1. #1

    Whether to go for the offensive or defensive cap for seraphim.

    I was wondering as I'm starting to go into mythics. Icy veins tells me both caps and I was wondering if I needed the more mastery focused defensive cap of 3858 for seraphim or the more crit based offensive cap of 2882. I've been trying to switch over but I'm not entirely sure. I assume that the mythic geared prot paladins go crit once they've got their bits and pieces. So I seek advice.

    Haste btw*
    Last edited by Bearygood; 2016-04-08 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    I don't have data that shows which one is better, but I like the more smooth gameplay of being "haste capped" while seraphim is active. I'd just advice to try it out yourself. It's pretty easy to manipulate your haste by equipping or unequipping WUE and just go for what feels better for you.

  3. #3
    The defensive cap is just if you want to maximise the amount of haste so that you are at cap while Seraphim isn't up. You still wanna go for the 2882 haste, then put everything else into mastery for more defensive abilitiy. This will also allow you to reach haste cap if you want to run Holy shield, and use the Kil'rogg trinket. As the haste from the trinket will still put you at cap. You can still run the Eye with Seraphim but this is really on for progression on specific fights, like Mythic Xhul.
    Also Crit is only for those who are completely on Farm and are trying to push ranks. As long as you are on progression and your raid is not decked out in Mythic Warforged gear, go for Haste to 50% > Mastery, later you can do Haste > Crit > Mastery

    2882 regardless of what you want to do, rest into Mastery
    Run Anzu+ Libram for max dps with Seraphim
    Run Anzu + Eye for max Surv with Holy Shield

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Munkky View Post
    Also Crit is only for those who are completely on Farm and are trying to push ranks. As long as you are on progression and your raid is not decked out in Mythic Warforged gear, go for Haste to 50% > Mastery, later you can do Haste > Crit > Mastery
    You can go for Crit well before that. You shouldn't be going for Mastery at all with Seraphim, for that matter. Crit/Multi both scale better with Sera than Mastery, and pull even/ahead with Haste after ~2400 Haste for DPS. Defensively, all you want on Sera is 2883 Haste. There's also little to no value in going above the 2883 Haste margin with Seraphim.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Licksalot View Post
    You can go for Crit well before that. You shouldn't be going for Mastery at all with Seraphim, for that matter. Crit/Multi both scale better with Sera than Mastery, and pull even/ahead with Haste after ~2400 Haste for DPS. Defensively, all you want on Sera is 2883 Haste. There's also little to no value in going above the 2883 Haste margin with Seraphim.
    Regardless of whether or not you can go before that, if the tank wants more defensively, which the OP should be wanting having just stepped into Mythic, then you go for mastery. I exaggerated slightly with the "completely on farm, kitted in gear etc." part, although unless you are going for dps, you want Mastery, which is why I stated the above.

  6. #6
    For a survival build and holy shield you go haste cap then mastery to maximise your holy power generation, then mastery to further reduce the damage when sotr is up (and for those blocks I suppose).
    But with sera, haste cap isn't enough because you're dumping so much holy power into seraphim. That's why crit is more valuable then mastery: you're generating more holy power to increase your coverage and can't afford mastery. Or alternatively: you have less SotR uptime with seraphim, so mastery doesn't give as much value.

  7. #7
    Bigger question is why a person that only starts mythics now would go for seraphim when it's more prone to misplay than the other talents? Unless the guild struggles with dps so much the tank needs to compensate while the healers are good enough to cover for any spikes due to seraphim downtime. Or the person feels super comfortable with seraphim playstyle and knows it inside out.

    I was under the impression you start maximizing your tank dps once everything is on farm, you have no real threat of dying and are generally bored to the point you just want to get a bit of fun. Which wouldn't be the case in a group that only started progressing mythic recently.

  8. #8
    You can go seraphim on progress now because generally people have much higher ilvl (valor upgrades, farmed heroic longer, cache) and legendary ring... which people didn't have when progressing last year closer to when HFC came out.

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