1. #1

    Unhappy Where is the matchmaking?

    So far I have been playing this game and find it quite enjoyable... when the teams are balanced. It is not so often the case sadly. What the heck is the match making algorithm? How can I be queued with only people under level 10 and be expected to have fun against a full team of 40s? Sorry, getting steamrolled is no fun for anyone.. Did any of you encounter this problem, too? Or am I alone?

  2. #2
    Living Memory Sesshomaru's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I tend to believe the win/loss ratio and individual/team effort (support/tank) plays a part in which you meet people above a certain level. (aka, matchmaking putting you 'higher up')
    I've had tons of games where I'm in my 10s, with another 10 on my team and the rest 20+, and the enemy team has one <10 with the rest 30+.

    I have sincerely no idea what algorithm they're using for it, but as long as I get cooperative fellows, I do tend to win my games. Nothing is as fearsome than letting a rampaging Reaper out in the field, constantly flanking the enemy team. And people say I don't contribute when I get at least 2 before I die each time.

    To answer to the question; yes, I've met tons of 40+, but my team is usually closer to that number than I am, but I think I've had just one match where the enemy team had far much levels combined, in comparison to us.

  3. #3
    Welcome to blizzard's matchmaking since the dawn of time for all of their games.

  4. #4
    I could swear that MM was better in Beta o_O. I'm just putting this on "constant pouring of new players" and waiting for system to "level", but I do have a strange feeling we might end up with MM in likes of Hots :/.

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