
Ingame Contact: Jazende#2641 or Plog#2855
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work on progression without just copying mainstream guides on for example YouTube? If so, then <MM> is the guild for you! We are currently recruiting DPS and healers.

Recruitment Status:

High demand:
- Restoration Shaman
- Mistweaver Monk

Melee DPS
High demand:
- Enhancement Shaman
- Death Knights
- Warrior
- Rogue

Ranged DPS
High demand:

About the Guild:
<MM> is the oldest high end raiding guild on Turalyon-EU. We were founded in 2005 and have been raiding since vanilla Molten Core. Originally founded under the name <Magnae Mammae> our guild has been raiding continually since Molten Core and we will continue doing so.

Raiding Philosophy:
As most end-game minded guilds, we focus on new content, which currently consists of Mythic Tyrant Velhari. However, our raiding philosophy is very different to most: in short, 'we don't do tactics'. Well, that is, standard ones.

We ask our raiders to NOT read up on a boss before we approach it (and if they choose to do so, to keep it to themselves). We go by the dungeon journal and knowing our class: we discuss the abilities and come up with an approach via Teamspeak and raid chat, then have a go. If it does not work, we change it around. If the boss is still not dead, we discuss other options on our forum before the next raid. It is that simple.

You might say, surely that cannot be the fastest way to killing a new boss (unless you are of course one of the world top guilds!). You are most probably right. So, why do we do it? To sum it up, it is more challenging and more fun. That's the short answer, for the long answer check out this series of articles our guild was asked to write for Manaflask, 2, 3, 4.

Current Progress:
So far we have killed 9/13 on mythic. We are now working on Tyrant Velhari as our best attempt so far ended at 44% after one night of tries.

Admin stuff:
Our raid times are Wed, Thur, Sun and Mon – 20.00 to 23.00 server time. We ask for only 3/4 attendance.

We do not have a specific ilvl requirement but we ask that your gear is optimised with enchants and gems. If you are just returning to WoW after a break, do not be put off – we are open minded and look at applications individually. You should know your class, be willing to learn and contribute, always strive to improve and enjoy being part of the team.

Applications are via a PM on our forums to Plog or Smaj on our forums. If you do not want to take the time and effort to write up a proper application, you are probably not the person we are looking for. Afterall, your application is often our first impression of you!

If you have any questions or would like some more information, have a look at, send me a PM or poke Jazende#2641 or Plog#2855 in game!