1. #1

    Lets discuss the Illidan quest line and it's requirements

    I have not been able to find an answer to this question from the World of the Internet. What are the requirements to continue the quest line after the first part "Awakenings"? I finished it over a week a go but have received nothing after that.

    Does it require to you to finish your class campaign?
    Does it require you to have some ilevel?
    Does it require you to finish all dungeons/have the achievements from them?
    Does it require some level of Suramar rep?
    Does it require you to do something in some zone?

    All mysteries so far but no one seems to know.

  2. #2
    Just got the second one. It seems you always get a quest when you finish an Artifact knowledge research.

  3. #3
    I've been revered with nightfallen for a while.

    I noticed the little light thingy had a new quest after I got my second artifact knowledge upgrade. I would most likely have noticed the quest before that if it had been there, seemed to only appear after I got the next level of knowledge and sent my boys on some more missions. Headed to watch more illidan cutscenes right now.
    I like ponies and I really don't care what you have to say about that.

  4. #4
    So is it tied to your artifact research, then? I at phase two of artifact research but finishing the first phase didn't give me any new quests other than the book telling me about the artifacts.

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