1. #1201
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    I hate people sometimes

    Game over in 60 seconds because I was the only one going after the objective. Gold in kills. All five of them.
    Putin khuliyo

  2. #1202
    Quote Originally Posted by Graeham View Post
    I'm trying to play Mercy/Lucio when I can but healing is very thankless work. Quite a lot of people seem oblivious to the fact that healers are a priority target and need to be protected.
    Yeah, healing is pretty much a thankless job, but learn to use Lucio's right-click ability: few things give me more satisfaction than pushing enemy players off a ledge and into their deaths.

    As for the rest, well, I'm doing good enough as D.va, Pharah, Hanzo and Lucio... I'm just miffed that, in Competitive mode, you seem lose more progress in a defeat than you would gain on a victory. For example, I lost an evenly balanced match where the control points kept changing hands, and I lost enough progress to bring me down TWO ranks, yet on the very next game my team demolished the other team (we escorted the payload on King's Row to its destination, while on the follow-up game the enemy team couldn't even capture the point to begin the escort), yet I gained little more than half of the progress I lost on the previous game.

  3. #1203
    I don't know if the match making has changed in the last couple of days, but its sure felt a lot different for me in both Quick Play and in Competitive. Now instead of a rubber band snapping back and forth it feels more like a catapult slowly cranking just to launch me back into the real scum of the game. And by scum I don't mean terrible player, that usually comes with it, but I mean awful people.

    I get a few good games where the people themselves are decent. No whining, not always the best players but still at least obviously trying, people actually giving each other compliments(on both sides), and general good play. I usually get about 3 of those games before I am catapulted back into the land of "Drunken idiot with a mic chews food for 15 minutes in your ear" land. Then it takes about 20 to 30 games to crawl back out of that for those 3-ish games where I'm back with what I could consider normal humans. Then the game seems to think "Well this one has had its time in the sun, back you go!" and --SPROING!-- I'm catapulted back into Jackasstonia, home of the wonderful Jackassians.

    It gets very tiring and my friends must run into the same as I think many of them have already quit now. Maybe I'll find a new set of online folks. Anyone need a decent Reinhardt?
    One of these days, I should probably figure out a decent signature.

  4. #1204
    Ugh. Recent games have forced me to bite the bullet and pick a healer...and then nobody makes an effort to protect me.

    Either I'm not paired with a tank at all or I get one and...they play like a DPS instead.

  5. #1205
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graeham View Post
    Ugh. Recent games have forced me to bite the bullet and pick a healer...and then nobody makes an effort to protect me.

    Either I'm not paired with a tank at all or I get one and...they play like a DPS instead.
    All I can say to that is, don't feel you have to have a healer. If your group isn't playing in a way that you can't be productive as a healer, you'll be much more effective playing something else instead. Healers work best if the team is working as a unit, if they're not, you're wasting a player slot in picking one; I'd lean toward an extra tank in this case, but Offence, particularly 76, Pharah or Reaper are good too.

  6. #1206
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    All I can say to that is, don't feel you have to have a healer. If your group isn't playing in a way that you can't be productive as a healer, you'll be much more effective playing something else instead. Healers work best if the team is working as a unit, if they're not, you're wasting a player slot in picking one; I'd lean toward an extra tank in this case, but Offence, particularly 76, Pharah or Reaper are good too.
    Fair point. If I get a bad group I think I'll just pick Tracer or Genji and focus on harassing the enemy team behind their front lines.

  7. #1207
    Unless I'm in a bigger group I'm usually one of the last people to lock in, normally picking up whatever needs to be tank/healer.

    Last night was a fk it night, I'm picking what I want, and not really bothered if we have no healer/tank/both
    Played Tracer the whole night. Played 8, won 8.

  8. #1208
    After a string of losses in competitive that dropped me 5 levels below where I started I finally dug myself out of the hole +1 =)

    I figured out I have to make a few runs in quick match until I get my rhythm going and then I play better in competitive mode. My carpal tunnel means I have to warm my hands up and get back in control of them.

  9. #1209
    I had a string of excellent matches as Lucio with players who made an effort to defend me. We won every single one - with some being more hard fought than others. I think it must have been about ten in total which was pretty sweet.

  10. #1210
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadmanWalking View Post
    I figured out I have to make a few runs in quick match until I get my rhythm going and then I play better in competitive mode. My carpal tunnel means I have to warm my hands up and get back in control of them.
    Definitely have to +1 this advice to get warmed up.

    Only played about 4 games last night, weirdly long queues and poor games as a result, one round of Lijiang I just spent knocking the same 3 people off the roof as Pharah over and over. It was funny but fuck sake you'd think they'd learn? You know when to stop when even the wins are laughable.

    Got my first Prestige level though.

  11. #1211
    LF buddies to play ranked with.
    I'm mostly roadhog. rank 55

  12. #1212
    I'm starting to really become fond of the idea of having both a Mercy and Lucio in a team. Combined with a tank and competent damage dealers it's usually a recipe for success no matter the map. It's a great counter to enemy teams that are being very aggressive.

  13. #1213
    If I volunteer to leave a game because of bad, even hit 'yes I want to leave' then I should not be thrown into the same match when I requeue, which I quit again and get an leaver penalty for the second leaving.

  14. #1214
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadmanWalking View Post
    If I volunteer to leave a game because of bad, even hit 'yes I want to leave' then I should not be thrown into the same match when I requeue, which I quit again and get an leaver penalty for the second leaving.
    Wait 10 seconds before re-queueing.. But yeah, it's very weird that it throws you into the same game you just left. I quietly giggle when I see the same people rejoin after leaving, only to leave again.

  15. #1215
    Well, like any other game - only enjoyable if you have friends to play with. I wouldn't touch random groups.

  16. #1216
    Competitive game 1, loss. Competitive game 2, win, but someone on the other team leaves 80% through the game, then a 2nd leaves 90% through. Welp, brilliant, game gives us 1/30 of a level for the win. Fucking great. Go into quick play with a friend instead. Lose, win, lose, lose, lose, lose. Fuck this matchmaking system.

    I can't recall the last time I actually ended an Overwatch session having had a good time. Guess it's time to hang up the game, looking at it like that.

  17. #1217
    Quote Originally Posted by Sevyvia View Post
    Competitive game 1, loss. Competitive game 2, win, but someone on the other team leaves 80% through the game, then a 2nd leaves 90% through. Welp, brilliant, game gives us 1/30 of a level for the win. Fucking great. Go into quick play with a friend instead. Lose, win, lose, lose, lose, lose. Fuck this matchmaking system.

    I can't recall the last time I actually ended an Overwatch session having had a good time. Guess it's time to hang up the game, looking at it like that.
    Yep, you can't blame yourself even though you made up 1/3rd of the team.

  18. #1218
    I'm done now. I tried but I can't get over QuickPlay matchmaking anymore. I'm overall at 54% win rate with 400 games played, but this morning I was served 14 losses in a row. Fourteen.

    I kept on getting shitty team after shitty team against decent comps who worked together. One Numbani attack I picked Reinhardt first, the others picked Tracer, Hanzo, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Genji. They didn't swap all game, we didn't even glimpse the point.
    The King's Row after that, with a different group, our defense consisted of 2 Zenyatta, 2 Junkrat, my Roadhog and an afk Winston who was just mucking about in the background. The Zenyatta probably thought they rolled a Zarya instead and didn't stay alive for 20 seconds after running back. We got curbstomped into oblivion.

    This continued for 14 games. I got matched up with lvl 14s against 114s. Level isn't everything, but when you have 100+ hours under your belt you at least know a few things someone with 2 hours doesn't know.

    The worst part? People don't hero swap, don't communicate, can't handle constructively formulated feedback and all I get in return is "fu turd git gud i pay as much as you go suk dik liek ur mom"

    I uninstalled it today. The matchmaking system is killing any type of fun I have. I played a few hours, got my 'fun' out of what I paid for it. But it doesn't have any lasting appeal whatsoever unless you group up with at least 3-4 friends and queue for either comp or quick like that.
    I have 1 friend who consistently plays Overwatch and, like me, he has a job and other priorities to take care of so there's that.

    Team based shooters don't work with randoms, Overwatch proves that once again.
    Last edited by mmoc112630d291; 2016-07-10 at 08:06 AM.

  19. #1219
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myz View Post
    I'm done now. I tried but I can't get over QuickPlay matchmaking anymore. I'm overall at 54% win rate with 400 games played, but this morning I was served 14 losses in a row. Fourteen.

    I kept on getting shitty team after shitty team against decent comps who worked together. One Numbani attack I picked Reinhardt first, the others picked Tracer, Hanzo, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Genji. They didn't swap all game, we didn't even glimpse the point.
    The King's Row after that, with a different group, our defense consisted of 2 Zenyatta, 2 Junkrat, my Roadhog and an afk Winston who was just mucking about in the background. The Zenyatta probably thought they rolled a Zarya instead and didn't stay alive for 20 seconds after running back. We got curbstomped into oblivion.

    This continued for 14 games. I got matched up with lvl 14s against 114s. Level isn't everything, but when you have 100+ hours under your belt you at least know a few things someone with 2 hours doesn't know.

    The worst part? People don't hero swap, don't communicate, can't handle constructively formulated feedback and all I get in return is "fu turd git gud i pay as much as you go suk dik liek ur mom"

    I uninstalled it today. The matchmaking system is killing any type of fun I have. I played a few hours, got my 'fun' out of what I paid for it. But it doesn't have any lasting appeal whatsoever unless you group up with at least 3-4 friends and queue for either comp or quick like that.
    I have 1 friend who consistently plays Overwatch and, like me, he has a job and other priorities to take care of so there's that.
    Had s similar experience a couple of weeks ago, 11 loses. I stopped for the night and played Diablo instead, next day was much better. QM match making is imho significantly better than competitive at the moment though, and it being more relaxed generally helps too.

  20. #1220
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Had s similar experience a couple of weeks ago, 11 loses. I stopped for the night and played Diablo instead, next day was much better. QM match making is imho significantly better than competitive at the moment though, and it being more relaxed generally helps too.
    It's been 2 evenings + 1 morning in a row now. I don't have that much time to play so these type of runs generally have a bigger effect on me. Luckily I'm traveling for work all of next week so maybe I'll try it again when I get home, but I doubt it if I get those shenanigans again.

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