1. #1

    Does bringing legacy servers benefit anyone?

    Thinking about it, does it? The Retail version of WoW is still going to be on the same numbers its always is, at launch and when a content draught comes, the people on the Vanilla server doesen't really do jackshit for the current playerbase.

    What does blizzard get out of this? Nothing either. Much work for a measle maybe 200,000 people playing with an active subscription, then it's most probably going to collapse even more, and in the end people will get tired of no content at all and it would cost more keeping the servers active and creating it in the first place than what is profitable. Didn't the Nostralius team use

    If we take into consideration that there is a legacy server for each expansion, there is no gurantee that people will play it forever, considering that there will never be any more content patches for any of them. Say it rises to 12 Million subscribers. How long is it before it all completely Collapses? Don't get me wrong, I'm not the ANTI legacy type, It love to go back to the glory days of Cata but WoW is moving forwards not backwards, and creating legacy servers could possible make the new retail even more dead
    An'u belore delen'na

  2. #2
    It benefits players who want to play the same thing endlessly... Oh wait, that is Hellfire Citadel right now! They should just play that.

  3. #3
    Brewmaster Cwimge's Avatar
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    All it does is further fracture the playerbase while pandering to the worst of us.
    Wrath baby and proud of it

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BAMyouhaveaids View Post
    creating legacy servers could possible make the new retail even more dead
    So you don't want Legacy Servers because people might actually use them?

    Its simple... if theres enough people wanting to play LEgacy, which means enough of a profit to warrant it, its a smart move.

  5. #5
    It benefits the fanbase who would play Legacy.

    It benefits Blizzard by introducing retail WoW back to former players, during Legacy downtime - or to fuel the need for a break from Legacy. Adds revenue.

    If Blizzard charged one monthly fee for both, as speculated, there would be less separation than currently exists among fans. Remember fans are not just WoD / Legacy fans .. not just Blizzard fans .. but they are World of Warcraft fans. The lore, the adventure .. the mystery...

    As for it fracturing the playerbase, it is already fractured. As of 2011'ish, a Blue stated "more people have played WoW and quit than are currently playing WoW", indicating that during WotLK more than 10-11 million unique player accounts had unsubbed since 2004. In the WoW-Champion patch notes (http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2433-Patch-4-3-Interviews-Blue-Posts-Diablo-III-Beta-Art-Gallery-Update?page=5)

    That's a lot of money being left on the table. Draw your own conclusions who could benefit.

  6. #6
    I would say that:

    It benefits the players that played vanilla and want to experience it again.

    It benefits the players that didn't play vanilla and want to see what it was like.

    It benefits Blizz because it will keep some players subbed (by giving them something to do) when they would have quit do to lack of content instead.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by FragmentedFaith View Post
    All it does is further fracture the playerbase while pandering to the worst of us.
    Why are the people that would like to play on a legacy server "the worst of us?"

  7. #7
    It lets the bandwagoners from streamers/YouTubers play what they never got to before. Until a month after they realize it's not everything they thought it was going to be.

    That and it just means more resources away from live. Or just more time/money to hire another team. Either way it hasn't happened/won't likely happen for a lot of reasons. Hopefully after Legion is launched people stop with it period. Most of the personalities going on about it already are back to playing live or will play Legion so yea rip.
    Prot Warrior 2004-2008. Hunter 2008-2018.
    Retired boomer.

  8. #8
    Honest answer, no.

    While some of the elements from older content may seem to be good to apply to nowadays wow back again, going full-reverse and creating those servers for the sake of the outcries some folk had.


    All it will do, is exactly as said by the above posters.

    Less resources on the main thing and a bigger seperation of the playerbase, where most of them will ultimately find, that yes, it isn't what they thought it will be.

  9. #9
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    We have a couple of threads about this so I'm closing this one. Please post in one of the existing threads. You can start with this one:

    "...money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

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