1. #1

    Started new rogue, go to spec for focusing on mythic+?

    I understand outlaw good at the start due to cleave, but what about higher ilvls? concidering i dont have leveld up artifact weaps atm

  2. #2
    High mythic+ is all about assassination.

  3. #3
    honestly all 3 are pretty good
    ive done a few ~10+s as sub recently and it was working out fine
    you consistently have high damage and are not cooldown reliant at all

    your AOE is OK, your cleave is OK and your ST is also OK, you dont really excel at anything but you're also not bad at anything, so it's the perfect filler spec
    outlaw is more about huge AOE burst and cleave
    and assa is more about wrecking bosses and sub is in the middle

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