I've got a few questions to ask Healer mains that plan to continue healing in Legion. I myself will be swapping to healing in our raid group, but I've not really mained a healer since Cata (Launch through Firelands). As of now in WoD, I've played every healer spec at 100 (dungeons and LFR) and I've been reading through all the changes to healer specs going into Legion, but I'm not sure of the positives or negatives since I've not played them in any really challenging content.

My question then to the healers is, what spec are you playing/considering for Legion? Are you staying with your current spec because you like the changes coming in Legion, or maybe because it's not changing much from WoD? If you're swapping to a different spec, is it because of changes to your current spec (that you assumedly dislike) or just more appealing/interesting changes to another spec.

I know most of the healing specs are getting a major overhaul, and since I don't have beta access, I'd like to hear some opinions from healers that have gotten in and tested some specs or have enough knowledge of their specs to know how Legion changes are gonna affect them.