1. #621
    Quote Originally Posted by Teph View Post
    You do understand that a lot of people don't "dare" to touch a private server? If there would be an official one, with a sub, a lot of players would try it. Most of the folks on nost would gladly play on an official server. I played there and actually talked with people. You are just making asumptions.

    Sure, there are those that just want the free stuff, but others are dedicated enough. A geared t2 char has a lot more identity than 10k useless achievement points.
    Nope, not assumptions. Yes, there are idiots who would pay, I said as such. Unfortunately there isn't enough sub 20 iq individuals who play wow and would pay to make it profitable. But cool that you talked to idiots who would pay.

  2. #622
    The only case put forward by people celebrating this seems to be "it's illegal." Such a weak notion to actually support Blizz enacting legal action, given that Nostalrius was non-profit and not harming the current game in any way.

    I wonder when the penny will drop and Blizz will create their OWN Vanilla realms. Yet they don't show any intent or interest in doing so. Oh wait I know why, because only a few thousand would play actively, so there would be no monetary profits.

    Which begs the question, what was the real point of closing down Nostalrius? Greed? Spite? Surely not.

  3. #623
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeula View Post
    That last one was because the owner got greedy and hoarded the donation money. Thus making a profit from something that's supposed to be non-profit. Shutting that one down made sense. This one they shut down despite the money going directly back into the server, which means they feel threatened.
    Feels an awful lot like wishful thinking.

    Since Blizz is "all about the cash!!" these days, I'd bet they would be the first to put up Legacy servers if there truly was such a demand for them that goes deeper than "I'll try and see how it was!"...

  4. #624
    The lack of knowledge about IP law, and "morality" in general in this thread is quite shocking.

    1) Morality doesn't apply to leisure products. I can't say Chevy is morally bankrupt because they don't produce the '57 Bel Air any more, and instead make shitty aluminum Cavaliers. And cars are arguably much less a leisure product than video game. Entertainment is completely optional to one's life and thus being "denied" it isn't a matter of evil-ness or bad morality.

    2) IP law in the United States requires you to defend your copyrights and trademarks, and if you don't, your marks and rights can be nullified and become public domain. Some examples: If I was Fiona Apple's parents, and owned a technology repairs store in the 70s called "Apple Technologies", and then Apple started, the law would look to who became more prevalent to the public marketplace/public eye. Being first doesn't give you automatic copyright. Apple would get its stuff trademarked because they achieved national market share, etc, and Apple Technologies could probably be grandfathered in. Say I then try and make an Apple Computer Repairs store in the 90s. It's small, I have a local customer base, I'm only adjacent to Apple in that I only repair computers, I don't sell them. I can probably operate under that name unknown for many years. The minute I become large enough to be noticed by Apple (which is subjective-ish, sure), they are obligated by law to issue me a C&D to protect their own copyrights. Even if I do all the repairs for free.

    3) "Being free" doesn't make this "not theft". All those music videos you see on Youtube can legally be struck by the artists, it's just that the doers don't have the wherewithal to catch them all. It's much like how bootleg tape sellers in the 80s and 90s could operate relatively unscathed because RCA wasn't going down to Brooklyn street corners to catch them all. By law, this is theft, which, from a legal standpoint, only requires a "taking" without the permission of the owner.

    4) Arguments that current copyright law is "bad law" is a debate that goes against our legal and economic system for the past 250 years, and seems to always come from the mouths of consumers who want free shit as opposed to the artists who are taking the effort to create it. Our copyright law reflects not only our capitalist economic system in protecting the creators and doers of things, but also is, by its nature, not in the business of "protecting consumers," if you could even argue consumers have a right to what people create (in the arts/entertainment, they don't). Furthermore, we have a legal system based on the philosophy of legal positivism, which says laws are self-actualizing, and if a law is immorally wrong, it will fail the test of time and be repealed, like the Jim Crow laws, via a well-made system of legal recourse. We don't have a legal system based on "natural law," that some things are just naturally owed to us, despite how the Declaration of Independence works. And every. single. case. of copyright supports the idea that what Blizzard did in this case isn't wrong.

    As a personal aside, I didn't enjoy WoD, and I played Vanilla back in the day. Most of the criticism of retail seems to suggest a) WoW is super easy now, you only spam 1 or 2 buttons, and/or b) Vanilla took skill. Neither is true. At the high end, WoW is much harder than it ever was in Vanilla. In Vanilla, your rotation was often literally one button. If you were a healer, it may have been a couple of buttons, of all the same spell, at different ranks. Vanilla, for skilled players, was tedious as shit. It had a higher floor for the casual player, sure, but a much lower ceiling for the skilled player. The hardest part of Vanilla WoW was the cat-herding required to run a 40 man raid, which only a few of us ever had to deal with while 35 other players just showed up and whined about not getting loot.

  5. #625
    Quote Originally Posted by Pwellzor View Post
    Well you see. I think he pays for them. He doesn't choose to take part in the mooching.
    We should ban all those Hearthstone players who didn't pay real money and instead grinded gold.

    God damn moochers. All of them.

  6. #626
    Quote Originally Posted by Soccio View Post
    People who think vanilla was actually difficult, holy fuck, legion alpha NORMAL dungeons are more difficult than vanilla raids, and the bosses actually have mechanics.
    Also ''grinding'' is not difficult it's time consuming and not ''engaging content''

    Blizz shut it down because it's against the rules.

    SO MANY TEARS I LOVE IT. Cya in legion all!
    LOL OK, retail dungeons sucks donkeyshit, they are total faceroll AOEfest dungeons, sure they look pretty but its bad...youre retarded.

    Infracted for flaming.
    Last edited by xskarma; 2016-04-06 at 11:33 PM.

  7. #627
    Quote Originally Posted by Taftvalue View Post
    Quoting myself here. No what I'm proposing is not stealing.
    I mean you can keep saying it isn't. But it is.

    Like I said. I hope you never spend years of your life working on it just to have it siphoned by freeloaders.

  8. #628
    Quote Originally Posted by Morrigenn View Post
    Amen, amen and .... amen!

    Vanilla WoW was great because it was new and shiny. It was also a helluva grind and raiding was the province of a few--not like it is now when just about anyone can raid at some level if they so desire (and not have to devote 3-5 nights a week to said raiding).

    I started WoW in Vanilla (a few months after launch). I raided in Vanilla starting as soon as I hit 60 and guildies helped me get the attunements so I could actually enter raids. Was in a large raiding guild on a "day one" pvp server. Sure it was fun *then*... but I'd NEVER go back to those days again. The hours and hours spent OUTSIDE of raiding time gathering mats for raid consumables, getting attunements (first for me, and then helping newer guildies go through the same godawful grind to get attuned...). The hassle of getting around, the rudimentary gameplay.... no, never want to go back to that.

    Blizzard made the decision to not provide/support/host Vanilla servers. The code is their intellectual property (IP). Just because someone "wants" to use it doesn't mean a damn thing if Blizzard says no. They (Blizzard) not only are within their legal rights to go after every "private server" in existence, they also carry a legal obligation to defend their IP or risk losing the rights to it if they do NOT act to stop people from illegally using their IP.
    Can we already stop with this "vanilla was new and shiny" BS?

    Lots of people on Nostalrius were playing since Retail-Vanilla and yet after 12 years they're still playing Vanilla on a private server cuz Blizz can't provide that level of quality anymore on their retail version of the game.

  9. #629
    Quote Originally Posted by Frolk View Post
    Being happy for this is like being happy that Netflix is blocking PAYING customers who use an VPN to watch their content
    What what in the butt? These people AREN'T paying.

  10. #630
    Quote Originally Posted by Pwellzor View Post
    Well you see. I think he pays for them. He doesn't choose to take part in the mooching.
    I'd pay for it too if it was possible, unfortunately it's not. That being said, I don't feel like paying for hot garbage.

  11. #631
    Quote Originally Posted by Fojos View Post
    Thieves? You mean like when you hear songs on youtube?
    Youtube has music?!?
    "Privilege is invisible to those who have it."

  12. #632
    Quote Originally Posted by KrazyK923 View Post
    This video doesn't even make sense.

    There was 1 server with, what, 5k-10k people (max) compared to the over 200 realms on the actual game.

    What a shocker that the one server had a ton of people on it.
    This so fucking much

  13. #633
    Does anyone else realize this isn't the first time they have put a C&D on private servers cause it seems like a lot of people don't know.
    http://twitch.tv/towelliee TowelRapaport #WoWsheet

  14. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by DonaldTrumpSucks View Post
    We should ban all those Hearthstone players who didn't pay real money and instead grinded gold.

    God damn moochers. All of them.
    And you said that I was using hyperbole. Impressive.

    Because no one on hearthstone pays anything right .

  15. #635
    My how the mighty have fallen. The original Blizzard would never do something like this.

  16. #636
    Quote Originally Posted by towelliee View Post
    Because you don't want it to be? That would mean this can happen with any game or anyones work in the entire world. Just saying. I had my chars on server but I knew they wouldn't be thee forever.
    And here we go. The man who loves Blizzard more than his own wife has arrived. This thread is now complete.

  17. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by Pwellzor View Post
    I mean you can keep saying it isn't. But it is.

    Like I said. I hope you never spend years of your life working on it just to have it siphoned by freeloaders.
    They can't steal anything from me if I'm the only one making money from it.

    My idea ceased being my idea alone the moment I shared it with someone.

  18. #638
    Quote Originally Posted by judgementofantonidas View Post
    But in the long run everyone that plays the retail version is effected by pirate servers.

    Fewer people to raid with. Dead servers. Blizzard making dumb decisions based on false assumptions made because so many are off just playing the game illegally.
    Private servers have no effect on retail the games terrible design is what influences it

    I haven't touched retail since the end of cata and will never touch it again because of the direction blizzard decided to take the game

    To be honest when I first stumbled upon Nost I laughed at it and thought me to myself who the hell would play WoW it's a dead game thats from the past but I was wrong the reason WoW started dying with 100% blizzards fault and had nothing to do with player burn out

  19. #639
    Quote Originally Posted by RickJamesLich View Post
    Why not just play games you enjoy instead? Like the rest of us do.
    I do. But in my case it's legal.

  20. #640
    Quote Originally Posted by Halefire94 View Post

    Well I will not be joining everyone in legion. This was a move by Blizzard to get people from when the game used to actually feel like an MMO to their piece of shit game they have now. Fuck I am angry.
    Why are you angry? You deserve to play their intellectual property for free? I'm all for it if its 5-10 hours to get a feel for a game, but 50, 60, 70+ hours? Nah. Not ok.
    I level warriors, I have 48 max level warriors.

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