1. #1

    Not caring vs. decline of skill

    This is going to be an opinion piece, based on personal exp.
    So, was about to raid, but the guild i did my trial in just wasnt a good fit. I rerolled from dps to tank. And got to ilvl 350 in 2-3 days, and pugging 4-6 keys can be hell. Later i found a guild group and we did td6 +2, ml8+2 and depleted a fh10 key. These players tho, were by no means good, having green parses at early hc bosses.

    Now to my question, it does not take a lot of skill to get to a 10 key if you try. Are people just not caring? E.g. i had A mage with 8! Interrupts in a 55min shrine run. Dont people want to 'win'? Is fort/tyr from lvl 2 onwards to punishing? How can those people be helped, even if they dont want it?

    I just love m+ and want people have a good time there, that is why i want to figure out the core issue.

    Ty for reading my little rant.

  2. #2
    Warchief skannerz22's Avatar
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    everyone has a different IQ
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  3. #3
    First of all - M+ and raids are totally different. I once did a high M+ key in Legion with a hunter from the TOP50 guild in the EU. I was better than him and in the end of the dungeon he started to call us baddies/stupid etc. because he had "The Titanslayer" and we didn't... though we outperformed him.

    Second thing - it's just people. They want their items/reward asap for as low work as possible. That's how the life works.

    That's because of LFG - no one cares about other players, they're selfish and more egoistic. They're treating each other as tools for the ilvl gains. Now you're just making groups - "hi" "gg, ty for the run", or just kick newbs without even explaining why. We're no longer in the state of the game that taught us how to make bonds with other players. The only MMO aspect of the game is right now the guilds...

  4. #4
    Good players are chill and play well in every game mode - raid/dungeon/pvp, thats my experience in 13+ years of playing WoW.

    Some class/spec/roles in raids are not that demanding to play well for LOGs and FOTM specs attract even more players with bad attitude.

    You should just avoid Mythic+ META classes/specs, because the amount of bad players is just higher. If you see a raiding ele-shaman and 1000 frost mages in your queue next time for a M+, you should know what to do.

  5. #5
    probelm is reward, if the dungeon stilll gives loot after depletion, why even try? only people i know that don't deplete keys are the ones that want to push higher, not the ones that want loot

  6. #6
    Human species is a kaleidoscope, maybe just that :P

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ange View Post
    Good players are chill and play well in every game mode - raid/dungeon/pvp, thats my experience in 13+ years of playing WoW.

    Some class/spec/roles in raids are not that demanding to play well for LOGs and FOTM specs attract even more players with bad attitude.

    You should just avoid Mythic+ META classes/specs, because the amount of bad players is just higher. If you see a raiding ele-shaman and 1000 frost mages in your queue next time for a M+, you should know what to do.
    This guy knows.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ange View Post
    Good players are chill and play well in every game mode - raid/dungeon/pvp, thats my experience in 13+ years of playing WoW.

    Some class/spec/roles in raids are not that demanding to play well for LOGs and FOTM specs attract even more players with bad attitude.

    You should just avoid Mythic+ META classes/specs, because the amount of bad players is just higher. If you see a raiding ele-shaman and 1000 frost mages in your queue next time for a M+, you should know what to do.
    Yeah, pick any of the frost mages because shamans are fucking terrible

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by enjoy123 View Post
    probelm is reward, if the dungeon stilll gives loot after depletion, why even try? only people i know that don't deplete keys are the ones that want to push higher, not the ones that want loot
    You get less loot for depleted keys. So if your goal is to get loot they would want to make the dungeon in time.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Lethalmd View Post
    This is going to be an opinion piece, based on personal exp.
    So, was about to raid, but the guild i did my trial in just wasnt a good fit. I rerolled from dps to tank. And got to ilvl 350 in 2-3 days, and pugging 4-6 keys can be hell. Later i found a guild group and we did td6 +2, ml8+2 and depleted a fh10 key. These players tho, were by no means good, having green parses at early hc bosses.

    Now to my question, it does not take a lot of skill to get to a 10 key if you try. Are people just not caring? E.g. i had A mage with 8! Interrupts in a 55min shrine run. Dont people want to 'win'? Is fort/tyr from lvl 2 onwards to punishing? How can those people be helped, even if they dont want it?

    I just love m+ and want people have a good time there, that is why i want to figure out the core issue.

    Ty for reading my little rant.
    here is a reply from my personal view and experience.

    I have a hard time making contact with people, my family describes me as antisocial while i myself think i'm a nice and caring guy when you treat me right.
    so my problem is, while i would love doing higher mythics, i just cant seem to find people to do it with, I dont pretend to be a great player but when i compare myself with others i often think "my god how can people be so bad and not seem to be aware of it".

    Also, when i do find people who are "my skill level" i mostly never see them again due to cross realm thingy w/e while in vanilla i knew a lot of people just by name on both horde and alliance, just by constantly running in to them in the world and some knew me, it wasnt uncommon to see opposite faction players do /hello or /salute to me and vice versa.

    So there you have it, I'm not good at making AND keeping contact with other people, i'm not good at smalltalk.

    thanks IF you're reading my little rant although mostly i just get ignored, or feels like it anyway

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MrLogic View Post
    here is a reply from my personal view and experience.

    I have a hard time making contact with people, my family describes me as antisocial while i myself think i'm a nice and caring guy when you treat me right.
    so my problem is, while i would love doing higher mythics, i just cant seem to find people to do it with, I dont pretend to be a great player but when i compare myself with others i often think "my god how can people be so bad and not seem to be aware of it".

    Also, when i do find people who are "my skill level" i mostly never see them again due to cross realm thingy w/e while in vanilla i knew a lot of people just by name on both horde and alliance, just by constantly running in to them in the world and some knew me, it wasnt uncommon to see opposite faction players do /hello or /salute to me and vice versa.

    So there you have it, I'm not good at making AND keeping contact with other people, i'm not good at smalltalk.

    thanks IF you're reading my little rant although mostly i just get ignored, or feels like it anyway
    Just ask them if you can add them on battlenet they mostly say yes

  12. #12
    A lot of players haven't realised yet that m+ is not just about big swinging dick dps. You can do high keys provided everyone in the group performs the tactics perfectly. There are of course some exceptions to this but generally if you interrupt when needed, use defensive's when healer is struggling, respect abilities like bursting by not blowing up 15 mobs with bladestorm, you will have a much easier time.

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