1. #1

    Frenzied Regeneration - WeakAura

    Does anyone have a weakaura or addon that shows the estimated heal that Frenzied Regeneration would trigger at any given time? Currently, I am just using it whenever I see a major dip in health but it would be nice to have some values behind it.

    If anyone is a weakaura master, a perfect aura would have the following: Charges on FR, CD on FR if no charges, Show amount of heal, Green box or something around it when it is greater than the automatic 5% heal. Maybe it would be best as a bar?

    I used to have one like this for the old Blood DK with resolve and death strike but cannot find anything similar for the prepatch bear. Thanks so much for any help!

  2. #2
    You mean this? http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...-Regen-Tracker
    Just a few threads under yours...

  3. #3
    Don't know how I missed that. Ironically I am getting a new glasses Rx today... thanks much though!

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