1. #9761
    Quote Originally Posted by bigtom View Post
    Really though, FR prior to patch was GCD locked. We were almost limited by rage output rather than rage generation like now. If you were managing a limited rage period then FR is what you skipped instead of the GCD ability. My Arms Warrior never missed a GCD with the FR build and it simulated with a 0.7% waiting time. There is way more waiting time with empty GCDs using our new FoB build or the Rend build without gloves compared to the fast paced, GCD locked gameplay we had prior to the patch. This feels terrible.

    The feedback we keep hearing about FR is really not about damage output, it is about the fast paced, engaging gameplay and overall feel of the spec, which is now nonexistent in our new kit.
    is that without the op gloves that got nerfed almost every patch?

  2. #9762
    Quote Originally Posted by Stanislav View Post
    is that without the op gloves that got nerfed almost every patch?
    Gloves haven't been OP for a long time, in NH patch 7.1-7.2 (so old and new traits) they simmed roughly equal with Legendaries like the Boots/Legs on single target, and on a good RNG run you'd do better without them since they were poorly itemised for Arms and rage wasn't really an issue, put adds into the fight and they were an unstant unequip, replaced by legs/trinket.

    Though they did sim the highest (paired with execute ring) on single target for me personally prior to this patch, it was only by a very small margin. In this patch though for some reason they are simming incredibly high, 50k ahead in the sims I did prior to the recent nerf, not looked into it since.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Testing some builds on dummies and had some interesting and unexpected results from weird builds.

    No buffs, no execute phase (only executes were from the ring proc). 416mil damage dealt and at the point I stopped fighting I was at 915k dps. Easily sustaining over 900k. Overpower, Rend, Titanic Might, In for the Kill, Ravager. Overpower seems pointless since it's barely ahead of Dauntless above 20% and simply becomes a loss for the execute phase, but I had it talented on this run. Rage above 20% is so high that for that phase of the fight Dauntless doesn't contribute anything, you generally can't spend the rage pre execute phase.

    Current pre-nerf Trauma + OPS setup turns Arms into a complete unstoppable wrecking machine in the execute phase, I'm guessing that is where it's gaining its simmed dps advantage over other builds. This build seems extremely capable though, and is a lot more busy (+ GCD capped).

    https://i.gyazo.com/2166d20b2e72bc36...e6c7aac725.png - Another run with better RNG, same build was 950k when I stopped.

    Really impressed with it, it gets trashed by Trauma/OPS in execute phase though, but outside of that I'm doing higher numbers with this.
    Last edited by Bigbazz; 2017-06-18 at 08:51 PM.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  3. #9763
    Is the new ring worth? I just got it and doing 7M MS crits, but dunno, outside burst I pretty much don't use FR. I have execute ring and DC ring, maybe without t20 it is bis?

  4. #9764
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbazz View Post
    Gloves haven't been OP for a long time, in NH patch 7.1-7.2 (so old and new traits) they simmed roughly equal with Legendaries like the Boots/Legs on single target, and on a good RNG run you'd do better without them since they were poorly itemised for Arms and rage wasn't really an issue, put adds into the fight and they were an unstant unequip, replaced by legs/trinket.

    Though they did sim the highest (paired with execute ring) on single target for me personally prior to this patch, it was only by a very small margin. In this patch though for some reason they are simming incredibly high, 50k ahead in the sims I did prior to the recent nerf, not looked into it since.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Testing some builds on dummies and had some interesting and unexpected results from weird builds.

    No buffs, no execute phase (only executes were from the ring proc). 416mil damage dealt and at the point I stopped fighting I was at 915k dps. Easily sustaining over 900k. Overpower, Rend, Titanic Might, In for the Kill, Ravager. Overpower seems pointless since it's barely ahead of Dauntless above 20% and simply becomes a loss for the execute phase, but I had it talented on this run. Rage above 20% is so high that for that phase of the fight Dauntless doesn't contribute anything, you generally can't spend the rage pre execute phase.

    Current pre-nerf Trauma + OPS setup turns Arms into a complete unstoppable wrecking machine in the execute phase, I'm guessing that is where it's gaining its simmed dps advantage over other builds. This build seems extremely capable though, and is a lot more busy (+ GCD capped).

    https://i.gyazo.com/2166d20b2e72bc36...e6c7aac725.png - Another run with better RNG, same build was 950k when I stopped.

    Really impressed with it, it gets trashed by Trauma/OPS in execute phase though, but outside of that I'm doing higher numbers with this.
    i did run this build too, and i am very pleased by it. it is very reliable dps and feels okish to play compared to the ww stupidness.
    i dont think there is a rage starvation problem in execute phase with ravager taken . i just stop to use rend if i know i will have uptime and rage is dropping under 40ish (or throw in a overpower to stall rage consumption, especcially if i have 2 stacks of EP and no cs available). ravager also gives a lot of rage. And i think the ops /trauma builds relied too much in trauma in execute phase critting, which will be gone next week.

  5. #9765
    Hey guys,

    does one of you knows if this still drops : http://www.wowhead.com/item=147074/v...onus=3561:1482

    or if it has been removed from the game ? I find it quite weird we only have 1 shitty option when it comes to wrists.

  6. #9766
    Hey guys,

    For execute phase, do you save tactician procs solely for 2x EP Mortal Strikes or do you use them at will even for every executes that it's available for?

  7. #9767
    Not having Ayala's really sucks big time. Whoever came up with the BiS legendary concept should be shut on sight

  8. #9768
    Quote Originally Posted by Rafalga View Post
    Not having Ayala's really sucks big time. Whoever came up with the BiS legendary concept should be shut on sight
    Yes. Its awful. My entire motivation right now revolves around getting Ayala's to drop.

  9. #9769
    Quote Originally Posted by Fearghus View Post
    Hey guys,

    For execute phase, do you save tactician procs solely for 2x EP Mortal Strikes or do you use them at will even for every executes that it's available for?
    Usually I do 2 executes and if CS has reset, I hit that and then MS as 2 executes with our Golden Trait aside the CS buff makes the next MS extremely powerful. However if CS doesn't reset, just use keep using Execute until either CS resets or MS comes off CD without a Tact proc.

  10. #9770
    Quote Originally Posted by simperial View Post
    Yes. Its awful. My entire motivation right now revolves around getting Ayala's to drop.
    Yeah, it's pretty much mandatory right now.

  11. #9771
    Quote Originally Posted by Natty354 View Post
    Usually I do 2 executes and if CS has reset, I hit that and then MS as 2 executes with our Golden Trait aside the CS buff makes the next MS extremely powerful. However if CS doesn't reset, just use keep using Execute until either CS resets or MS comes off CD without a Tact proc.
    Would you not just continue executing for the greater likelihood of a tactician proc?

    Also doesn't Execute hit harder than a normal MS?

  12. #9772
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggrophobic View Post
    Yeah, it's pretty much mandatory right now.
    Yeah it really always has been but executioner's precision from 7.2 and then the rage starvation issues of new arms; wew, ayala's is pretty just absolutely intrinsic -- both from a numbers perspective and a playability perspective. Without ayala's the rotation is boring as hell, you never get a rage breather, and you don't have a good source of tactician bad luck procs. So you rage starve very very fast.

    The spec is legit unplayable without those execute procs.

  13. #9773
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggrophobic View Post
    Yeah, it's pretty much mandatory right now.
    Yep - and I've been cashing in Nethershards on rings for the slight chance that I get Ayala's. Guess what? Just got Sephuz's Secret. This system feels so fucking awful.

  14. #9774
    I've been trying to get Ayala's since EN. I've gotten three legendaries from the legion supply caches. The WW belt, Sonic boots and BS Helm. I just want the fucking ring.
    Priest Warrior
    You are not your role. You are not how much gold you have on your account.
    You are not the mount you ride. You are not the contents of your bank.
    You are not your epic purples. You are not a special and unique snowflake.
    You are the all-grinding, all-farming crap of Azeroth.

  15. #9775
    Quote Originally Posted by simperial View Post
    Yep - and I've been cashing in Nethershards on rings for the slight chance that I get Ayala's. Guess what? Just got Sephuz's Secret. This system feels so fucking awful.
    It sure does.
    People have been telling Blizzard since Legion alpha that the system does not work and is horrible. They just keep adding more items making it even worse though.

  16. #9776
    Quote Originally Posted by Fearghus View Post
    Hey guys,

    For execute phase, do you save tactician procs solely for 2x EP Mortal Strikes or do you use them at will even for every executes that it's available for?
    Your execute priority will always be this:
    1. Colossus Smash (if no Shattered Defenses buff active)
    2. Mortal Strike (if 2x EP AND Shattered Defenses buff active)
    3. Execute

    So basically you just want to use CS on CD as long as SD is not up. You only use MS with 2x EP and SD.

    So sometimes you will do this:
    Execute -> Execute -> (Tact Proc) CS -> MS -> (Tact Proc) CS -> Execute -> (Tact Proc) -> Execute -> Execute -> Execute -> (Tact Proc) CS -> MS

    Hope that helps.

  17. #9777
    Sim rotation aside don't you find to be better- "safer" to cs-exe-exe-cs-ms? Basically if tact procs after the first exe hold it for the buffed ms to be sure you will have sd instead of rolling the dice not to get one after the 2nd exe. Sure it mind end up as a dps loss if you were lucky but it could also be a dps boost if you don't get a tact proc.

  18. #9778
    I usually build up a EPx2 and use it after a CS.

    If there's no proc I'll use MS anyway and then return to executing to EPX2 again...rinse and repeat.

    Basically I'll keep executing until which point I get a tactician proc and by that time I'll have an EPX2 and can then CS into a MS

    - - - Updated - - -

    Can someone explain why Old War is not best used on Execute phase? I hear that using on a normal BC phase during a BL phase may be better? Duplicating them EPX2 hits is what I want to be doing?!

  19. #9779
    Cause old war is not based on dmg that ur doing, its just RPPM - doing hes own dmg and thus is greatly buffed from efects like bloodlust, avatar, bc....

  20. #9780
    It doesn't benefit from Execute phase because it's just a damage proc that scales with haste/crit/mastery/verse, and by loading more damage into the Execute phase you're shortening it, while if you use it outside the Execute phase you're getting to the Execute phase quicker, of course the actual practical difference is tiny/irrelevant, but that's the theory.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

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