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  1. #41
    Why even make these posts? Do people think it'll come true if they post shit like this?

  2. #42

  3. #43
    Lowcost trolling. You're not even trying...

  4. #44
    almost all of the original comment was/is pure garbage, this thread should just be locked and deleted for the sanity of all

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by caetist View Post
    Its simply what is being discussed around the campfire.
    Around my campfire we discuss the following:

    - new class: Cook
    - new cooking skill cap: 1000
    - new continent: Murlocania
    - expac goal: steal the food from murlocs, so that they will starve (Achievement: Dodo Murloc)
    - death knights will be removed from the game
    - mages get a tank spec
    - rogues get a healing spec (throwing syringes to heal you)
    Last edited by Nostromo93; 2016-09-20 at 09:28 AM.

  6. #46
    Foam armor obviously! What else could the new armor type be?

  7. #47
    I was very disappointed in the lack of effort you put into this OP. One of the worst fake leaks I've seen tbh.

  8. #48
    If anyone seriously believe this they need to go to the doctor and have checked for brain tumor. Something is completely wrong.
    1: 2017? Really?
    2: Nothing is set in stone? How should they produce so much content in that short time?
    3: Tinkers. Right.
    4: Inset another clearly fan boy service thing that wouldn't work out in a mmo that are focus mainly on pve.

  9. #49

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by caetist View Post
    Two New Races - Ogre, Naga, Dryads, & Murlocs ( They haven't chosen )

    New Class - Tinker ( A master engineer, from profession into class )

    Mounted Combat - While mounted, Attack speed and Casting time increased by double.

    Class level will be increased to 125

    This next expansion they are focusing to create the first "PvP" expansion in WoW.

    There will a new landmass, including starting zones for the two new races.

    Two new major cities that will based on the factions accomplishments. Almost like a garrison, But faction wide.

    Like the AQ event, Factions will farm materials needed to upgrade their major city, Towers, Walls, Bridges, Moats, Catapults, Keeps, Barracks, Everything.
    They are pretty much making the two major cities on the new land mass, into what warcraft 3 was suppose to be like. Horde and Alliance will start off with basic weak villages, and over the servers time period. Players can create more and more to their factions major city.

    PvP Bounties. There will be a auction house like building, that you will be able to place gold bounties on other players. With them bringing an item with proof of victory.
    In all honestly I remember seeing some decent rumors a few years ago about a warcraft game with a console release in mind and I can see them using these that are quoted but it wouldn't be an expac probably its own standalone game.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by caetist View Post
    I figured I would share from what is being discussed around the campfire.

    Believe me or not, I only share to excite your imagination.

    From what is spoken, nothing is set in stone.

    Two New Races - Ogre, Naga, Dryads, & Murlocs ( They haven't chosen )

    New Class - Tinker ( A master engineer, from profession into class )

    Mounted Combat - While mounted, Attack speed and Casting time increased by double.

    New Armor Type Above Plate

    Class level will be increased to 125

    This next expansion they are focusing to create the first "PvP" expansion in WoW.

    There will a new landmass, including starting zones for the two new races.

    Two new major cities that will based on the factions accomplishments. Almost like a garrison, But faction wide.

    Like the AQ event, Factions will farm materials needed to upgrade their major city, Towers, Walls, Bridges, Moats, Catapults, Keeps, Barracks, Everything.
    They are pretty much making the two major cities on the new land mass, into what warcraft 3 was suppose to be like. Horde and Alliance will start off with basic weak villages, and over the servers time period. Players can create more and more to their factions major city.

    PvP Bounties. There will be a auction house like building, that you will be able to place gold bounties on other players. With them bringing an item with proof of victory.

    For all you PvE players. There is talk about being able to turn ONE player into a world raid boss once every week. A Random player in the major cities, will have increased size, Damage, and health points. Actually Turning you into a world boss. Complete with a loot table designed for item scaling. Giving players a chance to move throughout the world as a raid boss.

    These are just some of the new things you can expect from the new 2017 expansion.
    Looks at join date... Yea... Like Im going to believe that

  12. #52

  13. #53
    Haha, not only is this an obvious fake, it's also a ridiculously bad fake (if it were to happen).

  14. #54
    I've just spoken with my mate who is an expert on legit stories and he told me it seems legit bro.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  15. #55
    2017 won't have an expansion... Blizzard explicitly stated multiple times that they tried the yearly expansion model and failed horribly at it. So they're moving away from said tactic. Also an expansion based around PvP? Lmao, what's next, an expansion focussed on pet battles? Plus they plan expansions years in advance, if they hadn't even finalised ideas for races yet at this point...

    ''For all you PvE players. There is talk about being able to turn ONE player into a world raid boss once every week. A Random player in the major cities, will have increased size, Damage, and health points. Actually Turning you into a world boss. Complete with a loot table designed for item scaling. Giving players a chance to move throughout the world as a raid boss.''
    This too is completely stupid. Random raid boss that could be anywhere in the world? How would people plan around this? How would lockouts work? Not to mention this will totally disrupt city life, the leveling experience and much more. Considering people were raging in trade about 1 minute dreadlords, this is bound to go well and this is just scratching the surface of the problems with your fake expansion ideas. Try harder next time

  16. #56
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caetist View Post
    Ogre, Naga, Dryads, & Murlocs ( They haven't chosen )
    Stopped reading there.
    Dryads and murlocs... aha, and thrall is batman.

    Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

    Formerly known as Arafal

  17. #57
    I wouldn't mind if the OP renamed this thread into "my idea for a wow expansion" we have plenty of those around, better and worse.

    Oh, and if he wouldn't hide behind 2-post-count smurf account.

    On topic, 2017 expansion - just nope.
    PVP focused expansion - not in this game mate. Go play HOTS or Overwatch.
    New class just after we got Demon Hunters? I sincerely doubt so, maybe in 2 expansions from now.
    A non humanoid body playable class? Nah, too much work to make armor fit. At best I'd expect Vrykul for Alliance / Ogre for Horde or something similar that has 2 arms 2 legs and a head separate from torso.

  18. #58
    These troll leaks are actually way better than Blizzard ideas which are amazingly boring and uncreative

  19. #59
    Lol aren't these threads supposed to happen a lot later than this?

    They aren't announcing a new expansion at Blizzcon. Get real.

  20. #60
    It's like you didn't even try.

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