Thread: kgPanels Script

  1. #1

    kgPanels Script

    I want to have a panel anchored to a frame, but want it to always be hidden until I click on another panel to show it.

    How can I make the panels always hidden?

  2. #2
    You could put 'self:Hide()' in the OnLoad section of the one that should be hidden (and 'kgPanels:FetchFrame("Frame name here"):Show()' in the OnClick section of the other one to make it be shown).

  3. #3
    Fixed this by hiding them OnLoad, then making them show OnClick on another frame.

    This is what I made with it (Some might find it plain stupid )

    Since I often make macros, Weakauras and stuff, I wanted an easy way of knowing the slots numbers.

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