1. #1

    Offensive Hero Guide - Genji -

    Genji Difficulty: Hard

    200Hp - Passive Ability: Cyber Agility - Allows wall climbing and double jump.

    Left Click Ability - Shuriken: This ability makes Genji throw 3 ninja stars in quick succession that do 28 points of damage per star.
    Right Click Ability - Fan of Blades: Throw 3 ninja stars in a wide spread, this right click ability makes it so if a bunch of heroes are grouped up you can hit mulitple at once. The spread is consistent for each star. Also doing 28 points of damage.

    Left Shift Ability - Swift Strike (Impact): (8 second cooldown) This ability makes Genji take his sword and basically slice your target. He blinks forward to a target slices them with his sword. The strike itself causes damage as well being a 50 point damage hit.

    "E" Ability - Deflect: (8 second cooldown, 2 second duration) One of the absoulte best defensive abilites any hero in Overwatch has if timed correctly. Deflect basically does what it says, if you have any abilites about to hit you even some ultimates and you time it correctly and hit "E" the abilites that the target uses will fire right back at them and do the damage to them instead of hitting you. Often this will lead to them killing themselves. While you run away laughing. This is especially effective against ultimates like Mcree's High Noon pop this when you hear Mcree say "Its High Noon" and watch him kill himself and wonder what the hell just happened.

    Ultimate Ability "Q" - Dragon Blade: (8 second cooldown, 8 second duration) Dragon Blade is one of the strongest Ultimates. You call upon your sword to slice the targets for 120 damage each hit and dash to the target as well slicing them. But what makes this ability so powerful is the fact that other abilites can be used during this ultimate such as Deflect and with this ability being able to be paired with Dragon Blade its hard to kill you during your Ult as some other DPS heroes die easily if targeted by players during their Ult.

    How to use Genji - He is the hardest hero in my opinion to master. With his main source of damage being his stars and needing you to be deadly accurate to cause some serious damage. This also goes for a few more DPS heroes obviously, but Genji's main focus is to get behind the defenses of the enemy team and wreak havoc while the team is so focused on an objective. You want to be exactly what Genji is, a ninja. Picking off enemies one by one and causing the enemy team to be on their toes knowing while your team is pushing an objective they have to keep turning their back to see if Genji is behind them. And thats what really makes him hard to master is because you need to know and understand all the routes, what you can and can't climb in order to flank the oppostion.

    Heroes that counter Genji: Junkrat, Tracer, Pharah, Winston and Symmetra.

    Junkrat - His traps make it a nightmare to get behind the lines. A good Junkrat understands where heroes like Genji, Tracer and Reaper will most likely come from.

    Tracer - Pretty self explanitory a good Tracer is a nightmare for any team no matter the compostion you have. But Tracer completely can negate a Genji from doing anything on the map with the amount of pressure she puts on a team. But even one on one a Genji will lose that battle 9/10 times just due to not being able to hit any Shurikens while the Tracer just dances around you burning you down.

    Pharah - Again a pretty self explanitory hero, she flies. Nothing much else to it shes one of the hardest heroes to hit while she is in the air.

    Winston - What makes Winston a nightmare to go against is because as a Genji if he targets you specifically you really cant get away and your deflect does not work against his Tesla Cannon.

    Symmetra - She might just be every heroes weakness in all honesty, the problem with a high skilled Symmetra is that she can bait heroes to follow her into her turrets which will insta kill you. That paired with her Portals which make heroes flood hills she is an absoulte nightmare. And even if you dont take the bait to kill a Symmetra because lets be honest Symmetra in the wide open she is useless. If you don't decide to take that bait and her leading you into a turret fuck fest. While you are trying to sneak around and flank the probabilty of you running into a room full of turrets is great.

    Overview : Genji again is a great hero. But as I said he is hard to master. With great offensive and defensive capabilities it makes a great all around hero on both Attack and Defense game types. And a great Genji can turn a game around in a split second and win his team the game by picking off his prey and giving his team better odds on hill fights.

    Hope you all liked the guide doing this as a test run if people want more I can definitely do all the heroes people want!
    Last edited by Scrotles; 2016-04-30 at 06:41 PM.

  2. #2
    genjis swift strike hasnt put a dot on the target(s) since an eternity, also I think tracer is a metric sh1t ton harder to master.
    (Im somewhat good as genji but I fairly suck on tracer, since boy she requires reflexes unlike any other heroes).

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Lothar View Post
    genjis swift strike hasnt put a dot on the target(s) since an eternity, also I think tracer is a metric sh1t ton harder to master.
    (Im somewhat good as genji but I fairly suck on tracer, since boy she requires reflexes unlike any other heroes).
    Thanks i updated it, and i disagree I think picking up tracer is alot more user friendly than Genji.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And this guide wasnt to make it a whose dick is bigger who is hard to play and who is easy. Its just the opposite. Its to make it as an overview of the hero its weak points and highlights, and to see if people think Genji or any other hero would fit their playstyle.

  4. #4
    How to play Genji effectively.

    1. Stand completely still

    2. Look dead set at that deployed Bastion

    3. Press E

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Tired View Post
    How to play Genji effectively.

    1. Stand completely still

    2. Look dead set at that deployed Bastion

    3. Press E
    deflect-oneshotting widow is great fun mkay

  6. #6
    Bloodsail Admiral Tenris's Avatar
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    I disagree with Tracer being a hard counter to him as well as Pharah. Tracers mobility makes her hard to hit but deflect can wreck her and Pharah cant hit you. You missed out Mei who is the ultimate hard counter to him and the other high mobility heroes.

  7. #7
    Not gonna make a list of what every single hero does against Genji. Picked the ones that directly cause him the biggest issues when he is flanking. Which is what a good Genji does. Thats why Mei is irrelevant if you are playing Genji correct. Mei is so easy to kill as a genji... im not good at genji and its so easy to get her low, let her ice block and continue putting damage in her. If any of the high mobility classes get frozen by Mei head on, you're the issue tbh.

  8. #8
    Bloodsail Admiral Tenris's Avatar
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    Yeh exactly Mei makes you play differently because you cant take her head on, Genjis strength is his speed and Mei removes it completely. Pharah is easy you just dodge her rockets. Anyone whos abilities you cant deflect can pose a problem but generally as Genji I feel I can do so much more than as any other hero and can ruin a team single handedly. Hence my avatar.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Very Tired View Post
    How to play Genji effectively.

    1. Stand completely still

    2. Look dead set at that deployed Bastion

    3. Press E
    Alternatively just spam shuriken loosely aimed at an enemy and profit.
    I honestely see no skill in genji or hanzo spam, unless u got potato aim and aim for the floor or straight up the sky.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by FluFF View Post
    Alternatively just spam shuriken loosely aimed at an enemy and profit.
    I honestely see no skill in genji or hanzo spam, unless u got potato aim and aim for the floor or straight up the sky.
    I don't think Genji's damage is all that great. I snuck behind a motionless scoped sniper one game. In pretty much any other FPS every, that would be an easy kill. But all I could do was some slow shuriken throw and a melee hit that, in general, is so low damage it's hardly worth doing at all. The sniper was easily able to react to me, unscope and start running around and firing at me.

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