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  1. #501
    Quote Originally Posted by Betongjocke View Post
    Yes, wich is why i also would prupose that removing LFR / LFD / NORMAL, And turning back Heroic into normal, and mythic into heroic again would be the best concept of a living game. If you cant put time and effort into the game, i dont think you should be able to participate in the latest content either. Then you should probably focus on easier content wich would be the lower tiers . Not an altered version the same raid but x10 times easier ^^ Wich is generally the idea behind a pristine realm / a hardcore realm.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That means even less effort put into the game , that i'm sure wont be focused on anything else that is useful. Another step into making the game so much easier wich is the wrong way. another reason for a pristine / hardcore realm to appear in the near future
    Normal is still a wellfare difficulty. They'd have to make normal have totally different looking gear, which they 100% will not do because it costs money and blizzard isn't gonna spend more money than they need to on wow anymore. it's all about overwatch and heroes rn

  2. #502
    Nope, and I can't help but think you're just recycling the Sodapoppin rant on youtube about the same subject from a few weeks ago OP.

    Not gonna happen, the transmog meta is real.

  3. #503
    just no is my answer, wotlk was still the best expansion, and lfr is fine. and flying is good. in wod no one was interested to move from their garrison because they coulnt fly and explore, and the flying came to late i had lost all interest in the expansion already

  4. #504
    Lol, saw the OP's wall of text grow. Must be quite the thrill at a party...

  5. #505
    Quote Originally Posted by Rurts View Post
    Nowadays if you see someone in mythic gear, it means they killed the bosses too. They simply may CHOOSE to not wear their raid look in town. It was always a thing, I, and many others, did that long before mogging. Or did you forget there's a gearset quick swap button in the char screen? I wore T10 or Corruptor in town in early Cata, because I really didn't like lock T11. Sometimes I ran heroic dungeons in Corruptor instead of Cata gear, to see whether trinkets and offset items will let me outdps some people (and sometimes it indeed happened).

    And there's a lot of things... titles, mounts - in addition to the gear - so people can CHOOSE whether to show their raid or pvp achieves or not. What, were you also butthurt back in the day if someone had earned "Death's Demise" but chose to wear like "Salty" instead for the lulz? ;D

    Also, you'll be happy to know in Legion there will be special visual variants of Artifact weapons tied to mythic raids and high keystone dungeons, so if you see someone with the specific weapon look, you will also know they cleared mythic or done m+ up to level umpteen.

    If they CHOOSE to show you that.
    That's the thing about it. Choice. Removing transmog, forcing "plebs" to wear their shitty questing sets? Lol no, go solo SSC/TK and just wear that Corruptor as an actual set, not transmogged.

    Transmog just adds the convinience.

    Thank God that Blizzard doesn't usually listen to this crap and actually has common sense, improving transmog system and making it better in Legion.
    Though sometimes they do listen and this has catastrophic effects. WOD LFR "revamp" comes to mind.

  6. #506
    Quote Originally Posted by SoLoR1 View Post
    This is coming from someone that wants to look pretty in game? Because transmog is exactly that, wee i look so pretty!... by you analogy you must be ugly and fat in real life OR your mommy and daddy should give you soldiers to play with as a kid not barbies and kens, however if you are a girl then i understand.

    Aren't you the one that wants to peacock around showing off your precious purple gear? I just want my toon to look how I like I could give two shits how anyone else looks or is wearing.
    It is rp my friend and a big part of rp is customization. Did you not know that? Did you not ever play D&D? The fun was making your character to look as one likes. Why bother to even give your toon a name then? Does other people's names take away from your immersion? Just let us all look the same and name as all bob then right by your logic? Or like I said mommy and daddy didn't pay enough attention to you so you need to be special in a video game right?
    Last edited by Jewsco; 2016-05-10 at 05:51 PM.

  7. #507
    Wow, hey now.... first if you don't like transmog then don't do it. It's as simple as that.
    There are so many ways to check peoples progress
    I have an undead priest.... there isn't many good options for looking good. Lets face it, this teir is fugly.
    transmog also gets people to do old content /shrug

    Plz, don't take away my transmog

  8. #508
    Quote Originally Posted by Cellineth View Post
    I can obviously only speak for myself, but ever since transmog was released to WoW, the looks of PvP gear and raiding gear has been drastically reduced. It's almost as if they know that 99% of people will transmog away from it anyways, so why bother introducing new and great looking gear?
    Subjective view.
    There is lots of old gear I find ugly.
    There is lots of new gear I find ugly.

    People wore gear they deemed to be cool.
    The source is what made it cool, and not necessarily the looks.
    You can still wear that "meaningful" set now.
    And come legion you can do it without the need to make inventory space.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadmanWalking View Post
    Your forgot to include the part where we blame casuals for everything because blizzard is catering to casuals when casuals got jack squat for new content the entire expansion, like new dungeons and scenarios.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reinaerd View Post
    T'is good to see there are still people valiantly putting the "Ass" in assumption.

  9. #509
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx226 View Post
    That's not even possible. If a mount, say the gladiator arena mounts, were made available through other means how would it be equally as difficult? If it was made available through any kind of grinding then that's not difficult it's just time consuming and has zero reliance on your skill. I have many mounts from high end raiding that are no longer available and the exclusivity is what makes it special. While there are people with many mounts that required rep grinding that I'll never do because it's not worth it to me and I'm fine with that.
    Indeed. It would a hard thing to balance, as those who want the rewards would be inclined to take the path of least resistance.

    As a mount collector myself, I have had to engage in multiple kinds of content in order to have the 329 I have now. I accepted a long time ago that I will not get every mount in the game. And while this feels regretful for some mounts I really like such as the White Cloud serpents from Mop PVP, I have had many great adventures seeking out all the different mounts that are still available. In some ways I feel bad when they make certain mounts limited time only, but I feel like it's good for the people who were there at the time to have had their chance at it.

    While I don't have any extravagant mounts that are unavailable now (unless you count the Grove Warden, Kor'kron War Wolf, the challenge mode mounts, Tyrael's Chargerr the Spectral Gryphon/Wyvern) I do feel good for having them. And I don't look down on anyone who doesn't.
    Last edited by Treno; 2016-05-10 at 06:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MoanaLisa View Post
    Holy fuck. If we banned everyone that simply posted for attention-whoring purposes half the site would go dark.

  10. #510
    Quote Originally Posted by Jewsco View Post
    Or like I said mommy and daddy didn't pay enough attention to you so you need to be special in a video game right?
    Nope i need to be special in whatever im doing... not just video game, but ALSO in video game. If you are not puting out 110% whatever you are doing with proper passion, then you are doing it wrong. But thats me. And yeh by my own admission im playing wow "wrong", because i dont have proper passion for it and this is coming from a guy with 37 lvl100s, im still giving 110% in some aspects but without passion everything is pointless. But hey! im geting 50-60k gold/day from f mission tables! yey me (/sarcasm)! i should be rewarded for this crap right? _hate_ this play style, all superficial without any real "content" and nothing tangible and transmog is (only) part of it.

  11. #511
    Quote Originally Posted by Soccio View Post
    Legion's transmog system says hello
    To the second portion, yes. However for my first quality of life change I want, Blizzard still has not implemented that. Transmogrification only applies to specific gear pieces, so replacing your helm, for example, means that your Tier 2 Judgement look is now replaced with the Legion blue questing helm.

  12. #512
    Transmog is the best thing that ever happened to WoW.
    People don't forgive, they forget. - Rust Cohle

  13. #513
    7+ Year Old Account
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    i have spent weeks and months farming for weapon and gear mogs

    and now you want to move the most fun thing in WoW?


  14. #514
    Mechagnome Faylinn's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Probably on the PTR.
    You will have to pry my Transmog from my cold dead hands.

  15. #515
    Mechagnome serendipity11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chromeshellking View Post
    This thread seems to be more about arguing than putting forth a idea to resolve this. Why not make an option when you inspect someone tick a box that says something like "ignore their transmog to see if they are in progression gear since mousing over the gear icon is too much work"
    I suggested exactly that. Go back to an earlier page and look.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Betongjocke View Post
    This thumbs up! Although no i do not raid mythic anymore. I did in cataclysm , and so did i in mop ^^ actually zero raiding in WOD only focused pvp.
    Now we know you're full of shit and a noob scrub. Mythic raiding was introduced in the pre patch for WoD and retroactively effected SoO. But no other raids in MoP or before ever had a mythic difficulty!!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hattai View Post
    Roleplayed for a umber of years and transmog did wonderful things for immersion. Doing dungeons and raids in character was a lot of fun.

    Was nice not having to sacrifice that much bag space to carry around multiple outfits and gear sets.
    That's the closest I do to roleplay. In dungeons and raids or at random times I'll say things that my character would say. Though its usually random and I don't organize "RP" events or look for it. Its mostly me saying weird little shiz related to my characters story I made up.
    Let's get 1 thing straight, I'm not

  16. #516
    You should know what the current tier gear looks like. You have the choice of not using transmogrification. Don't ruin the fun for everyone else.

  17. #517
    I think the majority of people who play enjoy transmog, even if people like me don't. I can't see a logical reason to remove it. There are far bigger problems with this game than the ability to transmog, although I'm pretty pissed they let people buy stuff from the BMAH that's supposed to be unobtainable (T3, etc.). Why does some priest who never played in vanilla need to walk around in my Plagueheart? That being said, it's not even remotely close to a reason why I stopped playing WoW.

    If they implement pristine servers, transmog is definitely something they could remove. It adds another layer of old school feel to the game and really doesn't hurt people one way or another. If you quit because you can/can't transmog, you really don't like this game to begin with.

  18. #518
    Such a long time writing such a silly and useless theory.

  19. #519
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx226 View Post
    If you raided or pvped seriously and competitively, then you had no choice. Those players have many more options now. There's still typically one choice for any given situation but it's more dynamic and less mundane than a talent like "increase aimed shot damage by 25/50/75%"

    I did raid seriously. Not overly competitive, on a server first level, not on world first, but still. All the way from Vanilla to end of WoTLK. And there was actually quite some space to experiment with talent builds. Not so much in Vanilla, but from TBC to WoTLK there was room for a lot of experimenting, figuring out, theorycrafting etc. And it was a fun part of the game (at least for me). Yes there were cookie cutter builds, but there was always room for experimenting and figuring stuff out. You would actually respec/reglyph between fights. Keep different sets of gear for different specs. And your talent choices did matter. Now they don't. You had room for error, and people were using dumb builds that were just utter shit, but you also had room for improvement, and better understanding of your class. Through WoTLK i used at least a dozen totally different builds while raiding while progressing.

    How is taking away stats on gear change how you customize your character? In vanilla you had things that didn't make sense, like agi and int on a single piece of gear.

    Your only way to customize a character in WoW is through talents and gear. The less options you have with gear - the less customization is offered. Poor itemization in Vanilla has nothing to do with taking away stats. Learning the mechanics of the game, understanding the way those stats work, theorycrafting, planning your itemization ahead was a big part of the game. Now it is just "does this part of gear have higher ilvl and the one secondary stat that I need"

    Reforging was only needed when you needed hit/expertise rating which was a boring stat. There were times too when you were several points over the hit cap which means you're getting nothing out of the stats on that gear but you didn't have a choice until some other piece of gear dropped.

    That was part of the fucking curve. You didn't mindlessly change the piece just because it is higher ilvl, as well as you didn't mindlessly roll on every piece of loot that you saw. You had to plan ahead. To understand the hit mechanic, the expertise mechanic. To know the stat weights for the gear. To understand whether or not being not hit capped with a new piece of gear is better than being hit capped with an old piece of gear etc. You had room for error, and you had room for improvement.

    What's proper gear gemming? I think gemming was a better option than reforging as you could throw in a few hit/expertise points. Gemming is just another form of enchanting.

    Proper gear gemming is when you actually have gem slots on gear that are color dependent, and you have bonuses on the gear for using the correct color gems, and you need to use your head "do I just use all +str gems everywhere, and forget about the bonuses, or do I gem properly and get those additional bonuses from the gear", "do I use that new weapon that I have, and replace the gems in the gear to make up for the lack of haste to be soft haste capped or not" etc.

    What's proper enchanting? Again, there's no actual choice here if you want to min/max your character. It's just another step you must take before you can start using a new piece of gear that is only a minor upgrade.

    We used to have options. For every slot. Different ones. Some were considered bis, some were considered worse. But there were some slots where you did have an actual choice between different enchants

    If you were a top raider in BC you had to have enchanting and JC if you wanted to raid with the best, so again no real choice.

    No you didn't. No one, except for the world first guys were that hell bent on min/maxing to make everyone have the same professions. I personally raided as Eng/JC for most of my raiding career, and no one ever told me that I shouldn't do it.

    Seems like you're pro transmog but I still wanted to point out how you really didn't lose anything from these changes.
    I lost room to make errors. While also losing room to improve.

    I was not playing the game for more or less 2 expansions.
    I created a new account, got a powerleveled character with those ridiculous greens, which are better than heroic blues.

    I didn't have to spend any time researching the changes that happenned to my class to understand what the fuck to do. The only problem in catching up was the ring questline and upgrading it. And checking the boss tactics.
    I am 7/13M now, while playing in a 2 day a week casual raiding guild.

    Rotation was dumbed down, glyphs are pretty much cosmetic with close to 0 real difference and close to 0 choice, gearing up was boring. The only things that kept me occupied were doing the ring questline, and grinding the stupid reputation for flying.

    The game leaves no room for me to make mistakes. No matter what choice I make - the game will do work for me and not let me fuck up. Hell the first time I had to actually communicate with people that I raid with was in mythic. And most of that is just someone rofling in teamspeak.

    I have some hopes with Legion, that they will not continue with this path.
    Or at some point they will just take out the levelling part out of the game, as well as all the gear. And make WoW just another MoBA game like DoTA or smth.

    And yes I do support transmog.
    The more things there are in this game to do, choose, and customize - the better for everyone.
    Last edited by PassingBy; 2016-05-11 at 01:43 AM.

  20. #520
    What a magnificent piece of shit you have posted.

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