1. #1

    Hunter Feedback post

    "Hunter Feedback
    Popping in to say we've been reading all the feedback here, and we have really appreciated everything posted so far.

    We've already made some changes based off feedback we've received in this thread and others, and we will continue to iterate and tune classes as needed. I don't have any direct updates on what changes will be coming when for Hunters, but the class is definitely on our radar."

    What do u guys speculate we got coming down the pipe?

  2. #2
    Nerfs... It's always nerfs.

  3. #3
    dots dots MOAR DOTS!

  4. #4
    nothing. just like alpha.

  5. #5
    Don't know enough about MM specifics to comment. It's top tier DPS so I don't know that it really needs to be messed with.

    BM increased ST damage really needs another button to push - Make Chimera shot baseline problem solved.

    SV- Redesign mastery OR make it so that any damage source can trigger the effect. Replace the class with a ranged spec (Kidding...mostly)

  6. #6
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Birmingham, Alabama
    I'm hoping dire beast moves to a charge system so we don't waste any. Buff KC and jaws of thunder. Reduce the focus cost of cobra shot and multi shot. Also buff titans thunder.

  7. #7
    The Patient
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Aerie Peak - US
    As far as raiding is concerned, this has been my favorite iteration of MM yet. I'd honestly prefer that as little as possible is changed.

  8. #8
    Jumping on board Fetacheeses' comment. I really like the PS/Barrage(AMoC)/SW build, sure there are frustrations but i like it in a subjective manner. Just wish it would be easier for others to play the spec they way they want to with out feeling bad for not being the most optimal build within small percentage amounts.

  9. #9
    Knowing Blizzard they're probably gonna make some drastic changes to Sidewinders/Barrage to noob proof it from pulling extra shit. Which in return will take a massive hit on our DPS and will take another month to compensate, if they even will.

    My guess.

  10. #10
    Yeah, there seem to be a lot of comments regarding people not liking the SW/Barrage play-style (in fairness some of the comments have been focused on the RNG which can be frustrating). I tried the other styles and didn't like it as much on a personal note. One way could also buff the other styles (or nerf barrage for example - 20% already!!!) So that the other play-styles are preferred.

    Even if they increase the skill reward ratio of the SW/Barrage (outside of the RNG equation) play-style but make any other style consistently better, i fear ppl will still be told to play it that way and get good or GTFO.
    Last edited by nukasa; 2016-10-07 at 02:40 AM.

  11. #11
    They could just make the arcane shot version of the spec more appealing rather than just slapping SW/Barrage

  12. #12
    Just give BM/MM traps back and replace the lone wolf talent with something more interesting. I'd be satisfied with just that, although ideally I'd want to change a lot more.

    Oh and also, for BM I'd much rather have cobra shot be like it was before (casted and gives a bit of focus). The current iteration is fucking stupid. I feel like it would smoothen out the rotation which feels fucking broken right now
    Last edited by aysatsana; 2016-10-07 at 03:40 AM.

  13. #13
    Another useless feedback topic ???
    And as isual is on US forums
    But if we have a chance someone from blizz actually to read it ... Would focus on few things
    First all Hunters need their Frozen trap if its so OP they just can disable it in PvP.
    Second BM should have a talent for 2 charges of Dire beast (ideal place is to replace Chimaera shot with it)
    MM should have Equal damage on Vulnerability with or without Patiernt sniper talent(50 extra foocus ismore than enough to make this talen viable and vulnerability from it can be raised to 8-10 secs if became too weak)
    SVV need more improved Explosive trap range should be 15 yards atleast because on some targets if you are on max range GG
    Last edited by mmoc2b5ad7a33a; 2016-10-07 at 04:14 AM.

  14. #14
    Vurnable is already changed in 7.1 max is 2 stacks each stack is 50%.

  15. #15
    Herald of the Titans
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    They probably won't be making any major play style changes until next expansion. Most likely just some balancing, honestly the class needs to be completely redone after they butchered it for legion.

  16. #16
    I thoroughly enjoy MM as it plays now and will be majorly pissed off if they try to "overhaul" it in 7.1

  17. #17
    Minor changes at best. Useless stuff like which type of beasts are summoned with dire beasts or barrage bullet tracer color.

  18. #18
    I actually enjoy MM as it is now, the RNG people talk about is pure bullshit, I have never had an issue with RNG. I feel also mobile enough (but I played a destrolock in WoD).

    I had to make a focus macro to focus the target furthers away, while dpsing a prio target close to me, and press my sidewinder macro to hit the focus to spread out sidewinder. So I actually enjoy that positions matters so much, it makes the spec somewhat deep.

    I'm sure they'll just fuck it up, making it even more noob friendly and cause of that, they need to nerf something, and then a month goes and they end up buffing us. Quite typical.

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