1. #1

    What is more mana over time?

    Lets say both the priest and shaman are at equal regen levels:

    Elemental blast's 1000 spirit for 8 seconds every 14 seconds (12 sec cooldown + 2 sec cast time)


    PW:Solace's 2% mana every 10 seconds


  2. #2
    It's like ~2.2mana/5 second per point of spirit.

    So an elemental blast would regen you about 3,5k mana.

    PW: Solace would give you 3,2k mana

    That means elemental blast would regen you 250 mana per second(during the whole fight if used on cooldown)

    And PW: solace would give you 320 mana per second

  3. #3

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