So, with shadow techniques being unreliable (has a CHANCE to proc from autoattacks instead of guaranteed procs from HaT) and shadowstrike generating 2 combo points out of 6 ... is it even possible to not waste combo points like ... all the time?

Say I have 0 combo points, I use dance at full energy. SS > SS that's 4 out of 6, but then shadowtechniques procs. Is it worth to not shadowstrike and just pool energy until shadow techniques procs again, wasting your third Shadowstrike ... or just shadowstrike and go over the cap? I assume you should NEVER 5cp eviscerate / nightblade because of the chance to refund 80 energy instead of 40 from deep strategem.

Kind of curious how people open. Personally I like to:

Shadow blades > SS > SS > nightblade > SS > Goremaw(If I didn't proc 80 energy. If I did, SS) > Eviscerate

^ In this scenario I already waste 1-2 CP by using goremaw, but I feel it's mandatory to keep the energy regen going during shadow blades, and to get it on CD.

Continuing from that rotation:
SS + SS > Evisc > SS + SS > Evisc (around here I start to run out of energy, and I end up sitting on 6cp for at least 1 shadow techniques proc. Doesn't matter if I pool energy before, because shadow techniques will still proc, and my SS will generate 3 CP anyways. :/ )

And you should also always use your finishers at low energy so that you don't get the +80 energy from the 6th combo point (20% chance) ...

Does anyone else find this super annoying? Seems like Sub is really clunky and wasteful atm.