1. #1

    Question Potential DH Main

    Hey guys, I had a couple questions for the community regarding the abundance of Demon Hunters that will inevitably come with release in just over a months time. I was never the one to main one of the new classes in previous expansions AKA DKs and Monks but I'm seriously considering the DH. I'm liking the idea of having two specs (DPS & tank) as a DH and in past expansions I've had trouble with dedicating time to a main character. Keep in mind I have no beta exposure other than videos and forum info. My questions are as follows:
    1. Will DHs have trouble finding raid spots? Nothing worse than playing a class you thoroughly enjoy and find you can't get a spot to progress in a guild or without.
    2. Do you feel the class has enough to hold people in place throughout the expansion? I've heard that DHs get "stale" and the 2-button mash is turning a lot of players away from the class.

  2. #2
    1. There will be tons of DHs at launch so it will be hard to find a raiding spot - you can try to find a guild NOW tho and tell them that you're going to main a DH.

    2. DHs rotation is pretty simple so it will appeal to a lot of players who are looking for an easy class to play which means that there will be a lot of them (at least in my opinion).

  3. #3
    1. tbh if you're not already in a raid guild/team for the expac you're gunna be WAY behind at launch, saying this, yes there will be tonnes of DH's no it wont effect you potentially getting a raid spot if you're good at the game and have logs to back it up, its not about the class but how well you play it, if you play it better than the other 95% of DH's then you'll get a spot. (although like i said you kinda wanna be in a guild now, looking for one at launch is too late if you;re serious about raiding)

    2. Depends if you enjoy being GCD locked or not, right from the off DH's are GCD locked, so you always have buttons to press, yes at the very very bare bones its just "lol 2 button spam" but thats a grose over simplification of the class, talents add a lout of nuonce and abilities to your pool, aswel as interesting playstyles like momentum. So if you like fast paced GCD locked play style over a slower more methodical and potential wait for rescources to regen play style then yes you'll enjoy it.

    TL;DR 1. get a guild now, if not just prove you're better than the next guy. 2. If you like GCD locked fast gameplay yes you'll stick with it.

    (point 2 is assuming you go dps ofc)

  4. #4
    I got into beta 2 days ago and I also think about DH as main. Im rerolling on new serwer (my guild disbanded and my old server is not very populated) so I wont talk about raid spot. But about second question:

    Im testing few classes (warrior, mage, dh, hunter) so I got only to lvl 101 atm (too busy getting artifacts for so many specs and dont wanna spoil too much so I wont lvl up more than lvl 102-103 anyway).
    At start the rotation looked very simple. You basicaly spam Demons Bite to generate fury and Chaos Strike to spend that fury followed by Eye Beam every 45 sec. Hovever theres small things that makes the playstyle not that bad. Im talking mainly about Fel Rush. I talented this to generate additional fury, the ability hits hard so I fel Rush into mobs (or through boss while single target) then spam Chaos Strike and again Fel Rush to generate additional rage. Add to this artifact ability, keeping an eye on adds so you position yourself correctly for eye beam. And theres alot of things that talents will add. Basically the playstyle is very fast paced.
    But I think its not for everyone (well, you can say this about every class in WoW).

    To really check if DH is for you you must play one, videos wont tell you anything. Im still not sure if I will decide to main one (atm torn betwen DH and warrior) but I dont agree with people who say DH is a 2 button spam.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    [...]but I dont agree with people who say DH is a 2 button spam.
    Most specs are easier to play in legion in my opinion. You can take some easy talents or more complicated ones.

  6. #6
    1) It's a squishy melee DPS. Yes, it will have trouble finding a spot in a raid just like feral druid, just like rogue. Unlike rogue, though, you can also pick up tanking.

    With Mythic+ becoming a solid way to get gear, I expect DH to fit in very well there - with high consistent AoE DPS, powerful long cooldowns for bosses, and high mobility.

    2) It depends on the playstyle you enjoy. There's a few distinct playstyles you have on DH that can make them quite the spectacle. 100% GCD locked, dashing all over the area - flying in and out of combat, constantly putting out fairly high numbers or the more reserved, calculated demon blades build - turning a 2 button spam fest into a 5 button varied rotation with timing with your weapon swings becoming important.

    With so much variety in your spec, I expect it to hold a lot of peoples attention for a while, if they give it a fair shot. Unfortunately it sounds like Blizzard is set on nerfing Demon Blades into oblivion, making the only practical spec the coke addled demon fiend dashing around everywhere, spamming demon bite until your arm falls off.
    Avatar given by Sausage Zeldas.

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=Yoshimiko;41456990]1) It's a squishy melee DPS. Yes, it will have trouble finding a spot in a raid just like feral druid, just like rogue. Unlike rogue, though, you can also pick up tanking.

    With this in mind do you feel that tank queues will end up becoming more saturated to the point where healears are even more sought out than tanks? I got beta access yesterday and was able to play for a bit last night and in LFG/trade chat i noticed more LF Healer for X than LF Tank. Although this could have very well been out of the norm.

  8. #8
    1) yep going to be hard especially being melee or tank still tough as tank spots are limited. But if you hang on for a few months till things go dead (end of tier) your have a good chance of a spot some place as guilds start to struggle to recruit. Work your way up through guilds from there each tier providing the new potential guilds with logs to prove you know how to play well. The better you play the more great your chances.

    2) I think this depends on the player, i personally love the spam style of it and simplicity. Some might get bored fast and hate it. There is no second DPS spec to swap to and keep things fresh. But again no second DPS spec can be a good thing as well (no need to worry about extra artifact, one spec getting better than other).

  9. #9
    To add to my previous post I made second DH, this time vengeance spec. Oh boy its glorious, I was never much into tanking but his playstyle got me. I prefer DPS so I will main Havoc but vengeance can be great not only to queue faster for dungeons but also for some harder quests, mass pulls and leveling, theres 0 downtime.

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