strong sustained healing. Personally I don't see Elemental Mastery helping in any way, mostly because it feels useless outside of cooldowns, and the cd is 'off' meaning you will lose value waiting to use it with HTT. I would rather pick Ancestral Swiftness for the passive haste and utility of an instant cast, can be used both for sniping and for planning ahead when putting down healing rains.

    That being said Echo is still the stronger talent on far most bosses when looking at pure utility/survuvability, but it lacks behind in raw throughput. Hence why it shouldn't be picked over Ancestral Swiftness on 'farm' bosses.

    Cooldowns should be used early and often to get the most value out of them, of course it is a bit of a hassle to go over a fight, look at timers and make a plan for when you have to pop cooldowns. On progress I am usually the first one to pop my cooldowns, this means that in most cases I will get additional uses out of them -> Parses.

    Getting high percentiles on fights not being overhealed, is partially due to being very 'keen' (xD) on sniping, and not being afraid to over extend with spamming Chain Heal. It will take a lot of practice on bosses to know exactly when damage is inbound, but when you get the hang of it you will get more value for your spells. Also being the first one to heal a target means your mastery will be most potent.

    Leech trinket is doing nothing for parses, so you have to take that into account when evaluating her healing, the trinket will in cases without too many healers do a pretty large amount (5-15% maybe more). Swapping this out with a trinket with actual stats on will also help on parses.

    But this is just my humble opinion.

  6. #6
    Sure, I wrote some general outline to make you understand that there is more to it than ability usage - the environment (# of healers, their overhealing, fight speed, mana left), choices of gear. Sometimes you force low performance on the healers by making them overheal the encounter. Judging them on ranking % in such a case would be misleading.

    To compare some of the logs: Tyrant Velhari: Danish Terrace's Leech healing on that fight is ~2m*. They don't use the leech trinket. It is from leech on gear.
    In your guild's case there were 17m healing due to it. Taking the difference we get 15m created by healers using the leech trinket and your raid having some people with more leech on their gear. In any case that makes 15m more healing that could not directly attributed to healers - lowering their numbers. Does it mean they healed worse? It does mean there was less to heal.
    So which healers wore the leech trinket? See what buffs they procced. Mojo: class + x, QT: class + crit-on-use, Healixz: shadowmoon + x, Lykchi: crit-on-use + blackhand spirit trinket, steakmeats: x + y. where x and y are either the mana reduction trinket or the leech trinket as they both do not proc buffs that are attributable to a player. Stalking their armories it can be assumed that x is in every instance the mana reduction trinket as they wear it in their armories. It is unlikely a disc or a pala would choose to wear a leech trinket instead. This leaves steakmeats as the only wearer of the leech trinket. So did she heal 15m not attributed to her? Probably not that much but a good chunk. This does turn tables, doesn't it?
    Try to heal this fight and the others without any present and see if the numbers change. This would establish a baseline to see how much healing the leech trinket actually added in your raid. Making you able to assess how much leech healing should be attributed to steakmeats.
    Also drop a healer. That fight has been 3-healed. 5-healing is fine but are not surprised if healing ranks are not amazing then. Similiar comparisons could probably be made for other fights.

    *Oct. 14th parse.

    For gorefiend the comparison is just as silly. The hpriest and the shaman appear to be the only ones wearing the leech trinket. Leech does 27,8m compared to 2,4m in DT's case.
    Last edited by Deiae; 2015-10-20 at 05:18 PM.

  7. #7
    BTW we can know from the logs which healers used the leech trinket, it leaves a buff called "Shadowfel Infusion" on players, and if we go into the events trace, we can see who is the healer that gave the leech. For example on tyrant:


    00:00:05.623 Omnibear gains Shadowfel Infusion from Steakmeats
    00:00:05.623 Omnibear's Shadowfel Infusion is refreshed by Steakmeats
    00:00:07.173 Lykchi gains Shadowfel Infusion from Steakmeats
    00:00:14.277 Ark gains Shadowfel Infusion from Steakmeats
    00:00:16.621 Steakmeats's Shadowfel Infusion fades from Omnibear
    00:00:17.176 Steakmeats's Shadowfel Infusion fades from Lykchi
    00:00:17.703 Omnibear gains Shadowfel Infusion from Steakmeats

    We can see that Steakmeats was the only healer using it, and on gorefiend in the same night, both Steakmeats and Magorical used it, as Deiae said.

  8. #8
    the only real criticism I'd have is that sometimes her riptide usage seems a little low, which contributes to low chainheal bounces. But that's not the case on every fight, so I assume it's incidental and not the result of not playing correctly. Some of it might also be chalked up to not being familiar with your raid's strats/CD usage/etc., since this as apparently their first raid with you.

    I also looked at resource usage; often she seems to finish fights at 50% mana. Since people also aren't dying, this tells me that there isn't much to heal and/or she's not trying to out-chase your priests.

    it's important to understand that most of the high HPS ranks are the result of groups flagrantly under-healing farm fights and/or gaming the results (not using leech trinkets, taking unnecessary damage, etc.) You'd like to be able to hit over 50th percentile on farm bosses, but even that can be tough if you're over-healing encounters.

    ed: also there's tracking tools for the leech trinket if you care to run them, see: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/leech-trinket-counter and associated comment thread for some options
    Last edited by Cheze; 2015-10-22 at 11:04 AM.

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