Both Reaper and Hanzo have lines when on the same team with Junkrat, referencing the “Treasure” Junkrat found in the ruins of the Australian Omnium (a factory that builds Omnics).

Reaper asks him what he found, Hanzo asks where he keeps it since he ‘could hardly keep it on your person’.

Both times Junkrat will playfully say he has “no idea what they’re talking about”.

The running theory at the moment is that Junkrat found an Omnic “God Program” or at least the remnants of one. It’s implied in the Pharah comic that these programs caused the first Omnic crisis by controlling the other Omnics to attack humans, and the recent lore post on the Overwatch website revealed that the Omniums the God Programs were likely located in had been breaking down, and were eventually shut down because the Omnika corporation had lied.

They had marketed the Omniums as putting out enough robot labor to meet the world’s demands but after an investigation when the Omniums began falling apart it was clear they were frauds, they’d never be able to meet the claims they’d made and so the Omniums were supposed to have been turned off.

Note, while the Omnics were meant to have been SMART they were meant to be more like… Siri, not a PERSON, just to SEEM aware.

So when the Omniums turned themselves back on and began attacking for no discernible reason people were surprised.

Judging by the Pharah comic the God Programs were just… Psychotic, no idea yet how normal Omnics achieved sapience.

BUT people have also talked about the parallels between Hanzo and Mcree (both were part of organizations Overwatch brought down, though Hanzo seems to have left his beforehand while McCree was recruited during the fall of his before falling into Blackwatch). McCree is laid back and upbeat despite being a tad pessimistic.

So I think it’d be interesting if Reaper tries to kill McCree, thinks he succeeds, but ends up being followed by McCree, who secretly survived, to Junkrat and Roadhog, and it ends up being a huge mess because Hanzo was following them as well and it’s a huge mess and Hanzo and McCree end up pulling “Back to Back Badasses” amid a mess of mercs, treasure hunters, talon agents, bounty hunters and such all after Junkrat.