1. #1

    Rogue legion - casual pvp, daggers only specs

    I main a paladin which i raid with and play somewhat hardcore with.
    Thing is i hate to pvp with it, and i find that rogue both in casual bgs or open world rustles my jimmies.

    I love both dagger specs of the rogue but am a bit concerned that assassination might become a bit stale, the mastery increases the damage of envenom and kingsbane (artifact ability) which for the most part is great, the pvp talents seem average.
    The spec might melt faces 1 on 1 but has poor control, survivability and movement, and the verdict is still out on how poorly exsanguinate could scale at lvl110.

    Subtlety on the other hand its unpeelable, and the mastery will surely provide some sick numbers and burst down the line (1year>), goremaws bite (artifact ability) and the pvp talents seem to keep you going and going.

    Does anyone with beta access or that at least tested both specs one afternoon comment on which spec seems to have the best faceroll to OP ratio in the long run?
    I wouldn't be asking stuff like this normally but we have to pic artifacts as you know, and sure as hell dont want to invest time and resources on a alt char`s spec only to regret it down the line.

  2. #2
    Sub is pretty face roll ATM.

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