1. #1

    How do i use Frozen Pulse optimally?


    so i get Frozen Pulse is absolutely amazing. i have AOE fights where it does about 30% of my damage. then i have fights where it does 5% of my damage, the thing is - does it do 30% because im sitting on no runes to cast other things, or does it do 30% of my damage because its just very good?

    so the question would be: how do i play with that.

    When i hit 0 runes, do i delay the next Froststrike only to prevent capping and keep up Icy Talons, or do i still use my Froststrikes to recover Runes and do another Obliterate? because when im sitting on 1 rune, Both frozen pulse wont trigger AND i cannot use Obliterate. I get that in those cases i would use Glacial Advance and Remorseless Winter, to get back to 0 runes. but what if these are on cd? do i use Froststrike in the hopes of recovering a rune or do i HB? Really clueless right now.

    also im playing the RA + Obli build, (2 2 3 3 2 2 3)

    Greetings, Toast

  2. #2
    You want to have no runes up thus why you want to attack 30% faster for more procs on frozen pulse. so yes using that last rune on frostsythe is what your suppose to do.

  3. #3
    i do not use frostscythe because i use runic attenuation.

  4. #4
    If you're using runic attenuation, then use your last rune on Remorseless Winter. Even prior to the buff it was a DPS increase to use the rune on RW to keep Frozen Pulse going. The buff just helps even more.

    In fact, you should always use RW over Frostscythe to keep Frozen Pulse going, unless you got a KM proc.

    Should be a non-issue in 7.1 assuming the change to Frozen Pulse goes through (works with 1 rune available).
    Last edited by Devwar; 2016-09-29 at 10:00 PM.

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