1. #1

    Log review request - N Cenarius (Resto)

    Hi all - I'm hoping to get some constructive criticism on things I can improve on for this fight. We got a kill, but I think I probably should have healed it better. The things that I saw from looking at the logs myself were:

    Healing Rain - I didn't use it often enough, given there is a lot of stacked time in P1 either attacking the boss or attacking stacked up nightmare forces.
    Gift of the Queen - I should probably use this more often since it's free. Feels a little underwhelming for how long the cast time is, but...it's free.
    HST - Surprisingly given I'm running Echoes, I only had 14 casts of this in an 8:02 fight. This is not normally something I fail at, so I'm not sure what happened here.

    Other than that nothing in particular jumps out at me as a glaring failure, so hopefully I'll get some comments/tips to help me improve here. Thanks in advance for taking the time!



  2. #2
    You already mentioned healing rain and gift of the queen, so that'd be good to improve on. You're also spec'd for high tide and deluge, but you barely cast chain heal at all. That fight has a lot of stacked time, as you yourself noted, thus chain heal with healing rain down will give you a ton of healing very efficiently. Echo doesn't actually give you more HST uptime beyond one extra totem drop; you just need to remember to use it when you get to 2 charges. As for gift of the queen, it's a big free heal on 6 people increasing 10% hp. It's always efficient to use on stacked people with some missing hp. You're instead using a lot of your mana and gcds on healing surge, which you're not spec'd for at all, do less of that.

    TL;DR: Use healing rain on cd in the stack, chain heal into that stack when people lose some health, use less HS.

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