1. #1

    Alliance - Lightbringer/Mazrigos - Moving To Mongolia - 2 Days a Week Raids

    Moving To Mongolia is a new (for Legion) guild run by an experienced core of players originally having raided together in various guilds during Vanilla, TBC and WoTLK. People eventually went their own way, but have still raided in all tiers and expansions. Having returned to WoW for the Legion expansion we are looking to build a successful raiding team to hammer through new and future raids.

    Because we understand that over years players who started off raiding in Vanilla most likely now have life commitments or interests in other things or games we have decided to put together a two day raid schedule; Wednesday and Friday, 19:30-23:00 server time with an optional raid on Sunday afternoons at 14:00-til whenever. Because of this schedule and the amount of progress we wish to make we will need players that are fully committed to Wednesday and Friday and are well prepared for raids; potions, flasks, food and have brushed up on their knowledge of encounters we will face (we’re not asking for expert knowledge, just an idea of what to expect in the fight) before the raid actually begins.

    We are currently looking for:
    - 1 healer
    - 2 DPS

    Of course as raid sizes are flexible we have nothing against recruiting more than we need, and would prefer having some flexibility. We are also open for social members but as our primary focus is raid progression on a compressed schedule we most likely will not do social fun previous content raids but do not discourage members from doing so as long as it does not conflict with raids.

    What we can offer you:
    Obviously you want to know why you should join our guild and not another;

    Raid progression and loot – Pretty simple and what most people play for; progression and loot. Clearing content is what we will do. Clearing more difficult content is also what we will do. With that comes loot and achievements.

    Focused raids on a compressed schedule – We’re here for 1 main reason; to clear content. That’s normal raids, heroic raids and mythic raids. We’re only asking for 2 days commitment and focus, which in terms of intensity is quite…well…intense, but we’re not asking people to give up their lives to raid. Whether your spare time involves playing other games or life commitments we aim to keep a nice balance between raiding and whatever else it is you do. We won’t be calling you up at 3am on Monday night asking you to raid, but just in-case we do PM me your number anyway.

    A good raid atmosphere – As we are specifically recruiting for like minded individuals we will have a raid group where everyone is on the same page, with the same goals in mind. Because of this we won’t have a 12 year old Romanian screaming at you to move out of the fire; it will instead be a 28 year old Norwegian passive-aggressively telling you to stand in his healing circle. But seriously, nothing good ever comes out of screaming at people and with everyone being here for the same reason on a tight timeframe we will be focused on the task at hand. Sure there will be disagreements, discussions and arguments as is natural, but our raiders are expected to handle these in a grown-up fashion.

    As with most things there are requirements:

    Commitment to the raid days – We will be raiding 2 days a week. In order to make good progress on our compressed raid schedule we need a full commitment to these 2 raid days (Wed/Fri 19:30-23:00) from our raiders. Obviously there are always exceptions; emergencies, work commitments and last minute plans that are important e.g a friend from out of town being visiting on that specific day.

    Be prepared – We won’t be messing about with a really boring tone of voice officer explaining tactics for half an hour while waiting for that one priest to pop to the auction house to buy some mana pots; a few minutes to strategize, buff up, position and then off we go. Because of this our raiders need to be prepared before any raid and any encounter. Brief yourself however you need to on encounters and have your food buffs and pots ready before hand (we have several alchemists and chefs ready in the guild that can help prepare things beforehand).

    Be an adult – Due to the nature of our guild we have an age requirement of 23+, of course if you are younger than this we can assess this on an individual basis.

    Ventrilo – We’re pretty ancient, we don’t have a Discord server, we have a Ventrilo server we have used for years, there may come a point when we need to change it. But that’s not right now so raiders will need to have it installed.

    If you would be interested in joining us as a raider either post in this thread, whisper or send an in-game mail to any of the following and we’ll get back to you ASAP:
    Lunchboxbear (sometimes Zenbear)

  2. #2
    w w w .mmo-champion.com/threads/2067345-Exceptional-DPS-looking-a-new-home

  3. #3
    Hi Newguybob,

    Thanks for your interest, you and your friends seem like the kind of players we'd like. Unfortunately we raid Wednesday and Fridays from 19:30-23:00 which is different from your availability, if theres any room for compromise we can discuss it. If not, I wish you luck in finding a guild!

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